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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Congrats Spades buddy! Most deserved. Not that you've ever needed a title before though
  2. I'm not hating, I'm loving. But I must say, I like the 5 in Halo 5 to be the Halo font style better. All in all though, good work Orbis
  3. The title could use a different look but I like the background image! I have no photo editing experience whatsoever so this looks cool to me!
  4. Well I knew you would love this one especially so I tagged it accordingly I can take it down, just let me know Azaxx
  5. Created an account and voted. When does the second round start?
  6. Happy birthday Father Bullet

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      laaayete boohoohooo


      *pulls down eyelid and sticks out tongue*

  7. If you clicked this then you want to read this Weekly Wrapup. That's good. Let's get into it: ANNOUNCEMENT Would you like to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Would you like to get paid to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Click Absolute Dog's announcement on how you can play test for 343i here. CONTESTS Our affiliate site, HaloCustoms, has had a minigame competition going on now for some weeks that is now in the voting process. This is their Minigame Competition Sponsored by GamerModz. For those of you that remember or were involved in the Custom Controller Giveaway, GamerModz was the company in charge of handing out the free customized controller. And that's exactly what the prize is here! Check out some submissions and vote for 1 map in each group here. Test the minigames that made it to the finals by RSVPing to this lobby on HaloCustoms.com! CUSTOM GAMES NIGHT Spades N AZ's Custom Games Night What's this!? Spades N AZ's Custom Games Night is featured in the Wrapup again?? Why, yes. Yes it is. Why? Because if you haven't heard he's bringing them back! YES. This time, on HALO 3! Tell Spades you'll be there by replying to his announcement thread here. And make sure to RSVP over at HaloCustoms! DGL The DGL finals are still going. Your division: Castle Division: Drizzy_Dan, Gazzy Mill Mill, Neurotic Kasper, Sarge, SikSlik7, Forum Dinosaur, Hater, Real Talk If you still want info on the DGL for some reason click the links below: Rules/Info Match_Results Gametype/Scoring No matches have been played this week again. FEATURED INTERVIEWS Zelda - One of this site's leading ladies and one of the friendliest members on the site. FORGE 343 Industries Community Forge Project SikSlik7's 343i Community Forge Project is a project that lets the members get together and make their own contributions to the maps made. SikSlik explains it all in his thread. Read and sign up for the CFP here. Ideas can be discussed in the CFP Idea Discussion thread so post yours here. Here's his CFP Space Station Discussion Thread for the CFP's first project! Find SikSlik's sketch of the first project here! CFP UPDATE - SikSlik7 has created an account for members to friend in order to join the CFP sessions. Send CFP343i a Friend Request on Xbox Live! *Featured Maps will be returning soon. Hopefully in a special way!* GAMING NEWS Absolute Dog's baby has gone inter-community. 0IAH, who makes some awesome videos that I've featured on my Wrapup before, has started to make a weekly wrap-up of his own. Catch the HaloCustoms Weekly Wrap-Up by 0IAH right here. Click. HOT TOPIC Halo Wars - Your Strategies Here's a pretty hot topic. If you like Halo Wars and are looking forward to the next Halo Wars Community Play Date then share your strategy with us so we can figure out how you play and counter it to destroy you. Topic by SEED Factor.. Or JL. Share here! PLAY DATES Halo 4 Play Date The Halo 4 Play Date was fun. We played the new Gun Game mod and it's quite good and we played some others like Charles Stoot's Blaze Cave, Ro Sham Bo, and Dunk Tank. The customs were good and all in all we had a good time as usual. I left early because I had to but the rest played on. Thank you to everyone who participated. Participants: DocSpartanO07, Lil Dog, D-38 Boss, BaconShelf, -Sparky-, JXZAW, ThomasScott02, EliteSnIp3r, Banehalo, Frankenzer, Fishy Everyone who attended will get this: That was your weekly fill, now scroll back up and read it all over again.
  8. Will not make the Play Date on time tomorrow. D-38 Boss is hosting as of right now. Message XxRC BossxX for an invite.

  9. Just looking at the pictures, no play testing yet, I just wanna say the overview looks INCREDIBLE. Really nice job Chronmeister.
  10. January 2013 Top 15 member rejoice. I have given you your Awards finally, 5 months later. Except for whoever Avictus is because I couldn't find them.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azaxx


      Mind passing the link for the Top 15 for January Drizzy? I'm interested to re-read it again.

