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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Making my way closer and closer to 500 posts, can't wait!

    1. FIREN4


      I'm getting closer and closer to 2000. :D

    2. Azaxx


      I just passed 1000

    3. ΠΘVΛ


      past half to 100 :D

  2. I was playing Black Jack and i had 2 sixes and i said hit me and another 6 came down D:
  3. Well, it's your choice, if I were you i would just keep it a secret and tell someone when the time is right, or just don't tell anyone. Good Luck
  4. Lol, i just looked at the spoiler, too confusing :guitar:
  5. Must be a yes or no question No Did you fall and bleed in the last hour?
  6. I have been since sometime January 2012
  7. Hi ya there, Welcome to the forums, be sure to read the rules. Have Fun!!!!
  8. They have the Jason Jones cardboard cut out in Halo 3 too
  9. I like the look of that map, i want it!!!!!
  10. Good job, now you have to make your way up to dedicated
  11. Yup Have you ever kissed a girl?
  12. Ya, I hate internet explorer Have you fallen 30 ft before and didn't brake a bone?
  13. When ever i open up my internet browser i have a habit of typing 3 above then clicking on the 343i.org link :P

    1. Iиversiσn


      I always do that. Isn't it just a great Habit? :)


    2. Anarchy
  14. I have no idea, but wouldn't it be AWESOME!!!!!
  15. Welcome to the forums, i know this might seem strange but I think i have seen your name before somewhere, but maybe im wrong, Welcome
  16. I too, have noticed all of the "attacking," And i dont like it :thumbdown:
  17. When suddenly some one very nice
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