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Status Replies posted by Anarchy

  1. I've finally found a member that makes Caboose appear to be a genius.

  2. Just realised that my 3 year is coming up in a bit.. I can't believe it's been so long..

  3. Hello, I'm just looking for people to play custom games with in the MCC. I'm hoping to relive the good old Halo 3 days again playing game types like Fat Kid, Cop "n" Robbers and Ghost Busters just to name a few but since all my old Halo 3 or Reach mates aren't around anymore I'm hoping I can meet some new ones on the MCC. So feel free to add me, I'm up for really anything in custom games or match making in any of the Halo games in the MCC.

    1. Anarchy


      I still have yet to get into a multiplayer game so I'd love to play with someone :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I was in a custom game yesterday on Reach and a friend joined, spawned in a Falcon from the campaign (You know, the one where the piolot can shoot) and than left. Should I be scared?

    1. Anarchy


      Apparently he can hack people. And be ebing a person I would like it if I wasnt hacked. I doubt he would though he's a pretty cool guy once you get to know him

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Gone back to Oblivion for now, Skyrim will be awaiting my return...cause the dragons are still eating everyone.

    1. Anarchy


      So.. Are you saying you eating everyone Spyro?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. I recently found some unopened cans Halo 3 Mt.Dew gamefuel in the bottom of my fridge...........

  7. Does anyone know how to download maps after you buy the season pass? I cant find out how >.

  8. Only 24 days. The drive home from bestbuy at midnight is going to be the longest drive of my life.

    1. Anarchy


      :o i didnt realize its only 24 days away!
  9. FerritOfAir wins the Halo 4 Dream Team Giveaway! He will receive a copy of Halo 4 LE for his efforts.

  10. Family goming this weekend, wont be on much.

  11. Now have 100% Achievement progress on Halo: Reach..... again :D

  12. How is everyone doing today?

    1. Anarchy


      Im doing good, leaving for a camping trip soon :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Goodbye Twinreaper. You will be sorely missed ♥

  14. Just bought: Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and Assassin's Creed Revelations today.

  15. Sister's 21st b-day party last night. Now nursing a massive hangover. Won't be talkative today.

    1. Anarchy


      I got my friends 21st b-day party tonight.....

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. 20,000 grains of rice donated ti the forum group :)

    1. Anarchy


      You find the group on freerice.com then click play next to there group name and for every question you get right 10 grains of rice is donated too people around the globe who don't have food

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. 20,000 grains of rice donated ti the forum group :)

    1. Anarchy


      You find the group on freerice.com then click play next to there group name and for every question you get right 10 grains of rice is donated too people around the globe who don't have food

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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