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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Just noticed Tucker is on the list twice...
  2. Spartan Ops. There was nothing like me and my buddy running a two man cell killing everything in sight on Legendary like the two greatest Spartan IVs ever trained. If it had another season I would've gotten it in a heartbeat. Firefight was cool and fun and endless but Spartan Ops just gave you that accomplished feeling because you didn't die in the end. You killed. And you killed real good.
  3. Seems I'm not the only one getting banned.... Muahahahaha
  4. The thread was locked because it provides no topical discussion for members, it's merely stating an opinion. Which I share. I love Halo 4. But this thread is locked as well.
  5. Despite me dying by being shot in the head by a sniper I gotta say you are a good writer JL. This whole murder mystery thing has some good potential!
  6. Congratulations to everyone that made it on the Top 15 this month keep making this the best Halo community on the internet. And thank you to the dedicated and very qualified team who puts these lists together as unbiased as they can. It makes for good Wrapup material .
  7. Noope. I think it'd be much better for members who actually knew their entire site story to write their own site stories! Well Caboose, like an awards ceremony you don't get to thank everyone. But unlike an awards ceremony I can just edit you in
  8. Orrr every member can do this for themself! After they're 2 year milestone! So we can have more of these! And maybe put them together in a collection! And I don't know why I'm exclamating all this! I'm really just trying to hint it! But do you get it now!
  9. Welcome 343 Industries Community to a very special 2 year anniversary write-up that's totally not egotistical and self-centered at all because BZ came up with the idea and I agreed to it! This is the 343! Insider story of the now 2 year old member, Drizzy_Dan. 2 years ago on this very day entered a noob to the forum world. He was looking for more about Halo news and wanted to get in contact with people from 343 like BS Angel and others. So he Googled 343's website and naturally the first to come up was this one. Yes, he was looking for the official site but when he got here he could tell that this was not it and so he created a thread to introduce himself to the, very very small at the time, community here under his first username which can be found here. After being greeted by so many welcoming and high ranking members I had already felt this homey feeling like joining this site was something I should've done a long time in advance. After receiving some advice from someone near and dear to me on the site saying it's probably best I don't use my full name as my username, I changed it and became Drizzy_Dan. That someone if you're wondering was Absolute Dog and that's where my respect grew for him. He saw something in me as soon as I joined and became more active and would go out of his way to give me advice and was never harsh on me when it came to moderating even though my bio used to have curses in it when I first joined making me look like the perfect candidate for a ban. The avatar's always been there and has never changed along with the signature. I can count the amount of times I've changed my signature on one of my hands. How did the name Drizzy_Dan come to me? Well since I joined I thought being on Staff would be cool but I never thought I'd do it so I chose a name consisting of what I liked. That was rap, hip hop, and R&B, and my favorite artist who produces that type of music is none other than Drizzy more commonly known as Drake whom my avatar was already of. Drizzy_Dan just stuck and has almost been around for as long as I have. The active community back when I joined was small enough where everyone talked to everyone on the daily. All the same names were in the Shoutbox and forums. Some of the first people I talked to were big names on the site and not so big anymore like Quantum, Vitamin PWN, Itz Lilbeast, Absolute Dog, Spectral Jester, One, SuperIntendant, Mr. Biggles, Ms. Mystic, Archangel Tyrael, Bullet, ZB, Firen, ShadowMagnum, Kurt S-501, and adamj. A lot of these members I'm still friends with today. April 17, 2012 was when I made my first big contribution to this site besides being friendly. Biggles had made his MoM Wish to have a whole forum for Offbeat Items which is the one you see today. Being into multimedia journalism in my freshman year of school and having this need to want to know more about the members and bring something new to the site, the idea of Interviews with Stars of the Community popped into my head. And with ZB being my best friend on the site at the time, I made him my guinea pig. It was a success as most of you can see today and it continued to be weekly and became a passion of mine because they were enjoyable and I had the time. As the months passed my involvement grew on and off the site. I was attending Playdates, doing interviews, and staying active in the forums and in the Shoutbox. During the months