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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Hey guys so it's been a while but Sikslik encouraged me to get these back and running again so thanks Slik and here's interview number 40, a follow up with Vitamin PWN. DD: "Vitamin, thanks a lot for coming back to do your second Interview with the Stars of the Community. What have you been up to on the forum lately?" VP: "Thanks for having me back for a second interview. As for what i have been up too, basically i've have just been hanging around here, talking with friends, making posters for Yoshi's presidential campaign, and basically anything to make the day go by faster lol." DD: "That's great . I know you've always enjoyed the USF Elections by Spyro for a while now. Could you tell us about your past experiences with them?" VP: "yeah i do love them, i think they are loads of fun. As for my experience with them, i mostly work as a propagandist for a candidate, which basically means i make them a ton of posters and things for them to use in their campaigns. I started many moons ago backing The Director in the first election,then i helped Zelda in her campaign, then i left the forums for a while and came back and i ran for a change, and ended up barely tying with Zebra then l helped Yoshi last election and now we're at this one and i'm helping yoshi once more" DD: "A former President of the United States of the Forum, that's a great thing to say. Yoshi was one of our best Forum Presidents to date. How do you fee about him being eliminated after the Pre-Poll and then coming back after Melody was disqualified and winning it?" VP: "I'd like to say as one of the biggest fans of the USF elections, this election has disappointed me with all the mudslinging being done towards the end of the pre poll.I understand that things can get competitive, but at the end of the day it's just a game meant for fun, and mudslinging and attacking other members over it make us as a forum look bad. and i hope nothing like this ever happens again. i was disappointed when he was eliminated because at the very least i wanted him to make the finals, and when he replaced melody it was bittersweet,i was happy that he got there, but it was sad that he didnt get voted in, but i was still ecstatic when he finally won. " DD: "I totally agree with you and that's actually why the USF Election Policy Update was put into place. It got a bit too hectic instead of staying a friendly competition between members. So the Spring Update is coming up for the forum in just about a month. Anything you want to see done or redone for the forum?" VP: "well like a few members posted in the spring update thread, i'd want the calendar side bar brought back, because it really made it easier keeping track of all the events we had coming up, other than that i really can't think of anything else i'd want to see done. I'd rather let more creative people come up with the ideas for the forums, that way i can be surprised by all the new features that get implemented when the update hits lol" DD: "Yes the Calendar has actually been brought up many times before so I hope it makes a comeback as well. Alright now Vitamin let's get down to business and talk Halo. Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta: what were your impressions?" VP: "yeah about the beta, i didnt actually play it, i didn't get on my xb1 for almost 2 months and the beta dropped during that time so i missed it " DD: " Hey that's ok it happens to the best of us. So if you've seen any gameplay, how do you think it looks in your opinion? " VP: "Now i haven't seen much game play, mostly because i like being surprised when i finally get the game, but from what I've have seen it looks good. It seems more fast pace compared to past halo games, and i like how you don't regen shields when sprinting. The ground slam ability looks pretty cool and while im not to crazy about iron sights being added im sure i get use to them real quick lol. Overall from the little bit of gameplay i've seen i'm really impressed and it's definitely gonna be a game i preorder." DD: "I played it and I actually found strategic advantage to all the new Spartan Abilities and not just aesthetic values and found that the new smart scope system is very useful as well! What are you playing nowadays VP?" VP: "i'm few games right now, i've been playing mostly Saint Row 4 and Gat out of hell on the Xbox one, and i just got Titanfall so i'm gonna start playing that soon, i have also been playing Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion on my PC, and AC: unity on the ps4." DD: "That's cool, good game choices there. Do you have a preferred next gen console?" VP: "No i dont really prefer one over the other, both consoles are great IMO,both have good things and bad things about them,and both have good games on them. That being said i've been focusing more on the XB1 lately mostly because played all the games on my ps4 to death already and im focusing on building my XB1 library" DD: "Very cool! I'm an Xbox One fan myself despite the horrible connection issues. Are you thinking about joining any Events in the future?" VP: "well i'm gonna join in Fishy's Titanfall event that's coming up soon, and i want/plan to join more events overall because i've been in a pitifully low amount of events in the past and i hope to rectify that. " DD: "That's great news! I hope we play together in the near future at an MCC Event. It's time to wrap this up now though VitaPWN. Words of wisdom for newer members in the community?" VP: "definitely, i look forward to playing with you and other members of the forum. and i dont really remember what i said in my last interview for my words of wisdom and i dont want to repeat myself lol, so im just gonna quote Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, 'Be excellent to each other and party on dudes!'" Thanks to everyone who read and thanks for the millionth time to Vitamin. If you don't know him you should talk to him, Vitamin's a very cool member and knowledgeable of the site.
  2. Hm. Just beat Assassin's Creed: Unity.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShockGazm


