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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Congratz Director, you deserve it!
  2. Welcome to the forums! Have fun
  3. Glad you've decided to stay In the future dont let an argument get in the way of you leaving,
  4. To do list: Pre-order Halo 4 limited edition.....Check! Play Halo.........Check! Do chores........... Not check

    1. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      What is this chores you speak of?

    2. Anarchy


      Clean the house, buy food, mow the lawn.

    3. Anarchy


      Clean the house, buy food, mow the lawn.

  5. The new Alpha zombies things sounds awesome, nice find SJ
  6. Long day today, super tired

  7. Hello and welcome to the forums, have fun
  8. I flew a banshee into a wall to save my teamates and got and over kill
  9. Welcome to the forums!
  10. Black ops game modes have been leaked, take a look
  11. If you would like to start a play date send a message to Drizzy_Dan.
  12. If the covenant came to earth we would be screwed, nice list i agree with the order of them
  13. Good night everyone

    1. ZB-85


      Nighty Night Anarchy.

  14. Welcome to the forums........ you're a little bit late Hope you're having fun
  15. The first pic looked cool, especally the map they were playing on. Now we know there are ghosts! The second pic looks like the pistol has something attached to the bottom which i thought was pretty awesome The third pic i think could be the carbine or the storm rifle but i'm leaning more towards it being the storm rifle, i really want to know what it does the 4th picture especally caught my eye. What gun is that. I've heard that there will be a gun called the storm rifle but it dont think that would be it, maybe a target locator... I say the 5th pic was sort of bland in my opinion the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th all sort of revealed new guns armor abilities and other sorts of stuff, nice find!
  16. Like my new sig? credit to Insignia for making it

  17. Me,Donut,GSD and EGYPTIANGHETTO are pretty good when we work as a team

  18. Welcome to the forums and have fun!
  19. Shadowless Magnum The Shadow idk some one above me probably had some better ones
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