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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Sorry Spartan, EK already posted about it over here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/39892-halo-3-odst-and-relic-remake-images-revealed/ But I really like the comparison pic and the action shot that you used!
  2. Try giving your Xbox a hard restart every time you turn it on the first time. Turn it off and unplug it then wait and plug it back in.
  3. Excellent! Thanks for letting me know! I'm actually going to get this.
  4. Hey BZ we've been good friends on here for a while. I'm gonna miss you buddy. On to better things for you now though
  5. Welcome to the site. Hope you do find something that keeps your interest here.
  6. Nice find H5f. I have the old visual guide so I hope this is like that but bigger and better!
  7. Hello 343i Community Forum. Keeping up with the string of interviews we have BATMAN, a long time member more dedicated than some of our grays. This is hands down the most personal interview I've ever done so hopefully you guys will learn something while having fun reading it. Here's BATMAN: DD: "BATMAN so I've heard the story of why you're the BATMAN off our site but can you tell the members that don't know how you got your name?" BM: "Honestly, I picked the name out of a hat. And since I was one of the first hundred-or-so-thousandth member, I was surprised when "Batman" wasn't taken; so I took it. I remember there was this one guy in the shoutbox a few thousand years ago who thought I was "hiding behind the name." I say what I believe needs to be said, and you're damned right I'd say it even if my name was "Nutty Squirrel" or something. After the notfunny jokes of Robin became old and notfunnier, I switched my icon to Batman Beyond's symbol, hoping to stop the unfunny. Mixed results. So, yeah, I thought of changing it a few times, but then I realized I'd have to reintroduce myself over and over again, and being as socially awkward as I am, I just stuck with the name-- through Hell or High Water, I guess this site's gonna have a Batman with my influence or without; so I may as well be said Batman." DD: "BATMAN has an unfunny history, there's a shocker ! Only joking there BATMAN. So on the topic of you being one of the older members here. What's kept you returning to the site for so long?" BM: "To be honest, I don't really know. I've been relatively antisocial on the site, considering how long I've been a member but still haven't gotten out of the Drones. Instead, I stick to the shoutbox, and despite the occasional awkward pauses, I find it enjoyable. If only they could count SB posts towards member rank " DD: "Lol then some people would reach the highest rank immediately! So do you wish to achieve a different member status on the site? Or do you feel it makes you unique and would like to keep your green name?" BM: "That'd be scary. I think it'd be interesting to see what would summarize me for the forum members in a simple title. While I want to remain active, I rarely find anything relatable enough in the forums to have an opinion on, so my forum post count is always going to remain low. So, I'm stuck in the conundrum of "Feeling like I didn't earn a title because I didn't actually meet the requirements" or "forever a noob." I'll leave it for staff, on that one.. if it happens without my influence, I'll still retain the 'satisfaction.'" DD: "I think you've earned something for being here this long now . BATMAN if you could have an Award made for the site that you thought of, what would it be and how would it be attainable?" BM: "I think it'd be a stylized pentagram with a transparent background. I'm not too sure on how it'd be attainable or what it'd be called, but I'm not the best designer. I'd want it to be difficult to attain, but anyone could get it. Team Demon, maybe... unlocked by playing a game with me or someone who already has it. *shrug* That's the best I can come with. Oh, and I think I've got an idea for my own unique member title, too. Exorcist. Might not appear as too friendly (it's honestly nothing to do with religion and whatnot, but I'm a rather spiritual type), but I'm pretty sure people know I've got a rather abrasive personality by this point." DD: "Both the Team Demon Award and Exorcist Member Title suit your characteristics perfectly. Next thing I want to ask you about may be a bit personal but I know you're feeling more comfortable sharing it recently as you've told me earlier: So BATMAN, when most members talk to you or meet you I would assume they think you're actually a BAT-MAN when in fact you aren't am I right? Care to go on a little on the topic?" BM: "Heh, yeah, I don't have the equipment most members do on this site; I've trained myself to articulate my opinion in a way that's abrasive and seemingly male; but in all honesty, yes. I'm a girl. And if I'm going to be punished (as in b&) for trying my best to appear as a dude on this site, go right ahead. I know how women are treated on the internet, and I wanted to do my best to avoid that. And since I know this isn't 4chan; I'm not gonna fall for the 'pics or GTFO;' It's either you take my word or ban me for finally coming out with the truth. A friend of mine let me use his image for the community yearbook (I'm sure a few members remember that event; first it was him, then I changed my name to Slenderman and posted a pic of him; pretty sure my post was deleted from the yearbook thread). But, when it comes down to it, I don't like taking pictures of myself. I don't like anyone taking a picture of me; I just quite simply don't like cameras (the unblinking eyes that they are... they creep me out; the same as mirrors). I don't consider myself a religious person (God will judge me), but Team Demon and Exorcist are really just things that came from the aforementioned friend; He's just as sick and twisted as I am and gave me a few pointers on how to let others think of me as my opposite gender. While I understand it's probably a bannable offense for trying to trick people it to believing I'm someone I'm not, fact of the matter is; I'd rather be called a liar than deal with mountains of people trying to hit on me and whatnot (I've dealt with my fair share of creepers); So my profile has been left unkempt for quite a while for that specific reason. It's better to be paranoid and virtually anonymous than having to deal with eff-tards that think that some text on a screen will stop me from being a *******. Yeah; when I'm cornered, I'mma be that blunt with it all. Even now, my girlie's reading over my shoulder, chuckling at my outrageous sense of humor with it all." DD: "Well when you have a good reason for hiding your identity, it is not punishable with a ban. It's simply a security measure for you. People in the past have not used it for a security measure but more for harassment. I think it's great for you to finally share that information publicly with the forum. I hope it feels liberating! So who were some of the first people you really got along with on the site of all the time you've been here?" BM: "Ha! When I first joined, I was blatantly told 'You should leave; Noone wants you here.' Sadly, my brain would rather hold onto the negative than anything else. Some kind of memory issue that I think I can't elaborate on.. Nothing to do with privacy or paranoia, but much more to do with what I've learned through meditation: 'There's a reason the mind hides things from itself.' (And to quote Supernatural, 'Don't scratch the wall.') And since this is gonna be a thread, if anyone has a better memory than I do, they're definitely free to recall the friendlier times I was here." DD: "Everybody had different experiences when they joined. I remember I got a sarcastic response from Azaxx on my very first thread after my introduction. I will never forget that Azaxx... What's one of your most memorable moments on the forums?" BM: "Back when the shoutbox had font sizes. People breaking it constantinuously because they wanted everyone to read their spam. Oh, the glory days of broken shoutbox and shout spam.. it was hell. Funny.. But terribad." DD: "That sounds like torture do you have any goals you wish to achieve here on the site BATMAN?" BM: "I'd love to get purp'd. Then, I'll work on the higher ranks, but I'll aim low for now But hey, even in this case, it's still aiming pretty darn high. Then again, MoM would be fun, but I can already feel the motherhood jokes piling up. And that's a no-fly-zone for me." DD: "All attainable goals if you ask me. So BATMAN what would be some words of wisdom you would give to newer members?" BM: "'Don't drink and browse the forums' would probably be the most sound piece of advice I can give. It's not too bad of a thing, but I found myself making really harsh jokes that were only intended to be taken lightly, but the inebriated mind will forget that sarcasm doesn't really show through text on a screen. I think that about covers it.." So that was me and BATMAN going about our interview! I hope you guys liked it and are looking forward to more because there's one just around the corner!
  8. GamerTag: LL Kool D I'll be joining the second part.
  9. Easy fix. In the custom game menu have whoever you want to switch teams click their name and switch teams. Press X to open the roster and then scroll down to the player you want to switch and have them press A on their name. This will open up a short menu and "Change Teams" will be one of the options. This sounds like the problem you're facing, hope I got it right and helped out.
  10. Both but I'm always on One playing with the 343iCF crew
  11. Bnus will be running a little late to the Titanfall Event (only like 10-15 minutes). BE ON AND READY AT THE SCHEDULED TIME.

