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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. The Flood is always a problem even without Halos
  2. I disagree with everything you said. Respectfully of course. Armor customization having effects on gameplay would create advantages and disadvantages for some players and like someone said earlier since the better armor is unlocked later it would give a distinct advantage to players who had the game longer leaving newcomers to get destroyed. Halo takes more skill to play than CoD being that each player has the same amount of shields, the same amount of health, same weapons and other like things. The skill differential however is how and how well you use them. As for the engine I think Reach has the smoothest engine of all the Halo titles given it is the latest Halo. I'm all for armor customizations just not for them having effects.
  3. Hahah I feel so dumb. I guess that kid of confirms the drop pods but it doesn't explain why pelicans are there? Actually it doesn't really provide any clue as to why drop pods are there? It's not even really clear if those are drop pods?? I doubt it now that I realize they have thrusters. I also think those are falling rocks at 0:56
  4. http://www.google.co...=1t:429,r:3,s:0 Ok so I came across this picture while watching a video by Halo 4 Follower on Youtube and I wanted to know what everyone else thought. This is all speculation of course. Here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0S00Exw2LU The pistol seen in the video that John used in the trailer looks like the Halo 3 pistol to me with an attachment on the front.
  5. It never really occurred to me how much this video told until it was brought to my attention again recently. The video clearly shows the world Master Chief is or could possibly be on and its massive. There are tons of Forerunner structures and a lot of green areas in the shield world. One of the first important things I found was the moving object at around 0:24. If you pause it at the right time you can see something triangular or pyramidal flying at a high speed with a vapor trail which could possibly be the escape craft used to get off the Forward Unto Dawn or knows? There are a lot of Sentinels and protectors of all different shapes and sizes, some even resemble dolphins at around 1:04. These happen to inspecting what look like drop pods and there are a few there. Throughout the video it is shown that Chief is in a large area with lots of Space to roam, or so it seems. Clearly the story will be linear and will not have you allowed to roam around wherever you want, it will probaby be like Halo 3 and Reach where there are gigantic levels in the campaign but you have to follow a certain path and most of it is scenery that is blocked off. I believe the concept art of the ship from outer space and the Sentinels inspecting it is concept art for cinematics. Then around 1:09 you see large metal things with thrusters which I believe are larger Sentinels or protectors but am open to the possibility of them being ships of some sort. HOWEVER I also notice there at the bottom left what I think is more than one figure. It's definitely not certain whether that's just what the piece of metal whomever (most like John) is standing on is shaped like or there are other figures there but I noticed it as I was going through the video slowly. I believe it is just one more figure on his left and the one's on his right are scrap metal. Or it could all be scrap metal I don't know for sure. Sticking with the same scene you could also see fire on the left indicating something chaotic might be going on along with the groaning sound of the video. Last but not least everybody sees the part after the Halo 4 logo comes up with the shaking camera and a moving image and a big red light. This has been said to resemble a Precursor and I agree to some extent. I could believe this would be a Precursor with more proof. There aren't many Precursors left and to me it'd feel too early to introduce Precursors but if you freeze the video at certain points you can make out some features of a tall creature that kind of resembles Alien. Post theories and ideas of what you think is to come in Halo 4 based on the video.
  6. I like this theme a lot it gives the upcoming Halo a mysterious feeling that I love
  7. I love Xplay but I don't get G4 at school sad face
  8. Definitely bring back some god maps from the previous Halos
  9. I think it's the same armor but the nanotech upgraded itself
  10. If playing Halo Wars makes me a noob then yes I gladly take the title I love Halo Wars, it sounds like you play it too though so I'm not seeing where you're going with this
  11. You recognize the line, I just happened to write it. Good point. You got me. I quit halogod you win bro
  12. Wow good for you haha that's why you guys are all so successful in life now I bet
  13. Dude. You're a loser. Just stick to Halo 2 and XBC for the rest of your life sweaty.
  14. Ok Halo2Veteran, everybody and their mother uses the ammo crates because they're there. Plain as day, yes I've used them they're so insignificant that no one found it important to bring them back in 3 other Halo games made since Halo 2. You know why there aren't ammo crates near a sniper rifle of any other power weapon so you can quickly restock when you're low or out of ammo? For a power balance. Because if you run out of ammo you can't keep using the power weapon over and over that is why they are gone. Yes if the enemy realizes you are out of ammo they will come after you, they're going to come after you whether you have ammo in the gun or not because you have a power weapon. Having ammo boxes in a multiplayer map is a stupid idea especially with how powerful weapons are in the modern games. I'm not a noob bud you just think you're way too good
  15. Childish Gambino is so underrated

  16. I didn't really notice them either those things were probably the least important thing about Halo's multiplayer haha
  17. I agree to an extent. After the logo comes up you can definitely see something that at least relates to a Precursor but the only one left is the Timeless One. So I think if anything, yes that one might be in it but not Precursors.
  18. I made a new map. It's basically just an adventure map where you and a group of people go through all of forge world overcoming obstacles and challenges and I'm looking for players to play it for a little so message me an I'll invite you when we wanna play. My gamer tag is LL Kool D
  19. I've thought about this before. I don't think players' abilities should change with what armor they wear but I don't think they should make certain armor so expensive. For example: wrist guards, utilities, knee guards. Those are pretty useless other than the way they look I don't think they should be as expensive as they are in the game if they have no extra purpose. Reaching certain ranks to get certain armor is a good idea to me though.
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