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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. My unchanging sig is from the best cinematic of Halo Wars and one of the best cutscenes in all of Halo:

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    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      But why didn't they have shields in the first place or use Plasma weaponry?

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Good questions. I guess they didn't have plasma weapons because Honor Guards are known for using weapons like Energy Swords or the lances we see in the cinematic. Halo Wars requires you to upgrade Honor Guards to have personal shields for them but I don't know why these particular ones did not have any.

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I know...


      Its because the cutscene wanted to make the Spartans look awesome. At the expense of basic common sense.

  2. This is too accurate I loled. You know who loves CE and actively plays the playlist solely dedicated to CE? @Adam91. And I play with him sometimes and we run ****
  3. A fan favorite. I love the intra-universe references being pointed out
  4. This is an interesting idea that EK told me about as well and I thought it was a possibility. I think it'd be an excellent tie into the story. The biggest problem is that Halsey was declared dead to the public as of the glassing of Reach in 2552 so ONI would most likely not let a civilian journalist who does jobs for them meet her.
  5. With the recent development in Hunt the Truth I thought I'd gather some theories that have been formed so far and put them here as food for thought and get this week's discussion started. This week we heard voices from a the community as messages to Ben but nothing really important. They did a good job though. We got to hear Petra being a badass and almost shooting Benjamin's face off, Ray cowering in fear, and some good comedy from Mishak. But none of that compares to the great introduction of the mysterious character codenamed Pharaoh. Pharaoh is the contact of Mishak who gave him information on Walker's flight to hack ONI and redirect Ben onto it thus disproving the theory that Sully had previously planned that mishap. A noteworthy mention is that Pharaoh is a woman as stated by Mishak. The leading theory is this: Dr. Halsey goes by the codename Pharaoh in order to help Ben uncover the truth behind her Spartan project. Here's an awesome connection put together by Chronarch over at HaloArchive: Another key part of this episode comes from the audio heard at the end. The team over at Section 3 was able to use some software (Audacity to record, Spek to see the illuminations corresponding to the soundwaves) to create this image here: Notice that it points to the Ford video website stolengauntlet.com thus confirming that it was a real video. On top of that, if you link this image with the fact that the Ford video also shows stolengauntlet.com in it and take a look at the uploader, you'll see Shar Eldy. Shar Eldy is an anagram for Dr. Halsey. This brings us back to our circle of evidence that Halsey may very well be Pharaoh. Only questions I have is how are they communicating? If she were in human-controlled space wouldn't someone know? Can she beam this transmission to him with something she found using the Janus Key? Edit: Another connection made by HaloArchive's Reiku - Shar Eldy (Dr. Halsey anagram) is responsible for posting the Ford video displaying stolengauntlet.com. Stolengauntlet.com is related to HunttheSignal which is related to HunttheTruth which brings us back to Pharaoh. What is Halsey missing?? Her arm therefore she wouldn't need a gauntlet there. Stolen... Gauntlet...
  6. Thank you 343 Industries Community Forum for being patient in the announcement of our latest Member of the Month. This month our choice is one of the friendliest members to ever hit the site. He's always got something nice to say and likes to contribute to the forums a bunch as well. Interests include: Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars, Halo, long walks on the beach, pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. Members, give it up for: Congrats buddy We had a couple strong candidates this month as well. There were a good amount of you who put in a lot of work and The Moderating Team is really hoping and encouraging that you continue to put that same effort in this month.
  7. The driver issues are fixed. You better thank Twam.

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Don't tell me what to do

  8. I sent Uprising to Vitamin but it didn't work the first time so I sent it again. We'll see if it has any success this time around. If not I'll try to upload it myself. Edit: Uprising has been added to the Community Dropbox. Edit 2: The Halo Graphic Novel has been added to the Community Dropbox. Edit 3: The full The Fall of Reach novel is here at this website: http://s3.amazonaws.com/szmanuals/dda956e6212b5299176ca2678f51bad8
  9. Hey guys, @Vitamin Pwn made a handy dandy dropbox for everyone to go through Initiation, Blood Line, and Helljumper! Dropbox here. Edit: Vitamin, as stated below, has added Uprising to the Dropbox.
  10. Want Uprising and Blood Line in PDF?
  11. I'm sure everyone's noticed that I've fallen in love with the Halo lore again as you can see from my recent topics. Here's a place for people to post about any Halo lore they've read before: favorite parts, characters, stories. It all goes here. 343i has been doing a great job answering lore questions and delivering stories from around the Halo universe for us. A much better job than Bungie that's for sure. Halo is more than a game or a book now and it's actually a growing universe with tons of people and places and events. I'd like to start by saying how much I appreciate Black Team and how disturbed I am at how easily they were thrown away in Escalation. I don't understand it at all. I could absolutely understand Rookie's death and I think that's good writing. Sad, but good writing. Black Team didn't even put up a fight from the looks of it but miraculously Blue Team could survive and fight against the Didact. Now I definitely don't want Blue Team dead but I would've liked Spartan Black to be critically wounded and saved eventually. Maybe one death would've been good too but the whole team that we've followed starting with Blunt Instruments in Halo: Evolutions through Halo: Blood Line. And where is Iona for that matter? The end. I've read: The Fall of Reach Uprising Blood Line Initiation Cole Protocol Ghosts of Onyx Glasslands Evolutions I & II Essential Visual Guide The Flood First Strike The Thursday War Contact Harvest I wanna read: Everything Great place to keep up with lore updates and clarifications is Grim's blog Canon Fodder which can also be talked about in here if you want. Also make sure to take a look at the Halo lore sources link provided by @BaconShelf pinned in this forum.
  12. Frank O'Connor calls MCC a "black eye" for 343i and talks eSports:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Composite Armour
    3. Drizzy_Dan


      This video is Movie Maker'd it's obvious

    4. Delpen9


      It'll need to be expertly analyzed by the Bnus.

