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♠ Spades N AZ ♠

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Posts posted by ♠ Spades N AZ ♠

  1. We were having fun in forge one night with a friend who mods. He made the Mantis a guass Mantis and also put the scorpion turret on it's side. Then we made the mongoose fly around like a banshee but shoot inceneration cannon instead of the regular banshe weapons. It was definitly fun to have a guass Mantis but far too overpowered for real matchmaking.

  2. Ok guys, we went and tested this out along with his other Mariokart64 remakes(theres a few of them). Some of them will be featured during Custom Game Night on Fridays Although they brought back good memories, the difficulty level wasn't quit there on some so we are going to do them as battletracks with railguns and sticky detonators. I hope this is ok with you TurbTastistic.

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  3. Hopefully you guys all had a great time last Custom Game Night! With the fileshare up, I knew, that I had to deliver. For those of you who don't know what goes into planning one of these, I spent over 30+ hours last week, searching the fileshare, meeting up with people who submitted to me, and attending my friends customs nights. I play customs almost every night, usually playing 10 maps before I find a good one, in order to try and find these hidden gems. Every game might not be your favorite but it might have been someone in the lobbys favorite.

    I couldn't figure out why I had to send out invites until my Facebook group and online friends blew me up with messages that I read this morning. I was still in my usual offline mode, during CGN, but couldn't back out and leave the group to go change it, whoooops!. We were still somehow able to keep a full lobby, though, and ended with a solid 16 after 5 hours.

    If anyone come across an amazing map will you please send me a message on Xbox Live so that I can unveil it to the community.


    Special thanks to all who came and participated! Last night these supportive gamers came to laugh (not really the jokes were lame), cry (actually no one cried), kill (only pretend), and have tons of fun! Thank you, and I hope to have you join again in the future. In no particular order: Captoenail24, Skummgummigubbe, Braver King514, Absolute Dog, German ShepherD, HOTDOGG8818, Drizzy Dan, Siksilk, AcidicD3lta, Ou7c4st, LucidVivacity, Imakequilts, Drizzy Dan, sikslik7, Wraith2098, a stealth moose, Mtn Dew shbag, Yoshhi1176, AngelWarrior67, Beckoning Zebra1, aDiseasedOcean, Matty81022, dougisjericho, AaronStoneRider, Deceitful Echo, Dirty Juicebox, Demon Blood1, Therealfroboy, DeathKid217, K disk K, pbas23, FeralBunney, CriterOG, Misister OfChoaz, Blaq Cloud, EGDeathstryker, XGCMythology, INVERSION, and EG BulletRacing.

  4. There are a lot of valid points here. I know that I tend to be a giant target for the bean-bag toss champions of Halo. Shouldn't these grenadiers go play a healthy game of Cornhole (American Cornhole Association (ACA))? The thing that I don't get is how come sometimes when a grenade goes off 5 feet from you, you dye. Yet other times they land directly on them and survive? It's never consistent.

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  5. It wouldnt fit, skyrim you go around killing old woman, halo you go on dangerous misssions on another planet fighting enemys. Skyrim has a lot of characters halo has few to put in a world that large theyed be so spread out.


    Halo has 1,000's of possible creatures, enemies and villains ???? It also has multiple solar systems and over 42 planets which have been mentioned. The environments and settings would be limitless. You confuse me, Yoshi, with a lot of your post.


    You obviously haven't heard of Bungie's new project: Destiny.


    It's ultimately just WoW in Space, similar to Star Wars. I'm sure there'll be plenty of Halo ideas, taken from Halo and placed into Destiny. I'm sure you're just so excited to hear this news.


    Thats exactly what Destiny will be like but I agree that it would be cool to have it Halo themed. Halo Wars, ODST, and REACH were all essentially Halo without being complete Halo.


    I had thought of something like that too, it would be pretty awesome


    And this added to the conversation.....how?????? Pointless SPAM


    I would pro-order and play a game like this, to death, if it came. I would love to be able to buy, sale, and find armor and weapons. The ability to go to shops and upgrade your Mark IV armor and create Mark VIII. Buy a warthog and upgrade it's turrets. Buy new tires, armor, shocks, etc. to travel around faster with better protection. Sneak into Forerunner buildings, and take their technology to other villages or towns, so that I could sale them unknown technology. Build and protect my own village, which could slowly be upgraded to a town and then ultimately a city. The list goes on but it get the point. I hope something like this will be done with the Halo theme.

  6. That's like letting the EX, who burned all your pictures together, and stole your dog, back into your life. I suggest therapy to anyone who even tries to reason with this being a good idea. Maybe they should make a forge world that is 10X the size of the original one too!

    • Like 2
  7. I nominate Choot'em! He is truly a Legend. We should add to that Legend by voting him President!


    Second Nom Nom Nomination goes to Spectral Jester. <3

    I stand behind you on both nom nom nominations good sir. Although I MakeQuilts would make a sexy first lady if Absolute Dog were President.....just saying. [fingers crossed] [eyes closed] [knees trembeling] please don't yell at me....please don't yell at me....please don't yell at me SSSMMMAAACCCKKK!!!! :ouch: OUCH, I'm sorry.
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  8. I already posted on this earlier when it was put up on facebook but might as well put it here too. " yes this definitely works and it's the best we have for now. It's a shame we lost such a critical part of forging but still love Halo no matter what." I still don't understand so much compromising and going backward on a game but overall I am very pleased with Halo 4.

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