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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Let's remember this is a nomination thread - in response to all off topic nonsense and people telling others to vote for people
  2. Yes I love using my Reward Points. I actually got a Halo shirt from using them before haha thanks for the news Yoshi!
  3. Halo 2: Lockdown. I loved it. Halo 3: The Pit, Narrows, Guardian. The competitive maps of Halo 3 have no competition in any other games Halo or not.
  4. I am going to take this as friendly competition and tell you that BZ can go sit in a corner with a dunce cap! Kenway is THE-way to go!!
  5. But it did get remade.... It's called Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. On topic though, I have a tie for saddest and most impactful moments in my Halo career. 1. When Sergeant Johnson was killed by 343 Guilty Spark. I wish they gave us more weapons to kill him with after. He died a most noble death though and he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 2. When Miranda Keyes was killed. Miranda was going to become a top military officer and a renowned one just as her father was but it was cut short Needler shots in her abdomen. I didn't get off the Ark until I killed every Flood form in the control room with the Arbiter. 3. Cortana sacrificing herself to save the Master Chief and keep him drifting in space. This still makes me wonder whether this was the last time we'd be seeing Cortana in the Halo games. I love all Campaigns of Halo but I just felt like Halo 3 tied it all together the best. Halo 4 was a whole new adventure and could've done things differently even in Campaign to make it better but I still love it. Those above have to be the most emotional moments for though.
  6. I have been waiting for news on Mortal Dictata and have come up with a few ideas just from reading that blurb. I'm also quite content with seeing Neutral Flag back as that was a fun attack and defend gametype in previous Halos.
  7. I think 65 is an appropriate price for this beauty. Customized controllers are usually more than that anyway.
  8. 343iCF Wrapup: November

  9. Hello everyone welcome back. I'm wrapping up where I left off and that is way back in November and the next one will be the huge jam packed December, and then hopefully we'll be weekly again! Primary Announcement: It was Mayh3m's birthday in November! 343iCF's NEW AFFILIATES I am pleased to announce our site's newest Affiliates. Everyone please give a virtual round of applause to ForgeCafe, headed by the great undr zid and home to one of their most profound members being our previous MoM, Zandril, and Forge World Maps which is mainly associated with our good buddy Brett, who is not new to being featured in the Wrapups. Both provide excellent value to our site. Please give them warm welcomes anytime you see them online. COMMUNITY EVENTS Out With A Bang Trilogy Event Part 1: Gears of War 3 "Send me out... with a bang..." So as you all know the Out With A Bang Trilogy has come and gone and was a great success from what I've heard. The trilogy Event was in honor of saying so long to the greatest console ever made: The Xbox 360 - where just about all of our Xbox memories occurred. Party systems, great games, cool apps and features, the good old days. I'm super ticked I couldn't make it to any but I hope you guys played a good game for me. The first part started with Gears of War 3, my favorite Gears of War. If you have any Community Event ideas post them here. FEATURED INTERVIEWS AbleSir Thomas - Part of The Halo Forge Epidemic, first affiliate member to earn the title of Member of the Month, and ran Tuesday Night Tests. Read and get to know more about him. *Interviews have resumed. Preaacchh.*/hint FORGE December 20th was the deadline for anyone who was involved or trying to get involved in this contest. In cahoots with our Affiliate sites, ForgeHub and HaloCustoms, ForgeHub hosted a joint Forge Contest for 2v2 maps. Sorry if you missed out. Stay tuned for results! Featured Map: November Is that a sweet screenshot or what? The map screen you see above is from the minigame Pincushion created by Chancier Hornet. In this modded minigame, each player is equipped with a needler that can fire its entire clip within a second. To even things out, all players are also equipped with Hardlight Shields so running out of ammo could get you killed while reloading. Reload This! Congrats Chancier Hornet on having the Featured Map of November! GAMING NEWS Connie Yu leaves 343 for Naughty Dog Now there was a fair amount of news in November that I've been sifting through for about a week but this is the biggest. Lots of deep thought put into the comments too. Connie Yu, former principle engine programmer at 343i, has gone her separate way to join Naughty Dog, creators of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. She is very eager to be working for a Sony developer over her previous Microsoft one and has some interesting things to say about the situation. Please check back into Absolute Dog's post by clicking the picture above. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC: November Q and A Game The Q and A Game was started in November by new Staff Member, D-38 Boss. It was a long running forum game and definitely has potential to be revived for more fun! MORE FUN! Congrats D-38 Boss, head of Promotions and Events, for having the Hottest Topic of November! MEMBER OF THE MONTH And let's give it up again for our November MoM, Bnus! Bnus has proven himself to be worthy of being Member of the Month and it has definitely help earned him his spot on Staff where he will be in charge of our YouTube Channel in our Communications Department. Go Bnus! Announcement here. MoM Post here. Get ready for a jam packed Wrapup for all of December! PEACE! This post has been promoted to an article
  10. There is but there's no Shoutbox on Mobile which is what most people like to use. You can only check PMs and notifications and browse forums from there pretty much. Definitely an idea that would be worth looking into
  11. All of the above ideas are ones I'd love to see implemented you guys are very good at giving feedback. Dog and Bnus are a very capable duo and can get help from the Community Moderators and RedStar on any project if need be. One thing I wanna see on our YouTube Channel however is a collaborative trailer for any known Events we have now for the upcoming year including our 2014 Calendar Events and any member created ones that we have like the Winter Conclusion created by onsokumaru. Kind of a teaser as of what's to come and maybe draw in more subscribers.
  12. One of you members..... is not... who they say they are... OR ARE THEY? DUN DUN DUNNNNN
  13. Thou shalt not tempt the Moderators lilsilmarillion. I'm pretty sure it's in the rules somewhere..
  14. GLORIOUS... to put it simply. It does me well to see all spots on our Staff filled especially with such dedicated members so deserving of their new titles. Congratulations Bnus, BZ, and Boss!
  15. Contrary to what my buddy Cooliest says above I just want to assure all the members that there IS in fact a lot to worry about. Be afraid Members. Be very afraid.
  16. This is a very clean map I like the way it looks. Might I recommend Zan's Map Marker Pack for easier and more clear map marking? http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29982-zans-halo-4-map-marker-pack/
  17. Great post OMEGA I'm dying to see a new Halo Wars and with the Kinect 2 it should be very interesting.
  18. Gotta be The Library on Legendary in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary solo
  19. Very well written and very interesting article. Great job Edward
  20. Welcome to the site. Your friend Bnus is a great member. Like he said, I hope you stay active on here we enjoy all the new members we get that are enthusiastic like you
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