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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. As seen on fails of the week i was trying to kill a guy then my teammate killed him, i go over and start tea bagging i shoot my sniper bullet at the floor ricoshets off the ground and i kill myself
  2. Wow, i wish everyone else would be able to play the beta too...
  3. Yes! I got my internet problem fixed with my PC :)

  4. About 3000 was mine, i guess i don't shout a lot
  5. My computer will now only connect to the internet rarely -_-

    1. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      Mine connects well done.

  6. Welcome to the forum's!
  7. Anarchy


    Hello and welcome to the forums!
  8. It sound's fun but my mic doesn't work and i've only been here for 6 month's.
  9. Anarchy


    Hello and welcome to the forum's!
  10. hope your computer get's fixed, see you then
  11. Im laughing so hard i dont have time to say i took an arrow to the knee
  12. Hello I'm going on a trip for 3 week's so i won't be on but i will try to check in every once in a while, see you guy's then! -Anarchy
  13. Welcome to the forums! Have fun
  14. Is the amazing spider man good? Im going to see it tonight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Donut


      Best Spiderman movie ever...of all time.

    3. DaveAtStateFarm


      It's my all time favorite movie.

    4. Quantum


      It's amazing.


  15. I think Carter, i can just relate to him more than the others
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