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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. This was really nice Yoshi, it brought me back to a simpler time when that's all anyone around here cared about: community and the family that is 343iCF. I think we're progressing in a good direction because of things like this and members like you and many others that aren't afraid to like this place and show how much they do. I remember back when you joined and your profile picture wasn't Conan related at all and neither was your profile. You had the cyan Spartan with an Energy Sword . This was a long time coming. Good on ya Yashi. Edit: Didn't see that yet because I was typing. AGREE 100% WITH THAT^^
  2. @Twinreaper Go ahead and send him a PM. I can't promise he'll mentor you but I know he wouldn't mind giving you some tips. He's very knowledgeable in this area. Welcome to the site
  3. Drizzy_Dan

    Art Week Spring 2015

    The submissions from The Dumb Marine's Art Week Spring 2015!
  4. Drizzy_Dan


    From the album: Art Week Spring 2015

  5. Drizzy_Dan

    Art Week 2

    From the album: Art Week Spring 2015

  6. From the album: Art Week Spring 2015

  7. Ah ok you meant for the Shoutbox. You won't be able to use the Shoutbox until you have 5 registered active posts. For changing your font color in the Shoutbox use the color BBCode: {color=(insert color name)} insert text here {/color} Replace { } with [ ]
  8. Right above the text box you get all of your font options
  9. I think the name comes solely from the shape of the installation. I don't know if the Forerunners named it this themselves or if it was dubbed by The Covenant Maybe there's also some kind of theological significance to it as well since Forerunners are seen as gods.
  10. You are no longer lone. Got a lot of great members who are also big Halo fans (like myself) or big Fallout fans. If you have questions on how things work, such as Shoutbox functions, just PM anyone in this thread. See ya around the forums.
  11. Wasn't hard to choose. Great job Yoshi keep up the good work you do on here. Enjoy your month
  12. I agree that since the power is not in the hands of the cable companies it's more in the power of the government ultimately but really that's only by default. The government would be overlooking the Internet either way. Net Neutrality is simply a way to take power away from the cable companies so that we don't have to pay more for their services. What cable companies want to do without Net Neutrality is set up a tiered service so you could potentially be buying packages with them instead of getting the same Internet at the lowest price. What they wanted to do since people use their services for other things like Netflix and Hulu so much was to charge for using the Internet they provide so that you could use those services. I'm guessing the basic package would be mere browsing. Net Neutrality is actually a very good thing for consumers.
  13. That was me that he bribed and I accepted without hesitation. Little did he know he was going to be put on the list anyway.
  14. Hello guys glad to have these back up and running. This interview features our January 2015 MoM. This one was really fun and I think you guys will have a laugh or two reading it. Here's Ledgend: DD: "Ledgend, the King of the Thunderdome, what makes something ledgendary in your opinion?" LDG: "What makes something ledgendary? That is a good question. It's something I'd like to hear other people's opinions on, but for me... You need to be robust. You need to never be serious. You need to question the cost of a predator tank. You need to include the word pls somewhere. And you need to be given an 11/10 rating on IGN. But most importantly, you need to make sure everyone is having a good time and laughing, either with you or at you. In the case of the former, great! In the case of the latter, 1v1 me irl m8. Or you could always just change your name to "Ledgend1223" or something like that. That works too." DD: "That answer was most ledgendary indeed. 