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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Ugly chick WYR get all of the awards or become a mdoerator?
  2. Welcome to the forums! Have fun
  3. I agree, just leave the lobby
  4. Congratzulations!!!!!! You deserev it
  5. I got minecraft :) already have 8 achivments :P

    1. ZB-85


      Good for you.

    2. Anarchy


      It is good for me :P

  6. Welcome to the forums! Have fun
  7. O_O...... through my mouth..... WYR work for 343 industries and get Halo 4 1 week early or work for bungie and get it half off on the day it comes out?
  8. I got minecraft unfortunatly i didnt get to join any one so far, But my GT is An5rchy
  9. Played 'bout 30 min of minecraft for xbox, i was using my friends profile because i failed to buy this game before the play date arrived.

  10. Name: Anarchy Dream: To become a moderator Member: Everyone but Hotdog8818
  11. I wanna be in one, nice job btw
  12. No, i dont think it ever will either......
  13. Yes Do you like halo reach forge better then H3's?
  14. Welcome to the forums! We have a member name Donut i wonder what he'll do.....
  15. I would make a kamakazi gun where it spawns grunts in random places then when near an enemy blows up. (more of a easter egg gun though)
  16. Hello and welcome to the forums! Have lots of fun
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