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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Hello everyone one and the time has finally come that i've reached 1000 posts! I admit it i did spam a bit to get here. i deserve what ever you will do to me..... Anyways The people i would like thank are..... Bullet Storm: For being nice and a great friend to me Donut: For always playing reach with me, being funny, and a great friend ZB-85: For being friendly to just about everyone Spectral Jester: For being a funnuy guy and a great moderator Vitamin PWN: For being awesome and either my first or second favorite mod Twam: For making the best website that has ever existed! Thanks again for 1k posts -Anarchy
  2. Grif: Up your...... Sarge: What was that? Grif: I mean up your's..
  3. I have a new favorite food, it's burritos
  4. I just thought of a new one and it would be for having 100 likes!
  5. No...... Did you know that Halo is awesome? :
  6. and rockets shooting from their eyes
  7. Anarchy


    Welcome to the foums! Have fun and make sure to read the rules
  8. 0_o Hello Reaper, new account i see.......
  9. Yotube Vid i made, it's a bit laggy but thats becasue my PC is being laggy today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRZYmXZk2tM

  10. I've seen people with 300 dollar master chief costumes at costume partys, but i'm pretty sure you can find some for about 50 somewhere around where you live
  11. Anarchy

    Armor Damage?

    i am unsure on this one because i think with the visor cracking and bullet holes on the armor it might be a little bit weird looking, maybe when you die the visor could crack that would be cool but i'm not 100% on the idea of getting shot or getting a killing spree and getting all damaged looking. So my choice is maybe.
  12. Some of this was covered and some of it wasn't so i say you did a good job on it
  13. Halo 3 for PC would be cool but I don't think it's goin to happen.
  14. I agree, Halo 4 should have a huge blank canvas where you can pretty much do what ever
  15. 20 more posts 'till i reach 1000!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Anarchy
    3. Carts
    4. Anarchy


      15 more posts now, I got to get to 1k when you guys are offline....

  16. I used to but now i dont, it will be it's own game.
  17. Yay i get the summer off and my wife gets to work then :)

  18. Hello and welcome to the forums!!!
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