11/10 on IGN pls. Ledgend how would you describe your time since joining the forums? " LDG: "Short answer: It's been a hell of a ride. Long answer: For the first few months on the forums, I dared not venture beyond the Fan-fic section. It was there where the RP's where happening and it was there I stayed put. It was good back then, there was plenty of RPs and plenty of RPers. I really enjoyed it and I still long for a return to those days of just RPing. But after a few months, it seemed the RPs had died down. So me, being brave(plot twist) decided to venture up to the shoutbox. It was fun. I came back the next day and the next day and so on. So that's what I did on the site. RPed and Shoutbox. Sometimes I even RPed in the shoutbox. It was great, I met a lot more people. I really enjoyed it, always active and always someone to chat with. It carried on like that for another few months, until finally it seemed RPing had died off completely. So I continued to just use the Shoutbox. Maybe once in a blue moon I put my man-pants on and decided to post in a random thread. But mostly Shoutbox. So that carried on, until one day a few of us started playing SS13 together. That branched a whole other story that's insane. But anyways, after that it my time got divided. I still got on the shoutbox, but it wasn't as often as before. Eventually, there was a minor incident, but I decided to take a break due to it anyways. All I remember is that Bnus was green then. So I took a few months off from the site and then I came back. When I came back, I had actually done a bit of growing up(ledgend don't lie).I tried to restart the RPing on the site, but that didn't end well. So we remain RPless...for now. I also got much more involved in the community then before and I started taking parts in playdates. I regret not doing that earlier, those were some great fun. It's one way to really get to know members. Nothing like a game of Halo to get people talking. It was good fun while it lasted, but eventually a few things came together and destroyed my ability to play online. Lack of gold (Which was somewhat defeated by the kind donations of various forum members. Thank ye kind sires.), terrible wireless internet for my Xbox and of course the 360/Xbone community split. Still, I had managed to get through the first GFW(For the Syndicate!), so that was nice. And that brings us here, where I pretty much try to turn up and poke my head in a couple of times. Of course I do find myself involved in other things. I did a podcast, though I don't think it ever saw the light of day. It was still fun. I got made MoM. I still don't know why. But yeah...it's been a hell of a ride. inb4 "'Tl;DR'" DD: "Being MoM means you set an example for members on the site by participating frequently and livening it up a little which is exactly what you did. You didn't ask for it either, that's how it works. Podcasts are always great fun. Shame to see the long hiatus of RPs though. What do you think of the idea of more ranks for members who have been here a while?" LDG: "Well you'd think I'd be all for it considering I myself have over 215 days spent online at this point. But here's the thing, how much of that was me actually participating in the forum? I just have the tab open while I'm off playing C&C or STO. So I'm against actually having rank tied to time online just for that reason. It doesn't really require any participation or communication with the community in any way. I'd also be against having it tied to "likes". I just see that leading to a whole mess of a situation where members would actually be going at each other for not liking their content, or spamming and promoting their posts in order to get others to like it. Post count seems fine to me. It at least encourages people to participate in the forums and bring forth their ideas or opinions. I feel like the number we have right now is good, although a rank for 1000 posts (comms blue pls) wouldn't be bad either. It's a number that requires effort to get, but doesn't seem impossible. Although there's still the question of shoutbox content. While there's one side of me that would like to see some sort of rank tied to shouts, the other side of me sees it as just another form of offbeat. I mean, anything goes in the SB(within raisin). People take part in the SB for the sake of it , same as offbeat. They're doing it because they want to, not because they feel the need to get a different colour. I don't think we should change that." DD: "A good answer! I know that it's been a discussion among many for a while now and I think you gave a well thought out explanation of why it shouldn't be implemented in your opinion. Ok let's get into some funny business here. Which would you rather do: be MoM again or temporarily ban RedStarRocket for 5 minutes with no consequences?" LDG: "While pink is very stronk, I don't think anything could compare to pressing the big "BAN HE" button on Red. It'd be glorious. I predict I would receive a strongly worded letter of complaint and be taken off his christmas card list." DD: "I told you there'd be no consequence for banning him but let's see what Red has to say about you saying you'd ban him . Good answer though I like it Ledgend. What do you think of your successor in the chain of MoMs, Delpen?" LDG: "I'll start off with what my immediate reaction to the announcement was: delpen pls But srsly, I thought Delpen was MoM already, which kind of says something in itself, but