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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Yo there Locust, recognize you from Archive. Welcome to our humble abode.
  2. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/canon-fodder-fauna-getaway This week Lore Lord Grim gives us the names of the fauna life forms we find on the settings scene in Halo 5: Guardians during Campaign and multiplayer such as the flying creatures of Genesis and the whale-like creatures outside of Fathom. There are also some great Universe entry updates.
  3. To everyone that wants splitscreen back I say, "Get your own damn Xbox!" 60 FPS FTW
  4. So you want Halo: Reach on Xbox One is what you're saying?
  5. This game raised so many questions. My favorite is: what truth were we hunting and did we find it?
  6. You may now discuss spoilers in here but please use spoiler tags and label properly.
  7. No but if you haven't tried Warzone I recommend it.
  8. THIS. CANON FODDER. IS. AMAZING. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/canon-fodder-reqlamation-begins
  9. I agree with you sir. I respect what 343 was trying to do with the story fully but I am neither impressed nor all too content. Also, I know you haven't mentioned anything yet, but try to keep this conversation spoiler free until after this weekend.
  10. Wasn't sure if it was possible but Grim actually one-upped the last Canon Fodder this week! https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/canon-fodder-locke-load Model names for the weapon variants and currently used weapons for UNSC and Covenant and awesome new Universe entries including one Kamchatka, the setting where the first mission is played as Fireteam Osiris.
  11. Welcome back everyone to another installment of Interviews with Stars of the Community: Unfinished/Failed Interviews. This was a fun interview at the start until I got ignored due to business or boredom or I don't know what. But at the time when I actually was psyched about talking to Ducain, this was a big deal for me. The interview is from February 2013: DD: "Ducain, can you give us a short synopsis of how you became the greatly looked up to guy you are?" D23: "To tell you the truth, I have no idea...lol... I started my channel to just show off my maps I made in Reach. I never expected people to actually look up to me, but I guess my nice and optimistic personallity could have contributed " DD: "You have what we all dream of as Halo fans, you've reached the Halo Fan's Dream Ducain it's pretty incredible. What are some things that 343 Industries has had you do for them in the past?" D23: "343 Industries has sent me videos to upload to my channel before they are officially released! Also, they sent me one video that was exclusive to my channel " DD: "That is nothing short of awesome. Have you had any personal contact with any members of 343?" D23: "You bet!! I was emailing back and forth with Jessica (BS Angel) at 343 Industries since I started doing Halo 4 news. Then when I went to RTX 2012, I got to meet most of them! The craziest thing is that every 343 employee knew who I was when I met them (even Frank O'Connor) and they said they love my custom maps!! Then I was invited to a late night private party at RTX, where I got to hang out with 343 Industries, Rooster Teeth, MLG people and of course play Halo 4. During the private event, Adam Crist, Lead Designer at Certain Affinity, came up to me and asked if I wanted to come to their offices in a few weeks and play Halo 4. Of course I said YES, but unfortunately when they asked Microsoft's permission for me to do this, Microsoft said no Anyways, currently I am still emailing back and forth between 343 Industries and Certain Affinity " DD: "That's freaking incredible. Freaking is not the word I want to use but to keep it rated PG-13 let's just use that. That is what I dream of haha. So with meeting RoosterTeeth, Certain Affinity, and 343 Industries, has anyone talked to you about making a cameo voice over in any games or anything?" D23: "No they haven't, but you never know for Halo 5!! My friends over at ReadyUpLive have known 343 and Bungie longer than I have and they actually got a little Easter Egg in Halo 4. Lethbridge is the town where they live and 343 created a "fake" Lethbridge Industrial, where that company creates Spartan Armor. Just look at where some of the armor is made next time you are in Halo 4. If something like this ever happens, I don't know what I would do! Just imagine being immortalized within a video game... awesome " DD: "Just imagining the contact you've had with 343 and RoosterTeeth and Certain Affinity is already awesome! That would be truly amazing though if you got to be a voice extra in the next game. So Ducain, how did you come in contact with 343i.org?" D23: "It was a while ago when the someone, I can't remember who, told me to go check it out. So I figured I might as well and from then on I loved the site! Then just recently, Absolute Dog contacted me and wanted to collaborate with each other to help out the Halo community. I would never say no to helping the community, so that is how this wonderful partnership happened " The end. Ducain eventually got invited as a Cartographer to test Halo 5's Forge. Thank you for reading this failed interview and hail Twam.
  12. Hey there zRexx, welcome to the site!
  13. The Halo 5: LIVE ads are wonderful

  14. It sounds like the only things you can do is get an Xbox One. OR you can see if any friends have a hard copy they'd be willing to trade with you.
  15. I wouldn't say AIs become "human" in metastability, but they are definitely conscious beings. Cortana and Iona are absolutely under this category. By the way, great response Caboose.
  16. It's for Awards that users lost in the process. You, sir, still have your Helping Hand Award - Cooliest Drizzy We never figured out the cost but it was out of our budget. That one I can assure you lol
  17. Some damn good looking Awards if you ask me.
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