  12. Lack of members wanting to participate.
  13. Before you think about getting rid of Lenny... Look at Twam's latest status...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. I love team killing. I am a supporter of betrayals and then booting those who betray me enough.
  15. They closed because they weren't making enough money. All they made were strategy games and their size grew over time while working on the Halo MMO. When that got tossed by Microsoft they failed to downsize and eventually just got tossed out as a whole by Microsoft.
  16. This is the first time I've ever heard of this problem. Try giving your Xbox a hard restart by unplugging it and plugging it back in after shutting it off. If that doesn't work eject the disc if you use one and then clean it off a little.
  17. Ensemble Studios doesn't exist anymore unfortunately. I love Halo Wars so that was sad news many years ago. 343 mentioned that a sequel to Halo Wars is something they've thought and that it is possible but they are not working on it.
  18. Have you played The Master Chief Collection since the update? I personally find it helpful.
  19. Good luck Superintendent. Come back soon
  20. Fishy is food and friend

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      That smell... The smelly smell that's smelly... Anchovies!

    3. Fishy


      Fishy McBites. :3

    4. Azaxx


      My first two pets when was young were goldfish called "Fish to Eat" and "Fish to Look".

      I don't know why, so don't ask

  21. Halo 2 Classic still plays like Halo 2 as far as I know and I've played it a lot. All the button glitches are actually still there I was practicing double and quad shotting today. I haven't tried super bounces but I'm not that interested in them anymore. Halo 2: Anniversary isn't supposed to play like Halo 2 Classic though.
  22. Welcome aboard Mark from Belgium
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