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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. These are good ideas, I hope they update Reach so they would have Pelicans, that would be awesome!!!
  2. Personally, Halo Wars was a dissapointment to me. All but the cut scenes.
  3. Im sick, have a fever of 102.9, and i dont have Gold..... Nothing could be worse

    1. One


      You could have no internet

    2. SuperIntendant


      Ah, it's a shame you don't have any Gold...

  4. Yes but will there be a Halo 7???
  6. What is your favorite Youtube Video? Post the link and title here!!!
  7. If you play Living Dead, what are your thoughts on the new update with all the maps like Spooky Base, Deadwalk etc. Post your thoughts on Living Dead here!
  8. Yes, Maybe thats the case.
  9. Well we know that Halo 4 will being coming out sometime this December, but will there be a Halo 5? If it was up to me I think they should make a Halo 5. Post your thought below.
  10. Halo 2 remastered would be amazing, and all the remastered Easter Eggs!!!
  11. Need money for xbox live gold...

  12. um what is the point of the forum???
  13. I havent played This game in a while i should play it...
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