of summer I was even part of the member group that chose the Top 15 List. On May 26th, 2012, a dream that I had been striving for but never thought possible when I joined was realized. I received a PM from a former Community Moderator known as One. He told me I'd been doing a great job and the Staff thought I'd make a great addition as the head of Promotions and Events and although I was nervous at first, I took the job of course which started my career on Staff. I became the head of Promotions and Events. From there on I was Drizzy_Dan. Fall of 2012 however I went on a short unannounced hiatus because of schoolwork and other things. Around the same time this year I came with a vengeance and took over Absolute Dog's spot of hosting weekly Playdates on the different Halo games. After a couple months of hosting and only getting a small group of members that I called my Regulars i.e. D-38 Boss, JL, Frankenzer, HaloGeek, Elite Snip3r, etc. the Playdates began to die and so did my interest in hosting them. Absolute Dog came to me with a request in this time period and offered me my second Staff job since I was back for good and promoted me to the News Group where he tasked me with the most important task I have today besides moderating the site I love so much. Absolute Dog had come up with the Weekly Site Wrapup and gave me full permission to include anything I found newsworthy in it and encouraged me to use sources for things when I didn't attend them to get a good analysis. And that is when I became Drizzy_Dan. The WSW is something I also love doing. After months of the Playdates and making the Wrapups, AD had a talk with me. We met on Skype and he gave me the rundown of what it was to be a Community Moderator on the site and that put everything into perspective for me. I always thought being a Moderator was something I'd never too because the workload is humongous but with a Moderating Team like ours, nothing is impossible. Absolute Dog made me a full time Community Moderator on the site after a couple of weeks of secret modding for training. June 18th, 2013 it became official and I've never been in a more proud position on this site. For now I am the Drizzy_Dan you see before you.. On your computer screen. Today I've come to know almost every member old and new and have made even more great friends. A good list would be people like BZ who came up with this idea to celebrate my joinday (a term which he coined), RedStarRocket, The Director, Zelda, Azaxx, Sparky, My Regulars, My Interviewees, The Moderating Team, the previous Moderating Team whom are Legendary Members now rightfully so, Choot 'em , DoctorB77, fzdw11, The entire Staff old and new, The New Bloods, SweatyBagels, Sikslik, Zaguroth, Caboose the Ace, SternuS, Skiys, Twinreaper, Insignia, TWAM.. Ugh there's too many to honestly count. But that's just a testament to how close knit this community really is because all the members reading this can probably say that they're all friends with those members listed above as well. Anyway I know this was a long and dragging read but I just want to say thank you to all the members, Staff, and Admin that make this place what it is today. We've lost good members and we've gained good members but one thing is for certain, and that is that this site has a very bright future. When I joined it was like a golden age on this site where things were always buzzing and now when I look at it: the Staff's been revamped, the members are trying hard to contribute and be active and friendly while staying vigilant and reporting things that they know are against the rules, members are striving for goals on this site, we have connections to other sites made, and good old members have come back to see how the site is doing and are here to stay. So I'd say it looks like another golden age is upon us and I'm glad to be apart of it as should all of you. 2 years ago today I joined WOO! And I hope to be here for many more! Thank you 343i Community Forum. HAIL TWAM
  10. [color=rgb(139,165,208)][font=helvetica][center][background=rgb(33,53,85)][color=rgb(255,255,255)]Hello everyone welcome back again to the Wrapup and thanks for keeping interesting and encouraging these to keep being made. Let's do December!:[/color][/background][/center][/font][/color][color=rgb(139,165,208)][font=helvetica][background=rgb(33,53,85)] [center][color=rgb(255,240,245)]Primary Announcement: December was a major month for us here on the site and something that really stuck out to me and should really be taken to consideration is this thread made by our [/color][color=#40e0d0]Comms Department's Dog[/color][color=rgb(255,240,245)]. Check out [/color][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32480-we-need-to-appreciate/"][color=#40e0d0][u]We Need To Appreciate.[/u][/color][/url][/center] [center] [b][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=23437"][color=rgb(238,130,238)]COMMUNITY [/color][color=#ee82ee]EVENTS[/color][/url][/b] [url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32885-community-event-calendar-january-2014/?p=294213"][img]http://t62.img-up.net/CommunityPa4f2.png[/img][/url] [color=#ee82ee][b]Out With A Bang Trilogy Event Parts 2 and 3: Modern Warfare and Halo 3[/b][/color] [i][b][u]"Send me out... with a bang..."