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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. With Microsoft and Sony both announcing their next generation consoles, we're already starting to see the competition between the two developing companies over the better console naturally. "The PS4 is a great video game console that appeals to video gamers." - Kaz Hirai. At D11, Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai told reporters that this was significant because they wanted to convey the message that the PS4 was mainly made for video gamers. Hirai did say that Sony would be showing off more of the features that are not focused on video gaming but that it would come later. We have a big E3 to look forward to this year. Kaz Hirai would like the Gaming Community to know that, "...[The PS4 is] first and foremost a video game console."1 So far, Microsoft has shown the Xbox One to be a family entertainment, full living room experience. It showed more focus on its features that were not gaming. Sony on the other hand, presented many game demos for the PlayStation 4 and put the focus on the gaming. So the question is, who's doing it better? 1 - Soure - The Verge View full article
  2. 2 weeks from now.. Something will happen
  3. Watch out for future Halo Wars Play Dates though!
  4. Doc we'd love to see you tomorrow: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28818-dominion-the-day-away-playdate/page-2?do=findComment&comment=265385
  5. YEAAAHHH DOC! We've gotten 6 matches in the DGL done so far and still going! Maybe we can get some more videos up on the channel. I know Gazzy recorded himself whooping me
  6. All the participants of the previous Halo Wars Play Dates, feast your eyes! http://www.343industries.org/forum/jawards/ ALL. HAIL. TWAM.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      I better get one... I put up with playing as Truth...

    3. Frankenzer


      I better get one too fighting 2 people alone was frustrating enough......

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      You will all get one. Except you Fishy.