      Is it worth me buying? I'm still unsure.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Have you beaten the others? This one plays pretty differently. Id say it's worth buying if you're a big fan of the franchise but it's nothing special if you're just looking for a game to beat or pass time.

    4. ShockGazm


      Yeah, played completed them all except for AC3. Cool, may get Unity then, I love Assassins Creed! :)

  3. Welcome back to the site Lance
  4. Note that members you nominate for Congress have to be from your Member Group BOSS AND CHURCH. BUT THANKS ANYWAY I ACTUALLY APPRECIATE THE NOMINATION. On that note I want to nominate The Director and Azaxx for USF Congress and I would like to nominate D-38 Boss to be the Speaker of the House.
  5. Ok things the Congress needs to discuss: Vitamin's lunch schedule Mod vending machine snacks Monkey menace threatening to turn the world into the planet of the apes The giant bat in the Batcave that Alfred says he saw in Arkham Origins The ending of Lost
  6. I haven't played Rogue but I'd like to because I heard it adheres more to the AC IV play-style. I'm not a PC gamer so I'd love for it to come to the Xbox One
  7. We want better snacks in the vending machines in the mod lounge
  8. Great to have you back Halo5WillBeCool
  9. Good luck to our candidates. Fate brought you guys this far and nothing else.
  10. We gonna see any new race maps from you Turb? MarioKart remakes for H2: A?
  11. I had a good time. See everyone on again soon! Thanks for hosting Onsokumaru
  12. Some tough competition! Good luck to all our candidates! I wish I could vote for you all except Bnus. Jk Bnus too (although I think he might've dropped out no?)
  13. I don't agree with your videos but this is an answer I can get behind and agree with actually. I could certainly see the game getting boring after time because of the lack of updates. I would also like to see if bullet magnetism exist in Halo 5. Do you think 343 should release a classic playlist for the game without thruster pack default, Spartan abilities, and Sprint? I personally think that all of these features have their advantages and disadvantages to balance the gameplay.
  14. This is question I need answered. I need it to be answered by the members of the Halo community who really dislike the new Halo games. First I wanna say Halo 4 was not that great. It was very different but I don't think it was bad. It definitely wasn't as good as Halo 2 or 3 or even Reach which I despise. I also wanna say that I loved the Halo 5: Guardians beta and my friends and I have been avid competitive Halo players since Halo 2. I find Halo 5 to be very competitive actually and I think they're on the right track with the game. Many players do not like the new features like the ones Squidward Tortellini mentioned above. You might even say the majority don't according to polls from Waypoint, TeamBeyond and other large communities. Halos 1-3 were brought to the Xbox One and are available for playing any time. Connection bugs exist that's for sure but those are likely to disappear in time. Ok here's the question that I need answered now: If these players want Sprint and other new features to be gone from the game and for the games to be more like Halo 2 and 3, why do they not just play Halo 3?
  15. Well what he put in your thread was technically abiding by the rules of the USF Election but the OP for this nomination thread says you can't use this thread for campaigning.
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