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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Thanks, i usually do firefight doubles which is weird but now i know how to beat it faster
  2. Twam, i too thank you for making this website. I have had lots of fun and i couldn't imagine what i would be doing now if you hadnt made this. Thank you -Anarchy
  3. I think it should be the game of the year, also this should be in the Halo 4 section.
  4. Welcome to the forums, and have fun!
  5. Nice video, i enjoy watching all of these.
  6. this one is a toughie...... i think im would have extreme constapation (explosive diarrhea might blow up my toilet) WYR work for Bungie or 343i
  7. Welcome Arcee!!!! I hope you having lots of fun!
  8. Lol Vita Pwn is chopped liver, i wouldn't mind having chopped liver as my title, actually i want it as my title
  9. Welcome to the forums and have fun!
  10. I think a playdate would be fun though i would have to but minecraft in order to play. how much is it?
  11. 1. What genre of game are you most likely to buy? List from highest to lowest. 1. Shooter 2. Action 3. RPG 4. Action-Adventure 5. Adventure 6. Strategy 7. Simulation Shooter 2. Does the violence in a game affect your decision to buy a game? 1. Very Unimportant 2. Unimportant 3. Neutral 4. Important 5. Very Important Neutral 3. After playing a video game, would it be easier for you to commit a violent act? 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 4. After playing a video game, do you feel it would be easier for you to become more aggressive? 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree Disagree 5. Does the violence in a game affect your decision to play a game? (Do you prefer to play violent games to non-violent games) 1. Very Unimportant 2. Unimportant 3. Neutral 4. Important 5. Very Important 6.Unimportant The violence that is prevalent in our society is due to violent video games? 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree Disagree 7. When you are angry or stressed what genre of video game are you most likely to play? 1. Shooter 2. Action 3. RPG 4. Action-Adventure 5. Adventure 6. Strategy 7. Simulation Shooter 8. 'Minors (below the age of 18) should not be allowed to play violent video games' Do you agree? 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree Disagree 9. Do you think you are born with violence? OR Do you think that you develop violence during your lifetime? I think vilolence comes with your actions that you choose to take If you disagree with the above, please state your opinion and why. 10. In your opinion; Do you feel that playing violent video games develops permanent violent behaviour over time? OR Do you feel it brings out violence that is being suppressed temporarily? I think violent video games dont give you violent behavior If you disagree with the above, please state your opinion and why. 11. 'Violence is part of our life. Not only does it appear in video games but it appears everywhere in our society.' Do you agree with the above statement? 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree Neutral 12. Do you agree that if we were to remove violent video games from our society, that it would make people less aggressive and make life more peaceful? 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Section 2. Please tell me about yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What is your Age:18 2. What is your Gender:Male 3. What is your Occupation: Not Sure??? 4. What is your Education Level:High School Graduate
  12. I think it would be a good idea, i too enjoyed those.
  13. I'll give it a try, messgae me on XBL. Either message An5rchy or Anarchy 343i. (An5rchy is my main account.)
  14. I agree with the no boundries, they can be a pain in the @$$
  15. um have fun trying to kill them, you 'shall perish.
  16. No problem, i was glad to help
  17. Whoa, is Minecraft worth it? Everyone is telling me to get it.
  18. Career milestones are the overall Participation and performance. Every 100 gamerscore you earn from a halo game your milestone increases. Currently there are 297 achivments for the halo games. The more milestone you get the closer you get getting a helmet or attachment on reach. Hope this helps.
  19. Fight Club Why did you bring a stuffed pic to eat?
  20. I like your ideas, espically the should be certain rank sections so you actually play with an even match
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