Me and Yoshi just tried your map out! Ok lots of things to point out:
It does dwarf any other BTB map but that is not necessarily a good thing. You can't get anywhere on the map very easily unless you've got a vehicle. Speaking of the vehicles, I feel there are way too many on the map. Also there are too many weapons on the map and the weapon pads make the bases look very clustered. There are also a lot of random placements on the map and by that I mean the Ghost spawns and the Sword and Shotgun spawns.
I like the resemblance to Blood Gulch with the 2-base and middle style. Another thing I like is the bottom part of the map under the Spartan Laser. That's a very cool looking chamber that reminded me of the aesthetics from Halo 2 Forerunner aesthetics on multiplayer maps like Containment. I think you should shorten the map drastically to revolve around this bottom chamber but keep the 2 bases. You should get rid of just about every Warthog and the Phaetons and Tanks and possibly keep the Banshees and the Laser at the top of the mountain to combat them.