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Aztec Asshawk

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Everything posted by Aztec Asshawk

  1. I made this many years ago when my gt was CATZ R00L. It was a..hazzy part of my life. I don't expect you to enjoy this, but, enjoy Kwah!!
  2. Yes! Finally waypoint for android! I'm so relieved, i cant be the only excited about this! Give me a kwah yeah!
  3. Adog, dont forget about my email issue!

  4. good game biggles and gazzy! hopefully we get to play you again, without DMRs :P and on a map that atleast has sticks!

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      You can choose the pistol/ar start if you want Aztec, it is your call!

  5. That looks awesome! Definetely downloading it
  6. Always n forever <3assassinations<3
  7. Kwah Kwah kwah. Ka Kwah ka Kwah Kwah, so Kwah kwah di kwah?? Kwah kwah kwah asap.
  8. playing halo 3, Rumble Pit (Population 29) lolol

  9. I've never used the h3 forge before (sucks compared to reach) and i can't find initial spawns, are there initial spawns? If so, where the Kwah are they??
  10. making a challenge race map only for the play date this saturday. if you wanna play it, you had better show up! :)

  11. i wish i had half the speed of an Asshawk, id be done raking my grandmothers yard by now!

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Quit lolly gagging, back to work.

    2. Aztec Asshawk

      Aztec Asshawk

      I was on a smoke break! XD also, next time you're on xbl can you invite me to a party? I gotta ask you a question and my phone wont let me pm you!

  12. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=7726416&player=Aztec%20Asshawk. nuff' said
  13. I really want in on this! I think a character called the Aztec asshawk would make a sweet villians pet or something i have an idea in my head
  14. my last good controller broke :(( now i have to use one thats four years with buttons that stick...sad kwah

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZB-85


      that stinks.

    3. FIREN4
    4. Archangel Tyrael

      Archangel Tyrael

      Yeah my controller RS sticks and screws me over in DMR vs DMR fights or etc, it won't move sometimes even when i am pushing it to the left (always the left) lol.

  15. Awesome dude. im sure you found it easier than marilo haha. I made another one last night but im not gonna put it up for awhile
  16. just made ANOTHER challenge map. probably wait a few days to put it up :)

  17. If there is an acting slot open I'd like to try that. My skype is: aj.brown38
  18. You didnt find the flag, you just thought the jetpack area was the end im guessing
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