[/u][/b][/i] [color=#ffffff]Don't know much about these [/color][color=#ee82ee]Events [/color][color=#ffffff]myself but I'm sure they were spectacular. I mean you're talking about 2 titles that changed the way people played Xbox Live! [/color][color=#ee82ee]These games revolutionized competitive gaming. Halo 3[/color][color=#ffffff] MLG was a very big part of my time on [/color][color=#ee82ee]Halo 3[/color][color=#ffffff] and a lot of other people's as well because it got its own playlist! [/color][color=#ee82ee]Modern Warfare[/color][color=#ffffff] and [/color][color=#ee82ee]Halo 3[/color][color=#ffffff] were both Pro Circuit games back in the day. Again, so disappointed I missed out.. [/color] [b][color=#ee82ee]The 343i.org 2013 Christmas Tree[/color][/b] [img]http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp258/PJFan83/343iCommunityForumFacebookCoverPhoto.jpg[/img] [color=#ffffff]I'm putting this in the Community Events section because that's essentially what our [/color][color=#ee82ee]Christmas Tree[/color][color=#ffffff] is. It is an [/color][color=#ee82ee]Event [/color][color=#ffffff]in which our [/color][color=#ee82ee]Community[/color][color=#ffffff] participates in on the site. I also think violet was a good color to highlight it with.[/color] [color=#ffffff]Although it doesn't require us to get online and play together it requires us all to be on here and give the things we don't need, sometimes things we actually go out and buy specifically for this, to our fellow members. The [/color][color=#ee82ee]Christmas Tree[/color][color=#ffffff] was started a year ago and always gets tons of gifts under it from our warm community here at [/color][color=#ee82ee]343iCF[/color][color=#ffffff]. I won't give a list of the names of members who provided gifts for this [/color][color=#ee82ee]Christmas Tree[/color][color=#ffffff] simply because there is a long list and I don't want to type it. Maybe I'll edit in later? Anyway, all contributors to the [/color][color=#ee82ee]Christmas Tree[/color][color=#ffffff] got this very prestigious site Award: [img]http://www.343industries.org/forum/uploads/jawards/Helping_Hand.png[/img] - This would be the [/color][color=#ee82ee]Helping Hand Award[/color][color=#ffffff]. Given to those who have given to the site. Thank you to everyone who donated to the [/color][color=#ee82ee]343i.org Christmas Tree[/color][color=#ffffff], it would have been nothing without all of you.[/color] [color=rgb(255,255,255)]If you have any [/color][color=rgb(238,130,238)]Community Event ideas[/color][color=rgb(255,255,255)] post them [/color][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/26080-post-your-favorite-play-date-idea/"][color=rgb(238,130,238)][u]here[/u][/color][/url].[/center] [center] [/center] [center][u][b][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8505-interviews-with-stars-of-the-community-index/#entry90848"][color=rgb(255,165,0)]FEATURED INTERVIEWS[/color][/url][/b][/u][/center] [center][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29098-interviews-with-stars-of-the-community-volume-33-bob/"][color=#ffa500][u][b]Bob[/b][/u][/color][/url] [color=#ffffff]- [/color][color=#ffff00]One of my favorite members on this forum. Bob was our first Site Moderator and is a generally interesting person. They say if you see him on the site and get to talk to him, you'll have good luck for the rest of your life.[/color][/center] [center][color=rgb(255,255,0)]*Interviews have resumed. Preaacchh.*/hint[/color][/center] [center][color=rgb(64,224,208)][u][b]FORGE[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][img]http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l592/Absolute_Dog/mym-logo_zps72b209f0.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]Ok who remembers the [/color][color=#40e0d0]Meet Your Maker Dominion Contest[/color][color=#ffffff] that concluded in December? I've got the results for you in case you missed them! [/color][/center] [center][color=#40e0d0]In third place[/color][color=#ffffff]:[/color][/center] [center][img]http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l592/Absolute_Dog/cooltext1322874910_zps684ff0ef.png[/img][color=#40e0d0]by DUN3Z[/color][/center] [center]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XYOaUfLBvE[/center] [center][color=#40e0d0]In second[/color][color=#ffffff]: [/color][/center] [center][img]http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l592/Absolute_Dog/cooltext1326466914_zps27ff4201.png[/img][color=#40e0d0]by Xinshu[/color][/center] [center]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZr3KbS8BnU[/center] [center][color=#ffffff]And [/color][color=#40e0d0]in first place[/color][color=#ffffff], the winner of the [/color][color=#40e0d0]Meet Your Maker Dominion Forge Contest[/color][color=#ffffff] is:[/color][/center] [center][img]http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l592/Absolute_Dog/Monsoon_zps35774116.png[/img] [color=#40e0d0]by PA1NTS[/color][/center] [center]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEalssumD6A[/center] [center][color=#40e0d0][b]Featured Map: December[/b][/color][/center] [center][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32684-duel-wield-puzzlers-2v2-puzzle-map/#entry292300"][img]http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i452/Juggacly/Duel-Wield%20Puzzlers%20H4/ugcuserfile-65c0e318-d8d7-44d6-9028-c6fd2f8a1ca1-5dc0467310819379-full_zpsf1326915.