    3. BaconShelf


      Avictus is now called Cobalt Original. He's on my friends list

    4. Drizzy_Dan
  11. Thank you for clicking this link and I promise I will not let you down with this one. I mean did you read the title of the topic? It's ZELDA! She's been a member here almost as long as I have and is one of this site's leading ladies if you ask me. Here's my interview with Zelda: DD: "Hey Zelda, when you joined I knew you as IrishElf. What's your background with Zelda and why'd your change your name to it?" ZA: "I have always wanted the name Zelda on different sites, and usually its already used by someone else. So when Vitamin Pwn told me it wasnt taken, I asked him to change it for me." DD: "Alright fair enough haha. Zelda you've been frequenting the site for over a year now, what do you like most about this site? What keeps you coming back here?" ZA: "Thats an easy question. The people. The member's of this site. I have made many great friends and its the members that kept me coming back. Its my virtual home. In fact, if I am not on here at least once everyday, it drives me crazy. I like coming on here and making sure everything is going ok, and that everyone is well. But there are those times when I miss something and I feel bad for missing it. Like how I missed you becoming Mod for instance. But alas, at least I got to congratulate you anyways. :)" DD: "That just happened 2 days ago! You didn't miss it by much! But I know what you mean. Everyone takes an absence from the site for one reason or another and it's well known by anyone who has that real life takes priority when something comes up. You were gone for some months not too long ago though, what was going on in that time if you don't mind me asking?" ZA: "Well, I was kinda gone from here for a few months. But I was actually checking in everyday at the end of the day before bed. I wasnt in the shout box because I was only on here long enough to check for mails and do a quick look through the threads to see if I had missed anything. But during my somewhat absence, I was in the middle of moving everything out of my dad's house before it could go into foreclosure. Seeing as how I had just lost him in February, I didn't want to loose everything he and my mom owned. My sister, Chantay was here as well trying to help out with the packing and everything. But now that everything is done and over with, I can finally just sit back and enjoy the forums like I used to before January. Well, as long as my internet allows me to enjoy them. :)" DD: "I'm very sorry to hear that but I admire how open you are with sharing that with the Community Zelda . What are you excited to see on the site when you come on and what do you enjoy most when coming online?" ZA: "I think what I get excited about is seeing member's get promoted a new staff position or making it to MoM, or even turn into a Trusted Member or Dedicated Member after all the work they have put in. As for what I like to see, is more the fact that we all like to joke around and play with one another. I also like looking at people's art and seeing their forge maps in the pictures. :)" DD: "Those are some of my favorite things too for sure. And I've noticed you've reached Dedicated on the site not too long ago so congrats on that! Let's talk Xbox One. What do you think of it from what you've seen so far?" ZA: "And thank you. About Xbox One.... Well, I can say is that its not something I am interested in. I'll not go into detailing it, because there are people who do want it and are anticipating it, and I dont want to ruin the excitement that they are feeling towards the Xbox One, by going into a rant. But I am definitely buying a PS4 when I have money saved up for it. Well, actually I will be buying three PS4's eventually. lol But I will say this, I will be keeping my 360. There is a Fable Anniversary, (that I am ecstatic about) coming out near the holidays and I need my 360 in order to play it. ;)" DD: "Big into Fable? Which do you like more, Fable or Halo?" ZA: "lol. Sorry guys, I have been a much longer fan of Fable than I have with Halo. :P" DD: "Oh no! The dreaded answer! No that's totally cool there are many members on here whose favorite game isn't Halo. Zelda if you could create a site Award, what would it be and how would people get it?" ZA: "A site award? I've thought about it before, but never really asked about it. It would probably be the Triforce, and to get it, you'd have to be seen doing 3 of the things in which the Triforce stands for. (Power, Wisdom, Courage) Power- Win a game on Halo with the community of 343i members Courage- Stand up for the members of this forum whether on xbox or right here on the forum Wisdom- Make some really good posts As for what it would look like, well, a smaller version of whats on my profile. DD: "That's actually a really cool and really creative idea! I think it's great that it's a challenge to get! So if you were offered a Staff job on the site, Zelda, which do you think you'd take if you could choose?" ZA: "A staff job? Well, I'd rather them (the decision makers), decide which one I most likely qualified for and to see how it would work out. Never hurts to try something new. :)" DD: "Alright just wanted to see what you were thinking if you were thinking about it! Alright we're hitting the end of June and our amazing MoM, Beckoningzebra1, is about to serve his full term. Is there anyone you'd like to see get Member of the Month for July?" ZA: "I know i have always wanted to see ZB-85 become MoM. But I dont think he's been on enough recently. Bloody Initiate has done some amazing posts. He doesn't talk to anyone, but I have seen his posts. And Zuko is on rather often." DD: "ZB!! I've wanted to see ZB become MoM since I got here basically. He was my first interviewee. Sadly he isn't as active anymore, no. Those are some interesting candidates you have there though! I guess we'll see in some days! Now it's been an amazing interview and I know a lot of members are going to have a great time reading this so let's bring this to a close. Zelda, what are your words of wisdom to the new generation of members on the site?" ZA: "Just keep posting, having fun, and that sort of thing. And that I'll see you around the forums. :)" Now you can't sit there and lie to yourself and tell yourself that that wasn't a fun and interesting read! Zelda is a great friendly member on here (Azaxx can vouch for that) and she's always willing to make new friends. More on the way soon thanks for reading the 34th installment of Interviews with Stars of the Community!
  12. Updated Contests and Events Schedule for the month of June

