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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. That is one long interveiw! Nice one, i hope to get interviewed sometime
  2. Scary Movie Night with me and my wife, so far we've watched Halloween: Ressurection and The woman in black, pretty dam scary movies if you wanna watch them!

  3. Welcome Back, you didnt miss alot.
  4. Hello and welcome to the forums, have fun
  5. Awesome i cant wait to test out the maps!
  6. Anarchy


    Welcome to the forums!
  7. I would like them back, i always liked the favorites
  8. It's always fun when you cant no scope enemys with a sniper rifle but you can no scope teammates acroos Hemmorage...

  9. Im gonna preorder from Best Buy when i get the chance.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Have fun
  11. Customizable style that onnly appears in Matchmaking WYR have a rocket launcher or a scatter shot?
  12. Have you called someone perhaps Comcast and see what they can do?
  13. The sun is shining, it's a great day to be outside.... but im cleaning so that will have to wait

  14. Well let's see........ pull up a chair up im going to get all of this alien stuff off of my chest This thing about aliens has been going around since i was a kid, i would always here people talking about oh did you here about the UFO sighting yesterday, well let me ask you this, have you ever seen a real UFO or someform of alien life? I didnt think so. Anyways these scientists send a ship up to mars and when it finally lands they say oh that could be an alien, there's water here there must be other life forms. But i think it's just a bunch Bol Poop. Then there are the videos, most of them im pretty sure are photo shopped just to make people scared. Then there's this so called area 51. The keep it super secret because they dont want to "scare" the public, well i really want to walk straight into there with a video camera and a camera crew on live tv and show the whole world what their "hiding" from us. There are some forms of aliens i do believe in such as alien plants or small parasites. Nothing major like some green slimy thing like you see in the movies. If anything like that did exists and had the technolgy such as UFO's and super lasers we would probably all be dead is what im guessing. Ok whats next,,,,,, Oh ya! What is up with these aliens and crop circles, first things first. What is the point of a crop circle.... a symbol? A word? Or are they just that cool to make circles in the middle of a corn field, my parents took me to one when i was 9 and said everyone was there sure enough there was a lot but when i finally get to the front it;s a circle with about a 14 ft radius and other random lines going to no where. I was pretty darn sure someone was trying to make a corn maze. Aliens ubducting cows, why does an alien need a cow, im sure they capture them and get milk from them to back a huge cheesecake or something but people who think that has happened is crazy in my opinion. So this leaves me to the question, do i think aliens are real? I am 99.9 % sure there is no such things as aliens. So im going to say that aliens are NOT real, just a myth that will never be proven true.
  15. I dont think so, but you never know what they might do.....
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