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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Two. There are two in the pipeline. - This symbolizes 2 Silly Caboose these never stop.
  2. If it's coming out during the holidays I'll probably be getting it for the Xbox One. People have been asking about this since the game's release but now that it's finally happening, who's really going to get it? Besides me of course.
  3. Sorry, took me a while to find it. Scroll to the bottom: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29495-343icf-weekly-site-wrapup-61513/
  4. I didn't even know there was a Thom! He sounds really cool but I'm gonna go with Emile because he reminds me of the Cole Train baby WOOOOO! "WHO'S NEXT? HOW ABOUT YOU?" - Famous last words of Emile
  5. At first the Assassin's Creed games were essentially the same thing but they made some incremental innovations as they made the newer games like added multiplayer and new abilities, weapons, crafts, but you really start to see the evolution in the games as they go on because they always progress and never are prequels so everything you could do in the previous games, you can do in the later ones and anything you used to have to learn or earn, is already known. This game is going to bring another amazing aspect to the Assassin's Creed franchise. The Privateer missions were really fun when I played them but I had no idea that that would be the direction the next game would be heading in when I first got Assassin's Creed III. It's going to be top notch. By the way, if you couldn't tell, huge AC fan.
  6. THIS IS FANTASTIC. Just when I think all of Forge's surprises have been found out someone comes around and creates something.. well like this! A great trick for Forge.
  7. Got Arkham Origins muahahaha you'll never see me again!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TDM


      Well, Looks like we need a new mod! (Hint Hint)

    3. Maestro


      He stole my pages.

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      Plot twist: We will see you again, only it won't really be you.

