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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Um i dont know if that would be be the best idea considering some people might get banned
  2. Seeing The Dictator tonight, im excited : )

  3. i hope Time Warner and Bright House do as good as Comcast.
  4. I think it is Onyx What is the last thing you hear Cortana say in the ending of Halo 3 ? (legendary ending)
  5. That sucks :thumbdown: if it was $89 hear in the US i wouldn't have enough money even for the normal edition..
  6. I would say try some swat first, then once you feel confident practice with team snipers until you're comfortable with the sniper rifle.
  7. I see there are lots of elites being assasinated, awesome!
  8. Hooray for 20,000 members
  9. Nice find, if you look at the BR's in the picture you can notice they have differnt colors on them. Probably a skin
  10. We'll miss you Azaxx, come back soon
  11. No problem, i really liked it!
  12. Anarchy


    I feel your pain, my whole team left on me once. Sadly i don't think we can't do anything.
  13. 173 more days until Halo 4 is relleased

  14. I agree halo 3 should but im not so sure about ODST, i think im the only person here who has ODST and hasnt beaten the campaign.....
  15. lol, how is ??? pie an insult?
  16. i've been seing a lot of these lately, if anyone needs campign help ask me. BTW i have all skulls and know all the locations for both terminal and skulls GT An5rchy
  17. Cool, i havent seen that before.
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