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]Unquestionably the most interesting map of December, [/color][color=#40e0d0]Duel-Wield Puzzlers by Juggacly[/color][color=#ffffff], is a [/color][color=#40e0d0]2v2 puzzle map[/color][color=#ffffff]! I love puzzle maps! There are two teams of two and they have to navigate obstacles and help each other reach the finish of the map where they get to the area seen above with a Shmeef in it. This to me is a must download and play with some of your friends. Congratulations [/color][color=#40e0d0][member=Juggacly][/color][color=#ffffff] on having the [/color][color=#40e0d0]Featured Map of December[/color][color=#ffffff]! [/color][/center] [center][color=rgb(255,0,0)][u][b]GAMING NEWS[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][b][color=#ff0000]Games Coming To Nintendo In 2014[/color][/b][/center] [center][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32654-games-coming-to-nintendo-in-2014/"][img]http://www.gamerheadlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/127.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#00ffff]TheCooliestOne[/color][color=#ffffff] of our [/color][color=#00ffff]News Group[/color][color=#ffffff] hit us with some awesome news about the upcoming games from [/color][color=#ff0000][b]Nintendo[/b][/color][color=#ffffff] and they look so good that they make me want a Wii U. I didn't even get a Wii. For the list of games and their trailers, [/color][color=#ff0000][b]click the picture[/b][/color][color=#ffffff].[/color][/center] [center] [b][color=rgb(255,0,0)]New Creative Director for 343 Industries[/color][/b] [url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32489-new-creative-director-for-343-industries/"][img]http://i.imgur.com/cmJc6tv.png[/img][/url] [color=rgb(255,255,255)]Some big news brought to us by [/color][color=rgb(0,255,255)]adamj[/color][color=rgb(255,255,255)] via [/color][color=rgb(255,0,0)][b]TeamBeyond[/b][/color][color=rgb(255,255,255)], [/color][color=rgb(255,0,0)][b]Josh Holmes[/b][/color][color=rgb(255,255,255)], former [/color][b][color=rgb(255,0,0)]Creative Director of 343 Industries[/color][/b][color=rgb(255,255,255)], has stepped down from his position and has been replaced by [/color][color=rgb(255,0,0)][b]Tim Longo[/b][/color][color=rgb(255,255,255)]. The reason for the switch is unknown for now. Please visit [/color][color=rgb(64,224,208)]adam's[/color][color=rgb(255,255,255)] thread for more.[/color][/center] [center][url="http://www.343industries.org/news"][color=rgb(255,0,0)][b][u][i]For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page.[/i][/u][/b][/color][/url][/center] [center][u][b][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29020-hot-topic-index/"][color=rgb(255,165,0)]HOT TOPIC[/color][/url][color=rgb(255,165,0)]: December[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32496-who-wants/"][img]http://343industries.org/forum/fileshare/gallery/album_615/gallery_77261_615_9820.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]Only second to the Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge Round 6, came this thread in replies. Created by [/color][color=#008000]Member[/color][color=#ffffff] - [member=Echo CT-21-048], [/color][color=#ffa500]Who wants[/color][color=#ffffff], is a topic about whether or not you wanted [/color][color=#ffa500]Hayabusa[/color][color=#ffffff] back in Halo 4 or whatever other armors you wanted. Apparently a lot of you had something to say on this matter. So congrats [/color][color=#008000]Echo CT[/color][color=#ffffff] on having the [/color][color=#ffa500]Hot Topic of December[/color][color=#ffffff] and everyone go visit and or revisit the thread! [/color][/center] [center] [color=rgb(255,51,204)][u][b]MEMBER OF THE MONTH[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][img]http://www.343industries.org/forum/uploads/profile/photo-47744.png?_r=1388472891[/img][/center] [center][color=#ff33cc]December's Member of the Month[/color][color=#ffffff] never got their own spot on any previous Wrapups so I'm pleased to remind everyone of [/color][color=#ff33cc]Sparky's electrifying achievement[/color][color=#ffffff]. [/color][color=#9933cc]Spark[/color][color=#ffffff] was a member who'd gotten a few Warnings but corrected himself, changed his ways, and showed his true color: [/color][color=#ff33cc]pink[/color][color=#ffffff]. I've known [/color][color=#9933cc]Spark[/color][color=#ffffff] since he got here and he's a great member. Even though he's not the [/color][color=#ff33cc]MoM[/color][color=#ffffff] anymore he still contributes to this community just as much as when he was. Congrats again [/color][color=#9933cc]Sparky[/color][color=#ffffff]![/color][/center] [center][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32409-december-mom/"][color=#ff33cc][u]Announcement thread.