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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. The map is fun, it could use a little bit more neatness but other then that great map
  2. I think an Xbox 720 would be cool but hey, you never know....
  3. Well now I will know if I ever what to post a map in the map room
  4. I liked the Halo Reach ranking system though i wish it was a liile bit easier to level up
  5. I think Jenga should be on there somewhere.....
  6. Ya thats a good point but i really dont want it to comeout for the 720 i mean i know a lot of people will be dissapointed and so will i
  7. The maps look cool, but those could have just been fan made drawings of old halo maps and vehicles. But you bever know......
  8. I dont think TU applies to invasion as far as i know though i havent played inasion in a while but I still dont think so.
  9. My XBL should be working soon, i hope......

  10. Dang i remember i used to play those games all the time when i had a playstation 2, i would like to make them for xbox. That would be great!!!!
  11. Well now that i have found out that my friend is will recover I have set my mind back on what i was going to do. Does anyone know where to buy a good wedding ring??? I am going to propose to my gf or future wife but i need a place with good deals. Please help me!!!!!!!!
  12. My friend is fine he will be in recoveery broke a bunch of bones but at least he can move his fingers :)

  13. he was thought to be dead but was still alive in the hospitall righ now

  14. he was thought to be dead but was still alive in the hospitall righ now

  15. Best friend just died D:

  16. Best friend just died D:

  17. Had a job interveiw, did great got the job!!!! :D

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