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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Welcome to the forums, and a great time!!!
  2. Think about it this way, If HW2 comes out it would delay Halo5/6. Do you know what i think? I think After Halo 6 they should come out with with halo wars 2. Or maybe some kind of marine type of game that focuses on the one of the marines and the life of them.
  3. No way AD everyone on site will greatly miss your presense here. I cant believe it.
  4. Shouldnt you give it to someone who hasnt been in the top 15 or 5 like me!?
  5. Im gonna go with Team Swat Record 32 and 3
  6. I would have a yellow diamond, awarded for doing something amazing
  7. Im going straight to campaign, then check out all of the maps, then matchmaking
  8. yes........ Do you think there should be a Legendary edition of Halo 4?
  9. I just got an iPad 2 for $20!!! I thought it was a lie but i went to http://www.zbiddy.com/ and got one, btw it's 60 cents per bid but some bidding thinngs are free :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anarchy
    3. Azaxx


      Only, looking into it, though i am one to be cautious on the internet :/

    4. Anarchy
  10. Lol, if the grunts acted like that that would be strange but awesome
  11. I've seen lots of people do that on reach, next time i do i will make a video to prove it.
  12. Going to a funeral today for my dad :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      I'm sorry Anarchy.

    3. Haltung


      So sry man ill be praying for you.

    4. PuRe PoNy

      PuRe PoNy

      sorry for your loss, may he find eternal life in heaven.

  13. You should pick me because im on 343i.org everyday, i love the forums and im nice to all members And i've never been in the top 15... PS Minimap=awesome!!
  14. Yup Do you think Halo wars 2 should come out?
  15. lol, that puts a smile to my face
  16. I see reasons they should and shouldnt
  17. It's been a day since my father pasted away and i thought to my self, i have a family to feed, a wife to please so i decided to get off my lazy a** and get back to work. Im gonna try to concentrate on the positive things :) One thing i will remember about him is how much he loved me and how much he loved halo

    1. Azaxx


      He loved you, and always will. Hope you get better

    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      He LOVES you, we love you. If you want to talk about it. we're here.

    3. Anarchy


      thanks, it means a lot : )

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