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♠ Spades N AZ ♠

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Posts posted by ♠ Spades N AZ ♠

  1. Sorry guys I have to strongly disagree with alot of these. TU has ruined Halo. If you want to play 3 shot kill, or hind in pansy lock then there is a game for that. It's called COD. As the longest running and highest grossing game of all time why change a good thing. To me it's the ultimate sell-out to be more like the rest. Halo always has been about positioning and accuracy. Other sell-out first person shooter games encourage camping and hiding. BE A SPARTAN! Quit hiding from the fight. Help your team out and double pummel their face;-) It's my opinion and you don't have to like it, just don't try to bash it with an illogical opinion.

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  2. Fire I am new to your forums but emphasize with you more than you know. i lost my father last year and pray that your dad has a speedy recovery. I would not wish that sorrow on my worst enemy. Hopefully this comes across as it is meant but if you ever need to vent or just someone who truly understands where you are coming from then please don't hesitate to send me a message. I have been nicknamed by my group that i belong to as Halos counselor for a reason. I usually have someone with me while I forge needing my help with the trials in life. good luck to you and your father man!

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  3. I made the original first 5 Hogbowls. For those who have not played it I have taken the mundane rocket race to the next level. The basic concept is a league(like griffball) of teams in Hogs. you race to checkpoints while complete destruction and chaos ensues all around you. Depending on what version of my hogbowls you play it is either more slayer based vs. rocket hog race style. Every Hog Bowl map has a few things in common: some sort of Bowl shape, exciting jumps, easy to navigate yet hard to master courses, and obsticles. I realize that this is vauge but come try it out some time. It's a blast!!! From my knowledge there are now 18 Hog Bowls but 1-5 were my originals.

  4. I have millions of $ without anything to buy. I would love to have either more armor options or the ability to customize my own armor in some sort of photoshop type platform. Do you guys remember Top Gear Rally? really not an amazing game but I loved the fact that you could draw your own designs on your car. This of course would have to be limited so that "those people" who like to ruin good things could not mess it up for the rest of us.

  5. I have too many favorites that we play during our custom game nights. But my new favorite is Angry Beaver City because its mine. Check it out and feel free to offer any feedback on it. It's my first race map but it's been averaging about 50 downloads a day without posting it

  6. The idea to randomly join custom games would be amazing. As long as you could choose to include it on the search if you were the one who started the custom game group. i know there are times when we are just "testing" maps and randoms join in and start offering their undesired feedback.

    As far as the ranking system goes I personally like the ranks BUT don't like how you can only go up in rank. Honestly I don't think the ranks even make a difference in Reach because boosters can make themselves an inheritor by playing firefight. Then your stuck with someone who is high ranked but can't hold their own in matchmaking. i say less ranks and harder to achieve your rank and hold your position. People who just use grenades or betray consistently should be deranked.

    Also I would like an accuracy report brought into the game. This would eliminate some of the pray and spray type players from ranking up.

    Bottom line ranks should represent your skill level not the fact that you are unemployed and living in moms basement with time to kill on firefight.

  7. Although i despise the flood and playing against them this concept makes complete sense. I have yet to see Zombie's on Halo but think it would be a great idea worth playing around with to have the ability to be an infected flood. The idea of parasites being able to infect campers is awesome. I hate having to make my custom maps non-campable. If your a camper go play COD. This is Halo and the flood will infest your sorry camper NOOB @$$

  8. I stopped playing Halo after the halo 2 super jumps ruined it. So I missed Halo 3 and ODST. But I do miss the ol school pistol, alien sniper rifle, and other neglected weapons. Not a big fan of the DMR. I like close quarters combat So I wouldn't miss the DMR or BR if they were taken out. Unfortunately, they both have an important role of balance in Halo. Take off the TU update no bloom and add in 3 round burst to the DMR and call it good. Since this is not the place for AA I will hold my tongue and it's a good thing cause I will go off on crappy armorlock....haha

  9. Spades N AZ list for Forge:

    - more round objects please! Really is this too much to ask?

    - trees and bushes

    - ability to break glass

    - more than one type of environment in forge world like swamps, snow, plains, jungles...well you get the point

    - changing the time of day whether morning, noon, or evening

    - ability to change textures on objects. Even if it is only from 5 choices. Why can't we make pieces that look like Zealot vs. the same monotone boring textures

    - ability to cut off parts of pieces or remove part of them. I hate the tabs sticking out of pieces like the decorative covered walkway

    - the ability to highlight and drag a group of objects to a new location. I hate making a map then finding out you are a few feet shy of being able to finish it and having to drag 500 items to a new location :wallbash:

  10. Spades N AZ list for Forge:

    - more round objects please! Really is this too much to ask?

    - trees and bushes

    - ability to break glass

    - more than one type of environment in forge world like swamps, snow, plains, jungles...well you get the point

    - changing the time of day whether morning, noon, or evening

    - ability to change textures on objects. Even if it is only from 5 choices. Why can't we make pieces that look like Zealot vs. the same monotone boring textures

    - ability to cut off parts of pieces or remove part of them. I hate the tabs sticking out of pieces like the decorative covered walkway

  11. breakable glass...absolutely. Time of day.......please. customizable signs......don't see the need. creating your own custom object....cool but I can see a quick downward spiral happening with this much free agency.

    Spades N AZ list for Forge:

    - more round objects please! Really is this too much to ask?

    - trees and bushes

    - more than one type of environment in forge world like swamps, snow, plains, jungles...well you get the point

    - ability to change textures on objects. Even if it is only from 5 choices. Why can't we make pieces that look like Zealot vs. the same monotone boring textures

    - ability to cut off parts of pieces or remove part of them. I hate the tabs sticking out of the decorative covered walkway

  12. My gamertag is Spades N AZ but my friends just call me Spades. I have been recently initiated into new forging communities and have enjoyed this amazing adventure that forging has provided. I will not troll my other communities but if the admins of this one would like to contact them for any reasons just let me know. As far as forging, I have been enjoying the feedback from my fans and if any are on here send me a message. I love to forge and host custom game nights weekly. If you are a LEGIT forger I would love to meet you and see your stuff. If you are a NOOB forger I would love to help you and/or give you advice on your maps. Forge snobs have no place in my friends list. Keep Halo alive!!!

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