[/u][/color][/url][/center] [center][u][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32555-insert-electric-pun-here-mom/"][color=#ff33cc]MoM Post[/color][/url][/u][color=#ff33cc][u].[/u][/color][/center] [center][color=#0033ff][u][b]NEW COMMUNITY MODERATOR[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][img]http://www.343industries.org/forum/uploads/profile/photo-5874.jpg?_r=1387279985[/img][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]Although not new now, [/color][color=#0033ff]Azaxx[/color][color=#ffffff] was promoted to [/color][color=#0033ff]Community Moderator[/color][color=#ffffff] back in early December. If you're on, chances are he is too and he is watching you. [/color][color=#0033ff]Azaxx[/color][color=#ffffff] is an ever-vigilant [/color][color=#0033ff]Moderator[/color][color=#ffffff] and is there if you need something. Revisit his thread![/color][/center] [center][color=#ffff00][u][b]TOP 15: DECEMBER[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][img]https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/1623596_797480550269407_1153085996_n.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]This is a section I would like to keep in the Wrapup starting now. I hope members get together and continue this tradition. The [/color][color=#ffff00]Top 15[/color][color=#ffffff] list is composed of members who show the greatest contribution to the forum over the past month. If you have a problem with the picture then shut up and hold it forever. Now, here's our [/color][color=#ffff00]Top 15 for December[/color][color=#ffffff]:[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]Sikslik7[/color][/center] [center][color=#00ffff]Beckoningzebra1[/color][/center] [center][color=#9933cc]Maestro the Stampede[/color][/center] [center][color=#9933cc]The Dumb Marine[/color][/center] [center][color=#9933cc]Silent Orbis[/color][/center] [center][color=#99ff99]D-38 Boss[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]HaloGeek[/color][/center] [center][color=#008000]Brett[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]Edward Kenway[/color][/center] [center][color=#9933cc]JXZAW[/color][/center] [center][color=#008000]Axilus Prime[/color][/center] [center][color=#008000]NOVA[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]Shockgazm[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]UNSC Spartan II[/color][/center] [center][color=#ff33cc]onsokumaru[/color][/center] [center][color=#ffff00]Honorable mentions[/color][color=#ffffff] go to:[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]Tucker[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]Zandril[/color][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]and [/color][color=#9933cc]Elite[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3][u][b]FAREWELL[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][url="http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32528-stepping-down-from-site-moderator/"][img]http://www.343industries.org/forum/uploads/profile/photo-8787.jpg?_r=1388497406[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]As big and eventful as December was, not all events were cheerful. There was one very big event that occurred in December leaving almost every member in awe. [/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]Absolute Dog[/color][color=#ffffff] was a jokester from the start and was always looking for a way to get involved since he joined. He found a great love for this community instantaneously. One day he PMed [/color][color=#ff0000]Twam[/color][color=#ffffff] and asked if there was anything he could do to help and [/color][color=#ff0000]Twam[/color][color=#ffffff] told him yes, he could work alongside the one and only [/color][color=#d3d3d3]Spectral Jester[/color][color=#ffffff] and help moderate the site as a [/color][color=#0033ff]Community Moderator[/color][color=#ffffff] thus beginning his legend on the 343i Community Forums. And a legend he is.[/color][/center] [center][color=#d3d3d3]AD[/color][color=#ffffff] was not only a great [/color][color=#ffa500]Moderator[/color][color=#ffffff] but person in general. He had all the character, charisma, humor, and was stern but never strict when necessary. It was very easy to look up to a man like [/color][color=#d3d3d3]AD[/color][color=#ffffff]. He took this forum from the small isolated community it was and almost single handedly created all of its ties with its [/color][color=#d3d3d3]Affiliates[/color][color=#ffffff] such as [/color][b][color=#0033cc]HaloCustoms[/color][/b][color=#ffffff], [/color][b][color=#008000]ForgeCafe[/color][/b][color=#ffffff], [/color][color=#696969][b]THFE[/b][/color][color=#ffffff], and [/color][color=#d3d3d3][b]Certain Affinity[/b][/color][color=#ffffff]. He was the bridge this site needed to help create a united Halo Community. [/color][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]Now the site has been left up to [/color][color=#ffa500]RedStarRocket[/color][color=#ffffff] and all of us to help keep it to his standards. It's impossible to measure the hours [/color][color=#d3d3d3]Absolute Dog[/color][color=#ffffff] has given to this site. We salute you [/color][color=#d3d3d3]AD[/color][color=#ffffff] and best of luck in future endeavors. [/color][color=#ffa500]RedStar[/color][color=#ffffff], we're all here to help when you need it![/color][/center] [center][color=#ffffff]Here are some last words [/color][color=#d3d3d3]Dog[/color][color=#ffffff] left for us on the site:[/color][/center] [quote name="Absolute Dog" post="291860" timestamp="1387380492"] [center][font='comic sans ms'][i]I truly appreciate all of the kind words and remembered moments. In reading the various posts made here I have reflected back on some of the highlighted moments and events that shaped this forum.[/i][/font][/center] [center][font='comic sans ms'][i]My close friends here know who they are and we have talked. This is for all of you.[/i][/font][/center] [center][font='comic sans ms'][i]Thank You.............[/i][/font][/center] [center][font='comic sans ms'][i]Some of you already know this, but it bears another mention. This forum, what we were in the beginning and have become, is not based on any one person. Where I genuinely take to heart all of thoughts you have shared, the site is a culmination of all of us. Many posts have spoken to what I have done or made possible and I see that as a reflection of what the past and current members have given in either inspiration, support, active participation and/or friendship. We did this together.[/i][/font][/center] [center][font='comic sans ms'][i]Please remember what the leaders of this forum have to do in order to manage our corner of the Halo universe. Spades summed it up the best, though it feels self serving to say so. Providing solid and consistent leadership can often be separate from your personal feelings. Only a handful know how far I went to support some members and ideals of this forum and the price paid for it. It may surprise you to know who and what they were, but it will remain private. In the end, give the leaders and moderators polite respect and work to continue to build what we have and not tear it apart. Have conversations not arguments. We can not control the direction Halo takes, but we can control how we act and interact around the game. This is a forum at it's core and by definition offers the format for pro and con discussions to take place...........that has to be understood and accepted.[/i][/font][/center] [center][font='comic sans ms'][i]Thanks to each and every one of you for all of the kind words and support over the years. This site and all of you are ......................[/i][/font][/center] [center]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSkK65hQIp8[/center] [/quote] [center][color=#ffff00][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhx-ZDIwu4w#t=0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhx-ZDIwu4w#t=0[/url][/color][/center] [center][color=rgb(255,255,255)]Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Please stay tuned for a cumulative January Wrapup as well. Then we should be switching back to the weekly.[/color][/center][/background][/font][/color]
  11. Hello everyone welcome back. I'm wrapping up where I left off and that is way back in November and the next one will be the huge jam packed December, and then hopefully we'll be weekly again! Primary Announcement: It was Mayh3m's birthday in November! 343iCF's NEW AFFILIATES I am pleased to announce our site's newest Affiliates. Everyone please give a virtual round of applause to ForgeCafe, headed by the great undr zid and home to one of their most profound members being our previous MoM, Zandril, and Forge World Maps which is mainly associated with our good buddy Brett, who is not new to being featured in the Wrapups. Both provide excellent value to our site. Please give them warm welcomes anytime you see them online. COMMUNITY EVENTS Out With A Bang Trilogy Event Part 1: Gears of War 3 "Send me out... with a bang..." So as you all know the Out With A Bang Trilogy has come and gone and was a great success from what I've heard. The trilogy Event was in honor of saying so long to the greatest console ever made: The Xbox 360 - where just about all of our Xbox memories occurred. Party systems, great games, cool apps and features, the good old days. I'm super ticked I couldn't make it to any but I hope you guys played a good game for me. The first part started with Gears of War 3, my favorite Gears of War. If you have any Community Event ideas post them here. FEATURED INTERVIEWS AbleSir Thomas - Part of The Halo Forge Epidemic, first affiliate member to earn the title of Member of the Month, and ran Tuesday Night Tests. Read and get to know more about him. *Interviews have resumed. Preaacchh.