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Aztec Asshawk

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Everything posted by Aztec Asshawk

  1. its just a game...its just a game...ahhhh!!!! kwah kwah KWAH!! yeah, reach is ******** me off tonight haja

  2. I cant upload videos or two maps I have to my fileshare. It says there is no room but, I deleted everything from it that i previously had. Do you have to pay, update or something? Anybody else have this problem?? kwah (sad Kwah)
  3. i wish there was a to automatically avoid eall ******

    1. Aztec Asshawk

      Aztec Asshawk

      Haha i definetely didn't get to finish that sentence. Damn touch screen phones

    2. FIREN4


      Then you should change it to what you really meant

  4. my friend who died seven years ago would have turned 24 today. happy birthday scott, i miss you friend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DaveAtStateFarm



      You will stay in our memories forever. Your Spirit lives on here,

    3. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Was he a Halo fan Aztec?

    4. DaveAtStateFarm
  5. So there's gonna be a 1v1 and 2v2 contest on the forged contest maps this month. who are you partnering up with? I lucked out and got AgentLofi!! KWAH MOTHA***WAH
  6. hook a bro up with some views :)

    1. BraverKING514


      I like the song in the background.

    2. Ash


      Good montage :)

    3. Aztec Asshawk
  7. i just chopped off 14 inches of hair :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      Haha! Who would want that hair!

    3. Aztec Asshawk

      Aztec Asshawk

      Hahaha :) I'm famous, who wouldn't want my ass hair?

    4. ZB-85


      tahts really long hair


  8. I was taught that patience is virtue and I strongly believe that it is. But still, for some reason, I'm an impatient mothah ****ah. Wouldn't have it any other way...unless one day, I learn to be patient :P

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Kwah! Patience is highly over rated if you are indeed impatient.

  9. just finished my map for the contes! it took all day but atleast i got it done early!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx
    3. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Haven't even started on mine yet. :(

    4. Aztec Asshawk

      Aztec Asshawk

      Haha its nothing good. I actually suck at forge. just wouldnt mind the points so that I can change my Gt :)

  10. Is it true you earn credits towards Reach armor after finding all of the skulls and terminals while playing the Combat Evolved campaign?
  11. hey all, i just made a map i want to submit to RT horse. if you have the time, please go to my fileshare and download it. give me some feedback on what can be better. GT: Aztec Asshawk. Map: Geoff is cute. thanks all! KWAH!!!!

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Post a link and add the the Map Room.

  12. It's a tie between stickies and sword
  13. Any advice on how to get this weeks weekly challenge?
  14. What's the big surprise mofo?! Kwah Kwah KWAKAH
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