  7. He actually had the Mark II armor at that time if I'm not wrong. I need to rewatch Forward Unto Dawn but that armor didn't have shields yet. Mark III might have, I don't remember too much about it.
  8. Yes there is sorry for excluding it. It's [media*] link [/media*]
  9. It looks so much more violent in slow motion haha I like this video.
  10. Actual scorpion. Ain't no doubt about it. It doesn't even need armor for a boost. This should probably be in Offbeat.
  11. DerpKing did you really just quote the entire interview and then not write anything
  12. And post count when viewed on your profile is different than the number that you have when you hover over your name
  13. This could be the most exclusive interview since the one I did with Absolute Dog when he returned from his leave of absence last year. For the current newer members, he was the first Site Moderator on this site. He was the first Man in Orange. Please read my interview with Bob: DD: "First thing's first, here's something I've been interested in for a while now. Bob what's the picture? Your profile picture I mean, what is the story behind that? I heard there was one haha" BOB: "A story? not really.. But I believe the picture it's itself was apart of some album art by the band "Nirvana". I like it cause of it's retro comic book feel and the phrase "Don't Be Stupid" is one to live by... plus I like the irony that it's coming from a blonde. I've been known to sport many-of psychedelic wallpapers/profile pictures in the past. I thought this picture would round that style out." DD: "I thought you said there was no story! That right there is a very interesting one! Bob, how often are you lurking on the site these days?" BOB: "I lurk about a handful of times a week for a few hours, mainly the general discussion and the halo 4 sections. I find the "View New Content" tab at the top can hold some interesting stuff, mostly random though." DD: "The 'View New Content' tab is my home. That's where I always am on the site and that's what I use to refresh the page I love that tab . Being the site's first Site Moderator, what do you think has changed about that position today?" BOB: "Well the forum was younger back then and required ALOT less attention. Nowa days I have no idea what the mods are going through. But in the early days at the dawn of Spectral Jester, the staff always tried to retain a liberal sense of power. With mainstream community outlets being so ban happy it was obvious members appreciated our laidback staff, even today. I like to think that part hasn't changed. With all the members and sub-sections there are today I would imagine mods having to check their logs and flagged reports a hell of alot more frequently than before. I just hope the shoutbox isn't as tricky to edit and remove shouts as it once was, maybe a few updates took care of that. So to answer the question: more work, I'd have to guess. Few people are even aware that I was the first, and some may not believe because of the creation date my profile displays. The date is inaccurate because of some bug back when the forum switch over to the lovely IPB Board we see today. Because my profile was created back when the forum was using phpBB and any profile created in the phpBB forum experienced minor cosmetic bugs when we upgraded to IPB. Unfortunately the true created date to my profile maybe lost in cyberspace but I assure you I was here when Twam made the site live. To set the record straight, Scotty was not the first moderator." DD: "Thank you for letting everyone know all of that because I agree, I don't think many in today's population know that you were the first in the orange letters. Although back then all the Moderators were blue on the phpBB version of the site right? Anyway, so is it true you know Twam personally?" BOB: "Can't quite remember if it was blue, this place has gone through so many changes. For the better, clearly. Twam? Personally? HA! Nobody knows Twam personally... Nobody..." DD: "So it's true then? He's really a Canadian spy and no one knows exactly what he does other than that? . Bob do you plan to come back and catch up with the site and maybe become a Moderator again?" BOB: "That's classified... I haven't given up on Halo or the community unlike most classic Halo players. (Halocharts says it all) Time will have to tell that one. If I did desire to come back as a mod I would have to go through the staff ranks as a Cmod since the the forum has so much structure now. As for the foreseeable forture, I have made no such plans. BUT If there comes a time when my assistants is required I would gladly reenlist." DD: "Classified answers. I love those, it makes me want to find out even more! Well Bob that's actually great to read and I'm actually surprised to hear that you think you'd have to come through the ranks of being a Community Moderator first, I would think that they'd put you write back in orange after some weeks of being a secret Mod. So let's jump to your status now then. What did you think when you became a Legendary Member? Any opinion of the Legendary Member status?" BOB: "Honored. The Legendary Member Group still had a fresh face when I was put into the group. I think it had more to do with the timing of me stepping down as a mod. But respectively, I feel it was "overzealously bestowed" on me. This profile has a low amount of posts especially for a mod. Though my time as a mod had me do some of our first events and forum activities as well as alot of back door things, deleting spam and monitoring an in some cases restarting the server. (we had some server problems back then) My time started to fade when jester joined the ranks, he was fast and stayed on for long hours checking reports deleting spam and banning bots (thank god we don't have these spam problems today) he was beating other mods to the punch to be frank, which in any case is a great thing. As the staff grew I found I couldn't insert my efforts as often as I once did. after being idle for a month I asked to step down, Twam sorta gave me, what I like to call "a time of purgatory" to think about it. After I insisted I was moved to the Legendary Group. my time as a moderator is just history." DD: "Wow that's an interesting perspective to have on your time here on the site. Very humble but raises some questions for me which is great because we're doing an interview! . Would you do anything different with your active time as a Site Moderator if you could have?" BOB: "lol That's a frugal question. Thinking about what could have been done in the past is quite fruitless, and it's something I try not to do. I try not to think, I let impulse guide me through my choices in life." DD: "Indeed, I didn't want to ask too much haha I wanted to separate that from this question: Do you have any goals you still wish to achieve on the site?" BOB: "definitely! and plenty of them. Will I [reveal] them? No... These concepts are classified and have yet to be implemented. but heres a hint; more Halo content, much more. Lets just say I still have a few aces up my sleeve. in a biblical sense, of course." DD: "Alright!! Now those are the kind of answers we love to read! I was thinking there had to be some reason you were lurking more often lately. What keeps you returning to the site after so long?" BOB: "The community.. and my love for Halo... Plus you can always find some good reads and info around here." DD: "Community, was the number one answer (Steve Harvey on Family Feud voice). Bob, it's been a great interview do you have anything to say to the Community? A message, advice, etc?" BOB: "if i had to give some last words to the halo players (if you could call it that) 'Keep your chin up and your DMR straight'" That was a very rare interview and it meant a lot to me to talk to Bob and get to know more about him. It was an honor truly, and thank you Bob for taking the time to get the interview done. I hope we can talk more even beyond this interview because of all the older Staff members and Legendary Members, you are the one I have hardly ever talked to. Besides Twam of course. Thanks for reading everyone HAIL !
  14. Not that your map didn't already look great Raphael but I think it looks twice as great now. Really good job on the improvements.
  15. Welcome back Harbinger good to see you again!
  16. [media*] url link [media*] Without the asterisks
  17. Adventure Time marathon and they're playing the episodes in the best order

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