*/hint FORGE December 20th was the deadline for anyone who was involved or trying to get involved in this contest. In cahoots with our Affiliate sites, ForgeHub and HaloCustoms, ForgeHub hosted a joint Forge Contest for 2v2 maps. Sorry if you missed out. Stay tuned for results! Featured Map: November Is that a sweet screenshot or what? The map screen you see above is from the minigame Pincushion created by Chancier Hornet. In this modded minigame, each player is equipped with a needler that can fire its entire clip within a second. To even things out, all players are also equipped with Hardlight Shields so running out of ammo could get you killed while reloading. Reload This! Congrats Chancier Hornet on having the Featured Map of November! GAMING NEWS Connie Yu leaves 343 for Naughty Dog Now there was a fair amount of news in November that I've been sifting through for about a week but this is the biggest. Lots of deep thought put into the comments too. Connie Yu, former principle engine programmer at 343i, has gone her separate way to join Naughty Dog, creators of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. She is very eager to be working for a Sony developer over her previous Microsoft one and has some interesting things to say about the situation. Please check back into Absolute Dog's post by clicking the picture above. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC: November Q and A Game The Q and A Game was started in November by new Staff Member, D-38 Boss. It was a long running forum game and definitely has potential to be revived for more fun! MORE FUN! Congrats D-38 Boss, head of Promotions and Events, for having the Hottest Topic of November! MEMBER OF THE MONTH And let's give it up again for our November MoM, Bnus! Bnus has proven himself to be worthy of being Member of the Month and it has definitely help earned him his spot on Staff where he will be in charge of our YouTube Channel in our Communications Department. Go Bnus! Announcement here. MoM Post here. Get ready for a jam packed Wrapup for all of December! PEACE!
  12. And for anyone keeping up, I've modified the last Wrapup slightly to include the announcement of our new Affiliates: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32994-343icf-wrapup-november/
  13. Hello everyone welcome back again to the Wrapup and thanks for keeping interest and encouraging these to keep being made. Let's do December!: Primary Announcement: December was a major month for us here on the site and something that really stuck out to me and should really be taken to consideration is this thread made by our Comms Department's Dog. Check out We Need To Appreciate. COMMUNITY EVENTS Out With A Bang Trilogy Event Parts 2 and 3: Modern Warfare and Halo 3 "Send me out... with a bang..." Don't know much about these Events myself but I'm sure they were spectacular. I mean you're talking about 2 titles that changed the way people played Xbox Live! These games revolutionized competitive gaming. Halo 3 MLG was a very big part of my time on Halo 3 and a lot of other people's as well because it got its own playlist! Modern Warfare and Halo 3 were both Pro Circuit games back in the day. Again, so disappointed I missed out.. The 343i.org 2013 Christmas Tree I'm putting this in the Community Events section because that's essentially what our Christmas Tree is. It is an Event in which our Community participates in on the site. I also think violet was a good color to highlight it with. Although it doesn't require us to get online and play together it requires us all to be on here and give the things we don't need, sometimes things we actually go out and buy specifically for this, to our fellow members. The Christmas Tree was started a year ago and always gets tons of gifts under it from our warm community here at 343iCF. I won't give a list of the names of members who provided gifts for this Christmas Tree simply because there is a long list and I don't want to type it. Maybe I'll edit in later? Anyway, all contributors to the Christmas Tree got this very prestigious site Award: - This would be the Helping Hand Award. Given to those who have given to the site. Thank you to everyone who donated to the 343i.org Christmas Tree, it would have been nothing without all of you. If you have any Community Event ideas post them here. FEATURED INTERVIEWS Bob - One of my favorite members on this forum. Bob was our first Site Moderator and is a generally interesting person. They say if you see him on the site and get to talk to him, you'll have good luck for the rest of your life. *Interviews have resumed. Preaacchh.*/hint FORGE Ok who remembers the Meet Your Maker Dominion Contest that concluded in December? I've got the results for you in case you missed them! In third place: by DUN3Z In second: by Xinshu And in first place, the winner of the Meet Your Maker Dominion Forge Contest is: by PA1NTS Featured Map: December Unquestionably the most interesting map of December, Duel-Wield Puzzlers by Juggacly, is a 2v2 puzzle map! I love puzzle maps! There are two teams of two and they have to navigate obstacles and help each other reach the finish of the map where they get to the area seen above with a Shmeef in it. This to me is a must download and play with some of your friends. Congratulations @Juggacly on having the Featured Map of December! GAMING NEWS Games Coming To Nintendo In 2014 TheCooliestOne of our News Group hit us with some awesome news about the upcoming games from Nintendo and they look so good that they make me want a Wii U. I didn't even get a Wii. For the list of games and their trailers, click the picture. New Creative Director for 343 Industries Some big news brought to us by adamj via TeamBeyond. Josh Holmes, former Creative Director of 343 Industries, has stepped down from his position and has been replaced by Tim Longo. The reason for the switch is unknown for now. Please visit adam's thread for more. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC: December Only second to the Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge Round 6, came this thread in replies. Created by Member - , Who wants, is a topic about whether or not you wanted Hayabusa back in Halo 4 or whatever other armors you wanted. Apparently a lot of you had something to say on this matter. So congrats Echo CT on having the Hot Topic of December and everyone go visit and or revisit the thread! MEMBER OF THE MONTH December's Member of the Month never got their own spot on any previous Wrapups so I'm pleased to remind everyone of Sparky's electrifying achievement. Spark was a member who'd gotten a few Warnings but corrected himself, changed his ways, and showed his true color: pink. I've known Spark since he got here and he's a great member. Even though he's not the MoM anymore he still contributes to this community just as much as when he was. Congrats again Sparky! Announcement thread. MoM Post. NEW COMMUNITY MODERATOR Although not new now, Azaxx was promoted to Community Moderator back in early December. If you're on, chances are he is too and he is watching you. Azaxx is an ever-vigilant Moderator and is there if you need something. Revisit his thread! TOP 15: DECEMBER This is a section I would like to keep in the Wrapup starting now. I hope members get together and continue this tradition. The Top 15 list is composed of members who show the greatest contribution to the forum over the past month. If you have a problem with the picture then shut up and hold it forever. Now, here's our Top 15 for December: Sikslik7 Beckoningzebra1 Maestro the Stampede The Dumb Marine Silent Orbis D-38 Boss HaloGeek Brett Edward Kenway JXZAW Axilus Prime NOVA Shockgazm UNSC Spartan II onsokumaru Honorable mentions go to: Tucker Zandril and Elite FAREWELL As big and eventful as December was, not all events were cheerful. There was one very big event that occurred in December leaving almost every member in awe. Absolute Dog was a jokester from the start and was always looking for a way to get involved since he joined. He found a great love for this community instantaneously. One day he PMed Twam and asked if there was anything he could do to help and Twam told him yes, he could work alongside the one and only Spectral Jester and help moderate the site as a Community Moderator thus beginning his legend on the 343i Community Forums. And a legend he is. AD was not only a great Moderator but person in general. He had all the character, charisma, humor, and was stern but never strict when necessary. It was very easy to look up to a man like AD. He took this forum from the small isolated community it was and almost single handedly created all of its ties with its Affiliates such as HaloCustoms, ForgeCafe, THFE, and Certain Affinity. He was the bridge this site needed to help create a united Halo Community. Now the site has been left up to RedStarRocket and all of us to help keep it to his standards. It's impossible to measure the hours Absolute Dog has given to this site. We salute you AD and best of luck in future endeavors. RedStar, we're all here to help when you need it! Here are some last words Dog left for us on the site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhx-ZDIwu4w#t=0 Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Please stay tuned for a cumulative January Wrapup as well. Then we should be switching back to the weekly. This post has been promoted to an article
  14. Sorry F1, Edward Kenway already made a post on this: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/33102-ea-joins-in-on-paid-promotion-campaign-for-youtubers/ Gotta lock this thread.
  15. Hey Jeff welcome to the site, I'm sure the community here would love to see your photography sometime. Please stick around and explore
  16. You're thinking of a different Doc and that one is still a Mod. This Doc used to run our YouTube Channel and created the DGL
  17. You've only been here for 2 and a half weeks
  18. Back for good!?!? WELCOME BACK DOC
  19. This topic doesn't provide discussion for members. Thread locked.
  20. I love this. Ok I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you guys this but word on the streets of the forum is that winners of the USF Election get promoted to C-Mods shortly after... I mean look at me and Azaxx!
  21. Welcome to the site UncookedMoa. Saw your I Will Not Bow video and really liked it. Nice work I hope you enjoy it here
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