  13. Hey Commander Prime didn't know you were a member here for so long! Nice analysis! Here's some stuff I wanna add on if you will: So it's already been confirmed but for anyone who needs anymore convincing, they are in fact on Sanghelios (disregard the colored circles in the image, I made it using someone else's image): http://imgur.com/33zUdIU As for the Guardian and Forerunner bird-like construct, I think they are both going to be making an appearance in the game and they are definitely different. The Arbiter seems to have a connection to the bird-like structure or is aware of it at least: http://imgur.com/X4XTdfc Also just to add for Locke's Team even though I know you know this: You mentioned Buck but on top of that I think it's notable that Holly Tanaka is presumed to be on the team as well because of her focus in Halo: Escalation. As for the remaining Spartan, it's rumored to be either Macer from Nightfall or Romeo from ODST. MoaHerder also pointed out that the armor the white Spartan is wearing is female armor because of a missing specific missing piece I don't remember which one exactly.
  14. This was found in the coding of the page and a member named CIA posted it over on HaloArchive. Here's a little bit of info on Jerrod to jog your memory of him: http://www.halopedia.org/Jerrod
  15. Alright ya rapscallions, some developments in the Hunt the Truth campaign: Above is what seems like the normal 2015 preview trailer but is actually interrupted by glitches. Here are relevant screens taken from the video: http://imgur.com/a/fLu9L The binary captured leads to the site huntthesignal.com which can only be viewed from mobile The site shows a countdown that ends May 4th at 8PM by my calculations. Someone do a check for me though. Happy sleuthing hunters.
  16. Lots of news lately with the cover art being revealed. So I noticed we don't actually have a general discussion about Halo 5: Guardians for some reason so I'm glad to start one and I'd love for anyone interested to get involved with speculation and thoughts. I'll be chiming in here every time news is released. So to start here's what Frank O'Connor tweeted earlier today: https://twitter.com/franklez/status/593615744329383936 Little something I picked up from MoaHerder on HaloArchive to help people out in making speculations and such. Also if anyone wants to mention obesity, they can. But the post can't solely be about obesity.
  17. This game looks really good and I'm definitely going to get it (when it's remastered for the Xbox One). Eh pretty good review 10/10
  18. This is a splendid list. You all will get your Awards in the next few days. Great job everyone.
  19. Happy birthday m8

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Thanks Doge!! Hope you liked the Yearbook photo lol. Sorry the Keko wasn't in it, I'll see if I can get another one up with him. :3

  20. Post the worst but canonically plausible Halo 5: Guardians Campaign stories and theories in here. Here's one I pulled from a member on HaloArchive named Vegerot (who actually found it somewhere himself): The Flood have conquered the entire galaxy. Everyone has been consumed. The Master Chief, the Arbiter, everyone: gone. Only a small group of Prophets remain. They discover that for thousands of years, their home world of Janjur Qom is truly still intact, as was theorized in the Bestarium. The Reformist San 'Shyuum population has gone unnoticed by the Flood. Now, it is up to the Prophets to raise an army by increasing the entire population. To increase their numbers, the Prophets must GET IT ON. Basically, Halo becomes a gross porno/romantic comedy until the final, epic fight with the Flood. Here's one of mine: We follow Chief and Locke on what seem to be paths that eventually intersect only to be surprised that they are not even in the same galaxy however Locke does come across Chief... His flash clone all grown up living in a stolen Mjolnir suit and he's with the first Spartan IV from Initiation who is now his wife. Locke does hunt Chief but not the original Master Chief and kills the clone and the wife gets away again. Meanwhile, original Chief and Blue Team are fighting a Guardian that's guarding a burial chamber under Sangheilios that can only be opened by Chief because of his geas in order to get the last fragment of Cortana that was pulled from the Domain. Arbiter joins him and Kelly gets killed in a Kat/Carmine fashion where a bullet from far away shoots her in the head. The shooter is The Ur-Didact and he's now a Promethean Crawler because they were out of parts to make anything else for him but at least he's one of those spiky crawlers and not a regular one. Jul Mdama and Halsey are watching overhead from orbit and Halsey goes crazy after seeing Kelly get disintegrated and she starts glassing Sangheilios. Chief and the rest of Blue Team along with the Arbiter must get on a Warthog and escape the exploding planet while it is being glassed. In the end, Chief and the team make the jump but only half the ship they are on makes the jump into slipspace. The last thing we see is Chief in the light of another mysterious planet.
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