  13. Users in the 'New Members' Group have some restrictions. I'm guessing post editing is one of them. Problem solved now however. Also, nice looking map!
  14. Hello everyone I hope you enjoy this jam packed Weekly Site Wrapup. ANNOUNCEMENT Would you like to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Would you like to get paid to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Click Absolute Dog's announcement on how you can play test for 343i here. CONTESTS Our affiliate site, HaloCustoms, has had a minigame competition going on now for some weeks that is now in the voting process. This is their Minigame Competition Sponsored by GamerModz. For those of you that remember or were involved in the Custom Controller Giveaway, GamerModz was the company in charge of handing out the free customized controller. And that's exactly what the prize is here! Check out some submissions and vote for 1 map in each group here. UPDATE: 2 new competitors have joined the competition so get your votes in! DGL The DGL finals are still going. Your division: Castle Division: Drizzy_Dan, Gazzy Mill Mill, Neurotic Kasper, Sarge, SikSlik7, Forum Dinosaur, Hater, Real Talk If you still want info on the DGL for some reason click the links below: Rules/Info Match_Results Gametype/Scoring No matches have been played this week. FEATURED INTERVIEWS SuperIntendant - Previous News Group Member back when I joined and is full of knowledge not only about the site. *Great interviews on the way!* FORGE Zan's Halo 4 Map Marker Pack This beautiful sight belongs to Zandril and will be the featured part of the Forge section this week. Zandril has made it easy for map makers to mark their maps with callouts and objectives and weapon/vehicle spawns by creating a Map Marker Pack for people to download and put onto screenshots of their map. Check out his pack here. GAMING NEWS Family Sharing Was Not Timed Demo It turns out the demo shown by Microsoft for Family Sharing was not a timed demo! Check out adamj's article on it here! GAME To Open Xbox Exclusive Store UK's gaming store GAME will be opening an Xbox exclusive store in London. Check out more info on what will be in it and where exactly it will be here. Interview with LionHead Studios Previous News Group member, Lil Dog, has landed an interview with the Senior Administrator from LionHead Studios in charge of Fable. Read it here. Prices of Xbox One Games Will be the Same as Xbox 360 It seems there will be no price difference between games for the Xbox One and the Xbox 360! Read adamj's article here. Don Matrick on Xbox One Constant Live Connection Don Matrick of Microsoft speaks on needing a constant internet connection for the Xbox One and adam brings you the video here. World of Tanks Beta Sign Up Sign up for the World of Tanks Beta coming to Xbox Live here! Brought to you by adamj004. HOT TOPIC Halo Diorama Series If this isn't one of the most beautiful pieces of Halo artwork you've ever seen then what is wrong with you. Halofan49 is making a series of dioramas for Halo and has many more pictures than just this one in his thread. Check out his dioramas by clicking here. NEW LEGENDARY MEMBER Absolute Dog was proud to announce our newest Legendary Member. Previous Staff member, made signatures for the members long before we had an Art Department on the site, and an overall great member for his dedication. Everyone please congratulate EGYPTIANGHETTO. Find the announcement here. NEW MODERATOR I've joined the ranks of the Community Moderating Team! I'm gonna do my best! Announcement thread here. PLAY DATES Staff vs Members Play Date We had an excellent time at the Staff vs. Members Play Date today. It started off with me, JL, and RedStarRocket flipping an Elephant on Sandtrap. Then me and RedStar faced off against Frankenzer and JL and then it turned into me and RedStar against 5 members. Then Doc joined and helped us out and we had a couple of 3v7s going. The most memorable game I think though had to be CTF Valhalla because me and Doc were owning in the Warthog. And that game skummgummigubbe got betrayed by the Staff three times.. Twice by RedStarRocket and once by me and Doc splattering him in the Warthog. I swear I was going to pass right in front of him though. The lag was off the charts. Anyway thanks to everyone who joined, this was a good time. I hope it gets started up again later today. Sadly I can't host. Omega inForce got some footage that he's going to post and I'll update this when he does. Participants: RedStarRocket91, DocSpartanO07, skummgummigubbe, GermanShepherdD, D-38 Boss, Omega inForce, Vangelis, Frankenzer, тυ¢кєя, ThomasScott02, BaconShelf Everyone who attended gets this exclusive Award: That was the Weekly Site Wrapup now scroll back up and read it all over again.
  15. I think it looks cool too but I don't plan on getting it. Just looking forward to seeing some videos and maybe checking it out on my friends' phones if any of them get one
  16. Only problem with being able to give out Awards is figuring out how to give them to myself

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2.  Twam


      Should be able to give them to yourself now.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      You used my account to give you a slice of pizza!? Did you do anything else while you were on it?? Haha no only kidding and thanks Twam I'll try it out!

