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Captain Antonio

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Posts posted by Captain Antonio

  1. Lag sucks in any game, even in Reach. The lag isn't a game crippling thing either. It doesn't make the game unbearable or unplayable in the slightest. It stinks when there is some lag and you get killed when perhaps you shouldn't have, but that happens in every other FPS that I can think of.

    In reach the lag last only for second and thats where the flying comes in.And when the lag lost longer that means theres a problem and in MW3 it happens too commonly.
  2. The graphics department is actually better than Reach. MW employs a vast library of textures and shaders...much more than Reach does. Factor in the almost limitless LOD the engine yields compared to Blam! I can go on...but ill spare you all.the novel sized post.

    No they took out more colors in MW3 and when you get killed it looks weird and when you die by an explosion its even weirder you fly like you fell out of a plane.
  3. I enjoy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 quite a bit. Here are my reasons for why I don't think it's a bad game.


    • I have fun when I play it.
    • The game isn't utterly crippled by bugs and glitches that make it unplayable.
    • Its simplicity makes it accessible to a wide audience.

    It's all just opinion, and my opinion is that it's not a bad game, it's a good game. I have fun with it, and I'll continue to play it regardless of what others think.


    Actully theres lag in the game the lag sucks unlike in reach its fun when it lags like when your ghost goes light speed or when your warthog goes flying up.

  4. we don't want to attack other games on here, at all, we are a friendly community, you can say why the game isn't as good as halo or aren't as good as the Other CoDs, don't attack it.


    CoD isn't bad, it just misses essential stuff like Vehicles and stuff, but, its not bad.

    ok mabey i was to rough ill edit that
    • It not good for great reason's just stick to this post. The biggest reason is you can't use vehiacels not even in the campaign your ethier rideing or opening the door or controlling the gun. Another reason is the graphics have bareley changed since Call of Duty 4 MW! Also your health is also a problem if your foot gets mauled by bullets you should be able to live but if you can't handel 4 theres a problem, also its not balenced at all if you just started it will not be fun for you. Also the hit box and your knife isn't right when you lunge your knife at someone even when you missed the body by not much you still get killed and your knife is unreal it could kill you even when stabbed in the foot! And finally the maps almost all of them are areas in the campaign and they said they worked hard for you and the rest ( which isn't many ) are newly generated same thing with Spec Ops and DLC. If you got good reasons why the game dose not suck ( i doubt you do ) i will take this back.


  5. The XBOX 720, will it happen or is it just a rumor, and it probably will happen sinse sony is making the PS4. they really need to make the PS4 because the PS3 ( :thumbdown:) isnt that good so is it nessary for a 720 sure it will have better hardware if it will exist talk about here and please try not to curse.




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