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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Welcome to the forums!
  2. Wow, thats amazing. Thanks for the help, this is how i beat in on Legenday alone also, he didn't die.
  3. As Azaxx said, i would only like it for looks. Using it as a weapon is so "not halo."
  4. Anarchy

    eAster eggs

    What about the tribute room.....
  5. Anarchy

    eAster eggs

    Are you serious 0_o It must be some hard to find easter egg then.... It gliched while editing.... it changed it to 2 posts in stead of one....
  6. Welcome to the forums
  7. I had an awesome fall while racing, i was riding and about to get first when another guy is about to pass me up so i jump off my bike and knock him over. I go last and a dislocated wrist but it was worth it :D

  8. Hmmm, a subscription. I'm not sure if thats the best idea.
  9. I actually think it looks fun. If i'm not mistaken i think you get to fly jets and stuff. I'm not actually 100% about the robot thing but we'll see what happens. The robots seem so advanced and hard to kill and i'm pretty sure i saw it was in the year 2025. It would also be neat if you could go inside the robots and play around in them. Also i'm pretty sure they have horses. How does that make sense if there are robots? Horses fighting robots, hmmm, i wonder who would win. But then again it could be some sort of flashback. Who is fighting in this war anyway? Is it Mason....probably not because the last one took place in like 1965. I think the old guy was mason. I just hope it won't turn out like MW3, no offense to anyone who liked it but that game was not very exciting for me. I never eben beat the game, i mean i started the first level then played some matchmaking and survival.
  10. Yup Do you like the number 13?
  11. Do spartans ever eat? They must get Hungrey....
  12. Why is six afraid of seven? Six hasn't been the same since he left Vietnam. Every time he closes his eyes, he's sees Charlie hiding in the darkness of the forest. Not that you could ever see those people, mind you. They were fast and they knew their way around the jungle. He remembers the looks on the boy's faces when they walked into that village and... oh Jesus. He shouldn't think about that now. Sometimes he still hears Tex's slow southern drawl. He remembers the smel...

  13. I have my state testinng to day in my online college thing i'm doing :(

  14. Thats good they fixed some of the bugs, can't wait.
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