    4. Azaxx


      He actually went into your setting and changed everything so you get 50 notifications per day

  17. Hello everyone I hope you enjoy this jam packed Weekly Site Wrapup. ANNOUNCEMENT Would you like to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Would you like to get paid to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Click Absolute Dog's announcement on how you can play test for 343i here. CONTESTS Our affiliate site, HaloCustoms, has had a minigame competition going on now for some weeks that is now in the voting process. This is their Minigame Competition Sponsored by GamerModz. For those of you that remember or were involved in the Custom Controller Giveaway, GamerModz was the company in charge of handing out the free customized controller. And that's exactly what the prize is here! Check out some submissions and vote for 1 map in each group here. UPDATE: 2 new competitors have joined the competition so get your votes in! DGL The DGL finals are still going. Your division: Castle Division: Drizzy_Dan, Gazzy Mill Mill, Neurotic Kasper, Sarge, SikSlik7, Forum Dinosaur, Hater, Real Talk If you still want info on the DGL for some reason click the links below: Rules/Info Match_Results Gametype/Scoring No matches have been played this week. FEATURED INTERVIEWS SuperIntendant - Previous News Group Member back when I joined and is full of knowledge not only about the site. *Great interviews on the way!* FORGE Zan's Halo 4 Map Marker Pack This beautiful sight belongs to Zandril and will be the featured part of the Forge section this week. Zandril has made it easy for map makers to mark their maps with callouts and objectives and weapon/vehicle spawns by creating a Map Marker Pack for people to download and put onto screenshots of their map. Check out his pack here. GAMING NEWS Family Sharing Was Not Timed Demo It turns out the demo shown by Microsoft for Family Sharing was not a timed demo! Check out adamj's article on it here! GAME To Open Xbox Exclusive Store UK's gaming store GAME will be opening an Xbox exclusive store in London. Check out more info on what will be in it and where exactly it will be here. Interview with LionHead Studios Previous News Group member, Lil Dog, has landed an interview with the Senior Administrator from LionHead Studios in charge of Fable. Read it here. Prices of Xbox One Games Will be the Same as Xbox 360 It seems there will be no price difference between games for the Xbox One and the Xbox 360! Read adamj's article here. Don Matrick on Xbox One Constant Live Connection Don Matrick of Microsoft speaks on needing a constant internet connection for the Xbox One and adam brings you the video here. World of Tanks Beta Sign Up Sign up for the World of Tanks Beta coming to Xbox Live here! Brought to you by adamj004. HOT TOPIC Halo Diorama Series If this isn't one of the most beautiful pieces of Halo artwork you've ever seen then what is wrong with you. Halofan49 is making a series of dioramas for Halo and has many more pictures than just this one in his thread. Check out his dioramas by clicking here. NEW LEGENDARY MEMBER Absolute Dog was proud to announce our newest Legendary Member. Previous Staff member, made signatures for the members long before we had an Art Department on the site, and an overall great member for his dedication. Everyone please congratulate EGYPTIANGHETTO. Find the announcement here. NEW MODERATOR I've joined the ranks of the Community Moderating Team! I'm gonna do my best! Announcement thread here. PLAY DATES Staff vs Members Play Date We had an excellent time at the Staff vs. Members Play Date today. It started off with me, JL, and RedStarRocket flipping an Elephant on Sandtrap. Then me and RedStar faced off against Frankenzer and JL and then it turned into me and RedStar against 5 members. Then Doc joined and helped us out and we had a couple of 3v7s going. The most memorable game I think though had to be CTF Valhalla because me and Doc were owning in the Warthog. And that game skummgummigubbe got betrayed by the Staff three times.. Twice by RedStarRocket and once by me and Doc splattering him in the Warthog. I swear I was going to pass right in front of him though. The lag was off the charts. Anyway thanks to everyone who joined, this was a good time. I hope it gets started up again later today. Sadly I can't host. Omega inForce got some footage that he's going to post and I'll update this when he does. Participants: RedStarRocket91, DocSpartanO07, skummgummigubbe, GermanShepherdD, D-38 Boss, Omega inForce, Vangelis, Frankenzer, тυ¢кєя, ThomasScott02, BaconShelf Everyone who attended gets this exclusive Award: That was the Weekly Site Wrapup now scroll back up and read it all over again. This post has been promoted to an article
  18. Welcome to the site USR Director. Glad to see you joining our ranks.
  19. Everyone get in the damn Staff vs Members Play Date on Halo 3 and message LL Kool D for an invite

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