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Everything posted by miniamp

  1. Listing to those songs that throw you back in time..

  2. Here it is, due to popular demand, I will try to do this monthly. -1. Twam 0. Twam 1. Nova 2. ZB-85 3. Mr.Biggles 4. Caboose 5. Drizzy_Dan 6. The Director 7. Donut 8. VitaminPWN 9. One 10. Absolute Dog 11. Luke 11.5 Private Church 12. Quantum 13. Kurt S-051 14. Choot em' 15. Total Mayh3m 16. Ms. Mystic BAM! DONE These are all facts, and are not subject to change. (well for the month)
  3. Making Top 15 Most Attractive Members

    1. Anarchy


      can i be one of them???

  4. Very interesting, I hope one comes out sometime soon I feel a halo movie will be made depending on Halo 4's success regardless, I will give my left lung to see a Halo movie If they do make one, I hope they base it off a book, maybe Fall of Reach (by far my favorite) or Ghosts of Onyx?
  5. Donut is my 2nd favorite member

  6. Halo 4 comes out November 6th, 2012 And Spartan Ops isn't going to be DLC, it's already in the disk, as in it comes with the game, it's just released later on. Everything else is really spot on
  7. miniamp

    Halo 4 Conan

    I know about that topic, I mean this for only those two subjects specifically not about whatever else Conan did
  8. miniamp

    Halo 4 Conan

    If you didn't watch Conan last night There was roughly a 10 minute part dedicated to Halo 4, where he is going to play a part in the game, There is a part where he watches a part of the Halo 4 campaign, not being able to see it yet, the video is masked over with another one. This did not block out the dialog, these are the direct quotes "When we left the chief last, he was trapped aboard the frozen wreckage of the star-ship. Adrift in an unknown region of space, and coming into orbit around ----" This seems to be the direct intro into the game, as in this comes up as soon as your start the campaign. The other part, is where it shows Conan making crying sounds and put over a spartan IV, the spartan is being shot at by another with a BR, the BR sounds extraordinarily different then the one in the First Look trailer, it sounds as if it has a silencer on it, or something else to muffle the gun shots. What are your opinions on all of this? 1:52 for the dialog 8:53 for the BR This is the Video
  9. Midnight Team Slayer..? New Gametype maybe?
  10. ‎"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and those who have met them in battle. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."

  11. November 6, 2012 is when I completely lose my social life

  12. miniamp

    back to basics

    wait biggs, what happens tomorrow?
  13. for those who listen to dubstep, who's your favorite artist/song (no skrillex-_-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quantum


      ^ Never heard of it.

    3. SuperIntendant


      I hate skrillex too *high five*. Quantum's suggestions are spot on, zeds dead can do some good stuff. You could just search ukf on YouTube and look at their most watched videos for good songs as lots of dubstep artists use them.

    4. miniamp


      SuperIntendent is my favorite member now.

      oh and mine is chrispy, bass invaders and Red Alert, I'm a basshead^_^

  14. newbies, newbies everywhere

    1. Azaxx


      Damn greens and purples, so inferior

  15. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/science/Life-on-Mars-found-but-destroyed-by-mistake/articleshow/12667178.cms
  16. Scientists claim to have found bacteria on Mars!

  17. I was reading an article on MSN.com, and it was saying how scientists were relooking at data from the Voyager missions in 1976, and they were using raw data or somesort like that. They stated that a man mission is now not needed to prove life. They're 99% sure that it's there, they just need to see it move or something What are your opinions? Can anyone help me separate the facts and rumors on this subject?
  18. can this be!? a newbie who actually knows who what he's talking about!? on a serious note, good job on this^_^ you're right on a few but I think it's too early to judge damn near anything for right now
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