I don't know what. But he's my Buddy and he'll do a fine job of doing that thing the MoM is supposed to do. I look forward to reading his MoM post *HINT HINT COUGH HINT DELPEN PLS COUGH HINT COUGH WINK COUGH HINT*" DD: " You and me both! I think he forgot about the whole MoM post thing but hopefully this will remind him. Ok from MoM to USF President now, what are your thoughts on Yoshi being our Forum President for a second term? Are you a President Yoshi fan?" LDG: "Yoshi is my bro-hammer. He's already done one fine (extremely long and somewhat marred by insurrections and rebellions) term in office, he'll have another fine term this time! I'm confident he's the best, last hope for humanity and something something darkside." DD: "I agree I think Yoshi is one of the finest Presidents our forum has ever seen. Are you aiming for a spot on Congress?" LDG: "Me? Nah, I was apparently on the previous congress and we did...uh...nothing. But srsly, best of luck to the current congress. They'll need it." DD: "I was actually part of the previous Congress as well. I swear Yoshi just did a year as President it feels like! Ledgend if you could make up your own branch of 343iCF Staff what would the position be called and what would their job be?" LDG: "I actually tried to think of something serious, I swear. But the new staff department would be called the forum merheens. They fight for honour as forum merheens, as haler playehs and they fight in the name of the Twamperah. It would be their job to go and spread the love and kindness of Twam by reking face in Halo." DD: "So like missionaries of the 343iCF? Ok I can get on board with that. Tell everyone how great Twamis by taking their face haha so Ledgend where do you see yourself on the forum a year from now? " LDG: "Banned of course. Really, I don't give much thought to things like this. It's always ends up in a crazy place. I mean, a lot can happen in a year. But I suppose if I had to say something, I'm pretty sure I would be the same old grey guy hanging out in the SB. Well I hope so anyways. There's gonna be a lot happening for me this year, so who knows where I could end up." DD: "Well it's true what they say: You either leave or you stay long enough to see yourself become a villain. I think Abraham Lincoln said that about the forums back in his day. Alright Ledgend it's been good but we're gonna have to wrap it up finally. What advice would you give to newer members joining the site reading this?" LDG: "Avoid troublemakers like Ledgend1221 and Drizzy_Doge. And really, the only piece of advice I can actually give is get involved with the community. Talk to people on the shoutbox, participate in playdates and forum games, discuss things on threads and whatever else, it's all good. But the worst thing you can do is not get involved with the community. I would've wrote something longer, but to the point is better. Also, don't start every response with a bad joke and then say "but really" or "really" or "and really"." Thanks a lot Ledgend for participating, like I said I had a really great time with this one. I know the readers and the members mentioned sure will too. Thanks all for whoever read. HAIL
  15. Yes. Here's for Wally and Caboose enjoy
  16. Humility and good sportsmanship Consistency Humor Enthusiasm These are really the elemental qualities that go into Top 15 Members and eventual MoMs. It's not about trying to be something, it's about being yourself and contributing to the site however it is that you do that. So with that, cheers to the Top 15ers this month and congrats to the honorable mentions! And a nicely fun written post by you Yoshi
  17. Created on MS Paint ENJOY
  18. Charging the Plasma Pistol has been around since Halo: Combat Evolved but what the OP is saying is that it is now even possible to do this with a scuf controller with trigger stops. I have no idea what this means though.
  19. Maybe Locke caught him off guard, drew his sidearm before throwing a grenade or planting a mine or did both close to the same time, then when Chief failed to disarm or return the grenade to sender because Locke is a skilled hunter and cooked it before throwing it, Chief was flung back into the monument and Locke had him where he wanted him and went to holster his weapon.
  20. Really well done Mayh3m! A lot of your points are great! My favorite part was your pointing out of Locke putting the holster back. Him saving Chief in this situation seems like a very possible thing! What if the parts that look like brightness from burning rock is just whiteness from how the rock was cut from impact though? Also I don't think that guy in the hat is actually a part of the scene. I think he's a random crew guy honestly.
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