  8. There are a lot of people on Xbox Live who pretend to be 343i employees but the truth is 343i employees aren't online as often as one might think. They're not just playing Halo in their free time. 343 is also known to have a good sense of humor, they can take a teabag or two I mean they did put in the teabagging hologram feature after all. I wouldn't worry about this at all. I'd completely forget it even happened haha
  9. As far as I know, Staff were win after win when I joined! We're going to have to rematch.
  10. Hi everyone let's get caught up with the week's happenings: Primary Announcement: If you think you have content that belongs in the Wrapup feel very free to PM me COMMUNITY EVENTS The Staff vs Members Community Event was a success from the start so I hear. I joined late and it was fun then even though I was only there for about 5 games. Staff won. No question. And if you click the banner you'll be sent to a recap given by The Dumb Marine. Participants: Church, Brony, RedStarRocket91, Absolute Dog, GermanShepherdD, Drizzy_Dan, The Dumb Marine, Trae Houston, Beckoningzebra1, JXZAW, Spyro, Bnus, and TGS Shadowless Everyone who attended gets the exclusive Staff vs. Members Award: We still want your ideas so post them here. FEATURED INTERVIEWS Redemption1272 - Winner of the Meet Your Maker Infinity Slayer Forge Contest and a real down to Earth member of the Halo Community. FORGE Forging The Future The future of Machinima has arrived! Here is a huge project started by our Art Department's Gryffin in association with THFE and ourselves. He's got a lot of members voice acting for him and we're backing this Machinima 100%. It's about 5 Spartans that get sent to Earth to find Monitors that landed there after Requiem exploded. There is lots of work being put into this project by many members of the site and we should see S1E1 soon! 343 Industries Community Forge Project By this point you should know what the CFP is and if you don't then read about it here. Post some ideas for our community in the CFP Idea Discussion thread here. You Will Partake in the Community Forge Project... Featured Map Once again, Zaelkyria makes the Featured Map sub-section with another of their Forged Halo naval ships. This one is called CRS-Class Light Cruiser because that's exactly what it is. It's a Covenant CRS-Class Light Cruiser. Take a second to really check out this picture and admire its aesthetics. And then once you've taken that second, click it and find the rest. GAMING NEWS Assassin's Creed IV: Making of Black Flag I can't believe I didn't see this earlier. This is a great video for any Assassin's Creed fans that IGN did with the developers of the newest installment in the series: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Leave Cooliest some likes and comments. Mountain Dew Xbox One Revealed Some really awesome news for fans of the Xbox One and Mountain Dew. There will be a Mountain Dew themed Xbox One released as seen above. News relayed by Choot 'em. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC Will People Play Halo 3 Even Though It'll be Free? I found this thread to have a lot of potential for discussion and noticed it got a decent amount of replies already. Now it's been over a week since it's come out but this is something good to weigh in on. TheMightyLlama1 wanted to know if there would be a good population back on Halo 3 since it was becoming free to download so you can chime in and talk about whether you've been playing or not and if you feel there has been an increase in population. Lots of room for discussion. I know it wasn't much but thanks for giving it a look through, I even gave it some more days to see if we'd get a little more action but we'll just have to wait until next week. Now scroll back up and read it all over again.
  11. I was on the other day and it felt very good. I haven't been on Halo 4 in a while and I'm glad I went onto Halo 3 first so that I wasn't used to Sprint or anything. I got a couple games of MLG in and played a game of Snipers and found games fairly quickly so I'd say it's safe to say that Halo 3 is seeing a positive population increase.
  12. Give it up for the mighty Sangheili!! WORT WORT WORTT
  13. Amazing work again Zaelkyria you are incredible at making ships in Forge! This is the first time I've seen you make a Covie ship and it's beautiful. You put great effort into your work.
  14. Staff definitely won. But if we're unsure we could always rematch
  15. Gugga Leunnam! I'm a fan! I've used one of your videos in our Weekly Site Wrapups before and your work is amazing! Welcome to our site!
  16. You'll get a notification from this thread and I don't think it'll be soon unfortunately. I could PM when the announcement is made.
  17. There will be more Halo Wars Community Events in the future.
  18. Ok we have two weeks to cover so let's get into it!: Primary Announcement: I've worked out my problem before you even knew what it was. Let it bug you now. ANNOUNCEMENT 343iCF Breast Cancer Awareness Signature Make-Over The Gryffin has started this totally awesome thread in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You give him your signature and him and Brony make them over in pink and BCAM them out! Get yours done right now. COMMUNITY EVENTS Finally I can display the new 343i.org Community Events banner. The magnificent display of fun and coolness came from our Art Department of course and I think it captures what we had in mind perfectly. This is the future of custom games at 343i.org. Join us this Saturday at 4PM EST for our Staff vs Members BCAM Community Event. We still want your ideas so post them here. DESTINY Destiny - The Moon The newest trailer from Bungie for Destiny and it's full of wonder and mystery! Bungie is really delivering lately as you'll see with all the Destiny news I'm about to relay. Let Choot know how much you love him by commenting on his thread! Silver Dollar Shotgun Bungie has released a video for a weapon that we'll be seeing in Destiny. They say this weapon "is an icon. In a place made strange by the passage of time, the Silver Dollar is as relatable as a lucky coin." Comment on Cooliest's thread! Destiny Codes Bungie is really showing off by giving these codes away FREE. Not only are they free however, they're also redeemable any time and are not first come first serve. It's a mystery as to what they unlock but it only helps to redeem them! Thread provided by Adam of the News Group! FEATURED INTERVIEWS Insane54 - Admin and co-founder of our Affiliate site, HaloCustoms.com. FORGE Forging The Future The future of Machinima has arrived! Here is a huge project started by our Art Department's Gryffin in association with THFE and ourselves. He's got a lot of members voice acting for him and we're backing this Machinima 100%. It's about 5 Spartans that get sent to Earth to find Monitors that landed there after Requiem exploded. There is lots of work being put into this project by many members of the site and we should see S1E1 soon! 343 Industries Community Forge Project By this point you should know what the CFP is and if you don't then read about it here. Post some ideas for our community in the CFP Idea Discussion thread here. You Will Partake in the Community Forge Project... Featured Map Above is a screenshot for the minigame Flush by the member Dar7h V4der. If the picture hasn't captured your attention enough then click on it and see how this game works. I was going to feature this a long time ago but I got lazy. GAMING NEWS EB Games Expo 2013 EB Games does a gaming expo in Australia every year and this year we were lucky enough to have a member go there and do some great reporting for us. Videos included and all. The Gryffin gives you coverage of the EB Games Expo Sydney 2013. Xbox One Friends App Walk Through Major Nelson gives you a video walkthrough of how the new Friends App for the Xbox One will operate. News provided by Adam. Comment on Adam's thread. ForgeBall: The "New" Gametype Although not actually new, it's gone widely overlooked since its release. This is a must see video brought by our Affiliate Certain Affinity. Comment on Cooliest's thread. TitanFall Presentation Well I feel like I've provided enough videos in the Wrapup thus far for you so to prevent laziness I'm going to make you go to Cooliest's thread and watch this video to better the chance that you leave a like or comment. This is an epic presentation of the first trailer for the awesome Xbox One exclusive, TitanFall. Community Manager at Respawn Entertainment, Abbie Heppe (Who I am a fan of), lets you in on the exclusive. ForgeHub Becomes HaloEvolved And to conclude Gaming News I present to you the new ForgeHub: HaloEvolved. You can find them at Haloevolved.com and let's hope for some collaboration between us and them in the near future. The picture will give you a link to their Introduction Thread. