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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. I thought that looked familiar, though it would be cool if you got to drive those in Halo 4.
  2. Welcome to the forums! The most important rule is to have fun
  3. Hello, Welcome to the forums! Awesome video It was awesome!
  4. Agreed, BTB needs lots of more maps other than the 4 or 5 they have. I'm sure they'll have some more maps out for BTB soon.
  5. That sucks you're leaving, i liked you... anyways you'll be back. I know it...
  6. I agree, the blocked off all of the good camp spots and messed up all of the maps By making them Spooky Base and Uncongealed. I really like the other maps 1,000,000 times better than the new ones.
  7. I think it would be fun but i believe there is already a Reach custom games but Saturday sounds great!
  8. Lol, i like how the word is super long. Fun Fact: Did you know when i first made an account here my username was s3cUr1tYxErRoR?
  9. I live in California near here The bridge is almost 3 miles long with over 8,500 ft. In San Fransisco (which is a safe place) San Fransisco is also near the area where the gold rush started. I will get more up later..
  10. I want in the best mood today until Vitamin PWN came along and changed that :)

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      you want in the best mood? lol i think i know what you're saying and glad i could change it around :)

  11. Is that the Forerunner symbol that you showed Archangel? Because i would think it is.
  12. Exactly Kurt, who knows if they were just kidding and there will be a Legendary Edition. But so far the Limited edition is the best. Click here for some information on the limited edition
  13. I'm not sure if i'm right but i dont even think they've said anything about forge so far. So we 'shall wait until E3!
  14. Getting closer and closer to 1000 posts :)

  15. I am now a Legend, not remotely close to a Mythic....
  16. I heard a rumor that the railgun shot something out kind of like gauss cannon. If it is it would be the bbest gun ever!!!!
  17. Welcome to the Forums, and have lots of fun!
  18. Um, maybe there finger slipped or something...
  19. I believe someone has mentioned this but i think it would look a lot better if the font was changed to something with more... "pazaz."
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