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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. In the video provided by ReadyUpLive above you can see all the goodness mentioned if you pay close attention. Infection was the obvious headliner in this but did you notice they were playing on a remix of Torque? With Jun's Scout Mk. V [GEN 1] armor. (NOT OFFICIAL NAME FOR HALO 5) Jorge's Mk. V [GEN 1] Grenadier set. (UNOFFICIAL DESIGNATION) Kat's Mk. V [GEN 1] Air Assault variant with her signature Command Network Module-Improved and Up Armor plate attachments (UNOFFICIAL DESIGNATION). And of course, Emile's Mk. V [GEN 1] EVA with scratched skull and Kukri knife while infected. What do you guys think? If we're getting these all in next update then it should be the biggest to date. Memories of Reach's teaser stole the show yesterday after the live stream of the Ghosts of Meridian update launching TODAY. Leave thoughts on what you want to see next month! Huge thanks to HTA for providing screenshots.
  2. #MemoriesOfReach stole the show yesterday! Check out the teaser and reveals here: http://343i.org/3ch #Halo

  3. Xbox support generally sends people here because they believe this is the official site because of our name. That or 343 has told them to direct people here so they don't have to listen to people's complaints and fix them. Anyway, you're right this is community run and I'm glad you caught that. You aren't the first with this problem. My friend's Arena REQ bundle didn't come at all this week although I don't know how long ago he bought it, I'm doubting it's been 7 weeks though. My advice is to leave your thread on Waypoint and wait for someone to respond with help or for someone who can fix it to do so. Try checking your REQs online at Waypoint as well.
  4. Hey welcome to the site! I've been on board with Halo 5 since release I love it. If you ever want to join us when we play, you can add my GamerTag: LL Kool D.
  5. rwby volume 3 was insanely intense. I'd like to thank everyone who spoiled it with statuses causing me to watch it quicker.

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      still haven't watched it because of the spoilers ;-;

    2. Akali
    3. Delpen9
  6. Good news OP if you still watch this thread: supposedly the Spartan Laser is being fixed, hopefully the way we all want it to be.
  7. I would love it but I can't picture it. It's unbelievable the injustice committed to Spartan team Black - killing them off-screen in a failed attempt at shock value. Shock was achieved but it was more resentment that I think most people felt.
  8. REQs revealed, New Arena and Warzone map details unveiled!: http://343i.org/3c7

  9. And we will be continuing to update it as more REQs come out
  10. Arena is the closest we're gonna get to an objective playlist for now. I mean it's a good playlist if you ask me.
  11. It started at Mach 7. We've actually been toning it up lately but that's off topic.
  12. Hi Maggie, glad to have you back. Hopefully you can join us for game nights on Halo 5.
  13. True but Mayh3m showed me a snap of his inbox which can't be faked but that doesn't mean I'm not suspicious still. I had him invite me to the PM with Yoshi as well and it's clean. I'm also in that older PM from a previous mafia game made by Caboose. Wam hasn't shown any proof. I think we should go Mayh3m after this if we're wrong though.
  14. It's getting pretty late in the game and people are going to have to start dying. Do you have any evidence you could provide that shows you aren't the mafian?
  15. I'm going to have to change my vote to Batman after seeing the latest evidence from Mayh3m. Anyone have reason to suspect Wam other than the fact that he hasn't said a thing this game making him really suspicious?
  16. It sounds like you forget to take yourself out of matchmaking after each match so you stay searching while you look at your apps and then get kicked for inactivity thus leading to a ban that gets longer and longer each time it happens. Make sure to back out of matchmaking or quit Halo 5 from the Home every time you stop playing.
  17. Hm. Something's still suspicious. @@Fishy if I trusted you more this game I could surely prove that I'm not mafian through Snapchat but you're being a total question mark by sticking to Ni Nihon's innocence even though I know you're pro-town. I stick to my vote for now.
  18. Because you haven't been voting for anything but tequila lol! Let's see a pic of your inbox. Here's mine: Flawed logic to you or not, I already said I'm fine with going down this round because they'll go after you next.
  19. I decided that since this is a REQ thread, we could use it to speculate and discuss upcoming REQs instead of there being separate threads made. March's Ghosts of Meridian update brings us new Gravity Hammers, Suppressors, a new Warzone map, a new Arena map that is possibly the Rig remix we saw in the Sprint, new skins not from the Spartan's Armory Pack, the new Dynast armor set with two variants, a new skin on Mk. V A. and possibly Mk. IV Gen 1 next to it, new stances, assassinations, emblems, and maybe a new armor mod. Oh and the crazy new Hannibal Mantis and Scorpion. Share your thoughts and discuss further here.
  20. I'm actually going to vote Stark on this one because he's the only one besides me who's been on the list twice. I also think Batman is mafian too because this is the quickest I've ever seen her vote but she's never been on the lynch list before so it's safer to go with the other choice. It's actually fine if I die here because then you can take m word and go after Stark after this. Although I have a feeling he's Warden. Ni Nihon has been trying to kill me since the beginning of the game so she's also suspicious whether Fish says she's Engineer or not.
  21. I've had that happen but not for nearly as long. It happens when the server crashes and everyone in the game is about to get kicked. Dancing Warden had some moves!
  22. those are just weapons with other weapons placed on top of them to make them look like different weapons.
  23. Honestly I find games perfectly. I'm not sure if it's a regional thing but most matching issues are a matter of connection. Make sure your internet speed is up. Try hardwiring your Xbox One to your router using an ethernet cable if possible and see if that helps.
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