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Everything posted by miniamp

  1. Correction, releasing it may 7th

    1. Gamerteam


      Now I have my open lobby

      On the 8

  2. Next Most Attractive Members comes out May 5

  3. favortie Beatles song

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DaveAtStateFarm
    3. miniamp




      how can someone have a favorite?

    4. DaveAtStateFarm


      TRUE DAT MINI! brahfist!

  4. I declare my One Word Story an EPIC success, but still continue it! DON"T LET IT DIE

  5. Me and my friend are in a heated debate, who would win in a fightm my yogurt or his poptart?

    1. Azaxx
    2. The Director

      The Director

      The yogurt can make the poptart soggy, but it would kill the yogurt to do so. The poptart could absorb the yogurt, but it would soggify the poptart to do so... Hmm...

  6. We are going to make a story by each person posting once, we will try to keep it going for as long as possible this is how it goes, each member can only post ONCE for every five posts. as in once you post, you have to wait for five other people to post before you can post again. Try to make it funny, but simple like this Jack Went To The Store And Got apples try to space out time, let's not try and have everyone post at the same time. alright I will start Joseph
  7. there were more pictures released than these other two can someone post them in this thread?
  8. It's not a F/A22, it's a F-22, it's not a multi role. It's sole purpose is to be an air superiority fighter, there were plans for a F/B-22 (Fighter bomber) but it was scrapped just clearing things up
  9. As the title says, I want anyone who feels like it to post their favorite Military Aircraft from any time, I'll start The WWll soviet era Yak-9, or the LA-7
  10. Since I'm favorable now, I'm going to run for president. MINIAMP2012

    1. Brent


      Frank o'connor already won the primary election. Better luck next time.

  11. Since I'm favorable now, I'm going to run for president. MINIAMP2012

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