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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Welcome to the forums, have fun
  2. I actually like armor abilites, not all of them but most of them. And there are already has been announced
  3. I already beat the weekly challenge :P

    1. Azaxx


      Too much effort, cant be bothered

    2. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      I can't handle that much firefight


  4. Wow, 1 year is a long time. Good job!
  5. Um, i have no idea, so i tried google....... couldnt find anything
  6. Come back soon, we'll be waiting.
  7. Due to something that nearly brought tears too my eye's i will be able to come back. You see what happened was i owed taxes to the government so i was going to have to give up all of my things which meant i would be audited, but my mom payed nearly 5k for me. so i am back
  8. I cant believe i'm saying this but i am going to have to leave this lovely forum. Things in real life must be taken care of and i need time. So i am saying good bye to all of you members. As a someone once said, " Send me out, with a bang." I will be back, i promise........ -Anarchy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQxTZwsCJvM&feature=plcp
  9. I like both of them, but i still dont get the point......
  10. Problem was fixed early, so i'm back
  11. Well thing's are happening with me and work and i got to take care of it, i should be back by this Saturday, anyways see you guys then BTW i will still be able to participate in the Undead tournament -Anarchy
  12. Lt. Colonel Grade 2 Highest Skill 17
  13. After i saw the campaign gameplay for halo 4 i crapped myself O_O

    1. Quantum


      I think I wet my pants O___O

    2. Azaxx


      I just woke up at 4:23am, a few hours before a school exam o.O

  14. Just got Sony Vega Pro 11 Video editor

    1. ZB-85


      That is very good news for you.

  15. 100,000 total posts!!!!!

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