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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Not sure but I find that a lot more players play now, it went from hundreds to thousands. If you ever felt like playing my tag's LL Kool D
  2. I would like to be able to throw grenades a littl farther than I can in Reach with less powerful frags and easier grenade physics like Halo 2 and Halo 3. As for the enemy tagging system I've actually wanted that since I played Gears 3. The tagging system in Gears 3 works very well and if Halo can somehow adapt its own version of it, like maybe outlining the tagged enemy in red for a few seconds, that'd be cool.
  3. SuperIntendant has a thread with both episodes in it here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/5587-halo-helljumpers-episode-1-2/page__pid__56871#entry56871
  4. I'm gonna get the regular edition and just look up the stuff that comes with the other editions because I don't really need them myself
  5. I didn't even read the whole thing but after getting through vehicles and halfway through weapons I smacked myself for going that long, I'm sorry to say this but those are such bad ideas that you would think the kid who wrote them did so on purpose as a joke
  6. I agree with both of you in terms of weapons: I want te brute shot, mauler, battle rifle, carbine and beam rifle. Having an elephant in btb on reach would be so fun so hopefully it'll come back in Halo 4. I agree with not bringing the prowler back but the spectre was almost the same thing but for the non-brute part of the covenant.
  7. They're the intelligence of the UNSC. Everything they do or say has double or hidden meanings, they're sneaky and cuniving but that's part if the business of intelligence. They're the CIA, FBI, and Illuminati together and are in charge of all the black ops.
  8. Glad that I can be back on the site again!

    1. Azaxx


      Wondr what happened to it

    2. Drizzy_Dan
  9. The Reach ranking system is really bad in my opinion because it's based on skill it's based on experience so you don't necessarily have to be good to be a high rank. Halo 3's is also flawed as well because even though it takes more skill it's just easy for people to boost and level up if they have a fresh account. I think they should bring back the Halo 2 ranking system.
  10. There's gonna be a Halo 5 AND a Halo 6. They announced that they're making a new trilogy of Halo with 4 being the first of the three.
  11. I'm not seeing it likely that 343 will jump into Precursors straight from the beginning though, I know we won't only be fighting Sentinels but we're hitting a shield world- it's made of Sentinels and it's logical to assume we'd be coming in contact with them. As for sentient life forms I don't think they want us to meet the Precursors or Forerunners yet or possibly we will but near the second half of the game.
  12. Soccer and Freerunning, freerunning moreso now than soccer because I can do it by myself anytime
  13. This is a good thread topic. I went to a friend's house and played Halo 2 online and had a lot of fun playing with my friends and eventually I picked up my own xbox with Halo 2 and haven't looked back
  14. Not my best night

    1. ZB-85
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Haha I appreciate the concern, it was just a stressful night dude I won't go further into detail but thanks for asking

  15. It better come out holiday 2012, what if we don't make it to 2013??? loljk
  16. I doubt it. The game is going to take place on a Forerunner shield world called Sigma 7 so there's most likely going to be Sentinels as the enemy
  17. I think the battle rifle will be in Halo 4 because Chief didn't have a DMR in any of the Halos. It doesn't. Necessarily mean there weren't some DMRs on the Forward Unto Dawn but I think it's going to revert back to the BR
  18. Extremely disappointed episode 2 didn't come out today
  19. It's a tie between Halo 3 and Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. That game is just awesome and I've played and replayed it so many times.
  20. I love Drake's music and idolize him and the OVOXO crew I think that's obvioius enough haha
  21. I think it could have dual wielding but not a team duals gametype that was the dumbest thing I had ever played in Halo 3
  22. I hate 8 am classes...

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