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page here. HOT TOPIC Stop the evil News Group! They're taking over! This week's Hot Topic comes from one of our great new bloods, Bnus. Bnus thinks our News Group is evil and controls brains! If only he knew how right he w-... I mean I love the News Group. Adam didn't just brainwash me. MEMBER OF THE MONTH In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this months MoM, or MoMs I should say, are all the mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and others that have the risk of having such a life changing illness and those who know individuals that have been afflicted by it. Thank you members for understanding and supporting and we recommend any members that can, to donate to the cause for research on how to stop this disease. Donators also get a brand new Award from the site: The BCAM Donator Award - USF ELECTION The United States of the Forum Election has come to its epic conclusion and to no one's surprise your new Forum President is: Azaxx! Announcement Thread. Thank you everyone for reading the Wrapup this week, please join us this weekend for the debut of our Community Events. Hail and scroll back up and read it all over again. View full article
  19. Ok we have two weeks to cover so let's get into it!: Primary Announcement: I've worked out my problem before you even knew what it was. Let it bug you now. ANNOUNCEMENT 343iCF Breast Cancer Awareness Signature Make-Over The Gryffin has started this totally awesome thread in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You give him your signature and him and Brony make them over in pink and BCAM them out! Get yours done right now. COMMUNITY EVENTS Finally I can display the new 343i.org Community Events banner. The magnificent display of fun and coolness came from our Art Department of course and I think it captures what we had in mind perfectly. This is the future of custom games at 343i.org. Join us this Saturday at 4PM EST for our Staff vs Members BCAM Community Event. We still want your ideas so post them here. DESTINY Destiny - The Moon The newest trailer from Bungie for Destiny and it's full of wonder and mystery! Bungie is really delivering lately as you'll see with all the Destiny news I'm about to relay. Let Choot know how much you love him by commenting on his thread! Silver Dollar Shotgun Bungie has released a video for a weapon that we'll be seeing in Destiny. They say this weapon "is an icon. In a place made strange by the passage of time, the Silver Dollar is as relatable as a lucky coin." Comment on Cooliest's thread! Destiny Codes Bungie is really showing off by giving these codes away FREE. Not only are they free however, they're also redeemable any time and are not first come first serve. It's a mystery as to what they unlock but it only helps to redeem them! Thread provided by Adam of the News Group! FEATURED INTERVIEWS Insane54 - Admin and co-founder of our Affiliate site, HaloCustoms.com. FORGE Forging The Future The future of Machinima has arrived! Here is a huge project started by our Art Department's Gryffin in association with THFE and ourselves. He's got a lot of members voice acting for him and we're backing this Machinima 100%. It's about 5 Spartans that get sent to Earth to find Monitors that landed there after Requiem exploded. There is lots of work being put into this project by many members of the site and we should see S1E1 soon! 343 Industries Community Forge Project By this point you should know what the CFP is and if you don't then read about it here. Post some ideas for our community in the CFP Idea Discussion thread here. You Will Partake in the Community Forge Project... Featured Map Above is a screenshot for the minigame Flush by the member Dar7h V4der. If the picture hasn't captured your attention enough then click on it and see how this game works. I was going to feature this a long time ago but I got lazy. GAMING NEWS EB Games Expo 2013 EB Games does a gaming expo in Australia every year and this year we were lucky enough to have a member go there and do some great reporting for us. Videos included and all. The Gryffin gives you coverage of the EB Games Expo Sydney 2013. Xbox One Friends App Walk Through Major Nelson gives you a video walkthrough of how the new Friends App for the Xbox One will operate. News provided by Adam. Comment on Adam's thread. ForgeBall: The "New" Gametype Although not actually new, it's gone widely overlooked since its release. This is a must see video brought by our Affiliate Certain Affinity. Comment on Cooliest's thread. TitanFall Presentation Well I feel like I've provided enough videos in the Wrapup thus far for you so to prevent laziness I'm going to make you go to Cooliest's thread and watch this video to better the chance that you leave a like or comment. This is an epic presentation of the first trailer for the awesome Xbox One exclusive, TitanFall. Community Manager at Respawn Entertainment, Abbie Heppe (Who I am a fan of), lets you in on the exclusive. ForgeHub Becomes HaloEvolved And to conclude Gaming News I present to you the new ForgeHub: HaloEvolved. You can find them at Haloevolved.com and let's hope for some collaboration between us and them in the near future. The picture will give you a link to their Introduction Thread. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page here. HOT TOPIC Stop the evil News Group! They're taking over! This week's Hot Topic comes from one of our great new bloods, Bnus. Bnus thinks our News Group is evil and controls brains! If only he knew how right he w-... I mean I love the News Group. Adam didn't just brainwash me. MEMBER OF THE MONTH In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this months MoM, or MoMs I should say, are all the mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and others that have the risk of having such a life changing illness and those who know individuals that have been afflicted by it. Thank you members for understanding and supporting and we recommend any members that can, to donate to the cause for research on how to stop this disease. Donators also get a brand new Award from the site: The BCAM Donator Award - USF ELECTION The United States of the Forum Election has come to its epic conclusion and to no one's surprise your new Forum President is: Azaxx! Announcement Thread. Thank you everyone for reading the Wrapup this week, please join us this weekend for the debut of our Community Events. Hail and scroll back up and read it all over again.
  20. The judging started almost 3 weeks ago but that's as much as I know.
  21. If this is your first Batman game then you MUST get the rest. They're just too good. I'm crazy about them all.
  22. This is a very interesting thread. The way I see it, Sega is out. They have games exclusive to the Xbox and games exclusive to the Wii and it's not enough to keep lending out their products without putting out a platform of their own. Fact of the matter is, they don't stand a chance these days no matter how many classic Sega fans there are. I think Nintendo buying them out would be a very smart move but I don't think they can afford them just yet. I think Sega is stubborn.
    1. Azaxx



      I am commenting on this status to annoy you by giving you on extra notification.


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