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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. There is a new picture and new episode up right now: http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/tagged/s2
  2. Honestly I really take mi time when reading lol an unnecessarily long time but ok good just checking
  3. Going to order this online soon but I doubt I'll finish it before Halo 5 comes out? Is that necessary like Hunters in the Dark? Or would it be just fine if I got it finished before Halo Wars 2 just in case that did end up being the same Brute?
  4. So we've seen some major gameplay and footage from Halo 5 recently and we've found out a lot of things. IGN has the list of skulls up from what I've heard but I've not yet checked it out myself. The Blue Team opening cinematic was beautiful and I think I liked it better than Osiris's. Osiris's had a lot of action but Blue Team really knows how to clear a room and make it look easy. (Which it was for them). The silent gestures of the Chief say it all. He still misses Cortana, his soulmate of an AI. A lot of people complained about Spartans flying around which I'm sure they'll do again with this one but you have to understand that these thousand pound juggernaut's are barreling through zero g and steering with their thruster packs. Same can almost be said with Osiris. They're doing a high altitude drop leaving enough hangtime for them to steer around mountains and through ship gaps with the precision of a Spartan using their thrusters. Swords of Sanghelios has been renamed Enemy Lines according to ReadyUpLive. He showed off about 5 minutes each from Enemy Lines and Blue Team and let us see weapons we haven't seen yet like the Incineration Cannon, Railgun, and SAW. Data pads have been confirmed as seen in RUL's gameplay so I'm psyched about what story those will be telling. Something that's really got me intrigued is the amount of different routes you can take through your mission depending on style or exploration or tactical advantage. It reminds me of Splinter Cell which is one of my favorite games. So adding in collectibles to the mix may sound tedious right now to some but think of the replayability it adds to this campaign. Does anyone else want to contribute to this thread at all?
  5. they've tried to decipher it on HA but nothing came up, it's most likely aesthetic
  6. Edited the topic title to be the official discussion for Hunt the Truth Season 2. Season 2 is not what I expected at all. I was really looking forward to Petra's story but I'm not disappointed in the least that it follows FERO. So FERO's identity has been revealed. 343 surely knows how to make a compelling story I don't care about any complainers who think differently. Can't wait for the rest.
  7. I'm looking forward to playing as Chief more especially because I want to see how his side plays out
  8. I was really looking forward to some info on Hunt the truth 2.. Also was hoping for a little info on the whereabouts of some prophets but I guess that's what Shadow of Intent will be about. Starting to wonder if we're even getting hunt the truth season 2 this month
  9. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/canon-fodder-what-s-urs-is-ours
  10. Well like all other titles, they're going to start with the standard playlists first when Halo 5 launches. Maybe over time we'll get something like Action Sack as we've seen in MCC and that should contain Rocket Race and possibly an Assassination only gametype?
  11. New Blood was a sensational read. A lot of people complained about the events that occurred in the story but I think that's because they didn't read it and just heard about it. The story jumps around but that keeps it all interesting. Matt Forebeck did an amazing job researching and developing Buck's character. This story says A LOT about his moral character not just physical appearance and his possible role in Halo 5: Guardians. One of my new favorite post-war pieces of media after Hunt The Truth. It also gave me an entirely new perspective of Buck.
  12. DilDev liked my post on HaloArchive. Oh my goodness.

    1. Unease Peanut
    2. Melody


      I got a like from Twam before...

  13. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-09-14/pokemon-company-details-new-zygarde-forms-ash-greninja-from-upcoming-tv-anime/.92929
  14. I want the MLG gametypes back and not Team Hardcore. It's not the same.
  15. Same but I'm actually more interested in The Minister of Etiology. And Hunt the Truth Season 2. I'm very eager for this next Canon Fodder. I hope he answers some community questions too.
  16. Chief doesn't change his armor because it's basically a part of him, because that's how all Spartans feel about their Mjolnir suits. The reason the Needler holds different amounts of ammo between games and actually has different appearances is because they're actually different variants of the Needler. The Needlers found on Reach were not the same found in Halo: CE or in Halo 4. Double barreled automatic shotgun is not a good idea in my opinion.
  17. Thanks for helping with lore when it's needed here BaconShelf
  18. There's only one Spartan that didn't get extensive back story and that's Tanaka. Locke got a live action series that showed his character and why he was chosen as a Spartan, there's a whole book on Olympia Vale, and we all know Buck from ODST but there's also a short novel written from his perspective and it's wonderful. Tanaka got a backstory but it was only like 3 issues long lol. I choose Spartan Locke. He's a leader and he always gets job done. Everyone on Osiris is awesome and I like them each for particular reasons but Locke is just the down-to-business type.
  19. It's come to my attention just recently that we don't have a dedicated thread for talking about the beautiful Canon Fodders that our Lorelord GrimBrother One does his absolute best to put out for us on a weekly basis to give dedicated Halo Universe fans that extra pinch to get them through this wait for Halo 5: Guardians. Each week Grim does things like answer community lore questions, interview writers and other employees from 343 Industries, and lets us know when Universe entries have been added or updated. He even gives some hints in his Canon Fodders for what's to come sometimes. This is why he is our Lorelord. The latest Canon Fodder - Infinity & Beyond - was a really juicy one. We got a good interview with Duffy Bourdreau, writer of Halo: Escalation, about what some of his favorite parts of working for 343 are and about Escalation of course. Grim went more in depth on Fleet Battles which is really starting to pique my interest! This week we finally see BB's in-universe appearance, he is as you would imagine trust me. And Iona's entry was updated but don't read if you haven't read Saint's Testimony yet. Which you should have! It's only a dollar! Lastly though, something that I mentioned earlier was about how he even sometimes leaves hints in his Canon Fodders. He saw us off by saying, "If you're hunting for details on other upcoming Halo fiction, you'll probably want to turn in next week, just saying." His wording definitely teases at Hunt the Truth Season 2! I'll post weekly links and anyone interested can discuss here. Cheers lore lovers.
  20. What's the Section 3 ARG? Does that refer to in-universe ONI or the group that won Hunt the Signal?
  21. This was a major problem with Halo 4 and I'm fully ready to enforce this policy.
  22. Yes you will have to make a Yahoo account to participate in the Yahoo league. It's not a difficult process.
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