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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Anarchy


    I've been wearing Recon since the first day i got reach so, Recon
  2. Blue, only because Caboose is on that team and he'll hurt me if i'm not 0_o
  3. Yup Do you like Mountain Dew?
  4. Hi welcome to the forums, what you wanna talk about?
  5. Welcome to the forums, and have fun
  6. As Theorix said this is a fan forum. I'm sure you could find a support number for 343 industries.
  7. I think there should be a create your own wall sort of thing which kind of explains itself.
  8. Apparently i'm low on Vitamins such as the doctor says im low on A and P. Now i have to go on some kind of diet :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      *gives Vitamin P* take one of these and call me in the morning

    3. Azaxx


      When do you start your shift Vit, i think im coming down with a cold.

    4. Anarchy


      Thanks vitamin pwn, maybe if i print out the pic of the award and eat it i will be cured :)

  9. What is Frank O'Conners XBL gamertag?
  10. Anarchy

    The Warthog

    The wart hog is the only vehicle i can drive good in other than the falcon... yay warthog
  11. Very interesting, as Bulletstorm said I hope there will be a customizable setting for a reach button layout and halo 3 button layout
  12. I would be a spartan WYR be a grunt or a spartan midget?
  13. Anarchy


    hello and welcome to the forums, have lots of fun
  14. Just made a new XBL account with the GT Anarchy 343i. I got a one month gold for it

  15. I think a weapon on fire would be cool.
  16. I like the idea but i'm not sure if it would be the best idead in Matchmaking. Custom games and Forge defenitally would be awesome!
  17. First Blood "Help me Obi Wan Kunobi, you're my only hope"
  18. I want to see Pelicans, and an Upgraded form of the Falcon.
  19. Sorry that happened, see you when you come back.
  20. It's a bit laggy and the music isn;t the best but i did it in a rush http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnCDgt9nW6I&feature=plcp

  21. A Energy launcher, launches out enerjys swords, but really fast!
  22. The look like grunts,, just look more like a dinosaur.
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