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♠ Spades N AZ ♠

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Everything posted by ♠ Spades N AZ ♠

  1. I've had several remakes of this submitted to me but this one looks really good. Nice work man!
  2. SuperIntendant I remember seeing your name a lot on these threads when I first joined and then you went MIA. Good to have you back man! Your definitely one of the reasons why this forum has flourished.
  3. It was a pleasure to get to know you better Smokin Shadowz. I look forward to playing with you in one of our playdates.
  4. I would love to run this for custom game night. I'll go check out your fileshare and run some tests on it. Well done!
  5. Well done Sir! These are great looking vehicles. It would be nice if you posted how much each one cost as far as budget.
  6. Quality over quantity. Put some thought behind those post. I see a lot of people trying to achieve a number yet no one ever likes their post because they are empty pointless comments. It's not really a race and doesn't prove anything just to post for the sake of achieving gems next to your name.
  7. The first thing I read this morning. Thanks Urban Bobcat. I have always spent time with people and forge. Actually more time helping then actually forging. But it is refreshing to be able to work with a humble forger who listens and is teachable. You have the creativity, the skills, and the drive. You will gain the experience as you go. What I saw yesterday was an incredible start to something great. I guess since I posted I should thank someone too. I would like to thank Absolute Dog for all the time, devotion, and loss of sanity. He spends countless unpaid hours in making this forum great. It doesn't go unnoticed big doggy.
  8. I have been iconic pink for years. I have no room to offer opinions on good or bad. Even if I try to change my color people give me a hard time. I'm stuck w pink and the character that has been built with the persona.
  9. There's a reason why I wanted to play it with you the first time we met. I love this Spartan Ops mission. Complete chaos combined with vehicular fun
  10. You know guys I see a problem with the responses more than the original question. OutGunned not only took the time to state his personal opinion but took the time to list several supporting facts, which are opinion based, to back up his statement. Instead of the long term members taking the time to "discuss", they are stating their own opinions as though they have more knowledge with only one simple sentence. His post obviously took some time to prepare before making his opinion known. It doesn't matter that you might have a different opinion. But don't devalue your own opinion by stating with a definitive response, without taking your own time to back it up a little. This forum is based on the fact that anyone can share their opinion as long as it is not rude, attacking, vulgar etc. I read a lot of one line phrase responses, usually from the same antagonistic members, which have little to no thought behind it. OutGunned I personally agree with several of your statements, although, I am not going to saying that 343 failed in any way. This is their first attempt at a game and it has a few flaws(ok maybe more than a few), but I support Halo and stand behind the makers with my support. Some of your points, like missing gametypes, are just a repeated story from other Halos. They slowly allow more gametypes as the game progresses. Some gametypes like speedpile were not released until Reach was almost done. So be patient and enjoy what you have for now. Your opinion on armor abilities is shared by many although the younger generation thinks it has been a part of Halo from the beginning. What you said about the forge is all 100% correct in my opinion. You can check my previous post and find that I too have listed these things also. The custom game section has a lot of valid points also. During my Custom Game Nights I have to apologize in advance that the entire party may get crashed and to just rejoin if this happens. That's not right. A lack of options especially with flood is also a huge disappointment. But once again, give it time. Microsoft rushed the release of this unfinished game and changes are being made. In the meantime, we need to all show our support and stand behind 343 for the future of Halo.
  11. The people who try to understand will understand why there is no forge world. Thank you Squally and Ducain for helping others look past an empty wish. It's just not capable of being done. We have huge environments You can make a big team map on every map with creativity and skills. It's not the game but the forger in almost every complaint that I hear about the forging being done wrong.
  12. Thank you for all who joined tonight. HOTDOG8818, Grrayfox47, K Disc K, Needs MoreCubone, Dr. Fat Kid, DougisJericho, HAGSTROMS, ChildofChrist, CapToenail24, SweatyBagels, FatalCrysis, SikSlik7, Darth Human, Pneumonik, Murcielago81, A J Yusi, Calah Rose, Imwithstupid, Sam the Great, Doc Maddness, ou7c45t, Reckless Riley, Rezix333, The GoblinTechie, Absolute Dog, Alzarahn, Jops5, MythicFritz, Wraith2098, and I'm sure I missed a few. You are the reason Halo is alive! I hope to see you more often during game night.
  13. You approach this with a good opinion and some valid points which I can respect. I personally have never needed to be ranked but I do like knowing that I am better than the majority. I know we all have our ideals and I also know that Halo 4 has not reached some of these personal preferences As for me personally, who likes customs and forge, Halo 4 has missed some crucial areas that the community misses and loved. This is not to say, however, that Halo is to the point of no return. Any true Halo fan will not forget that EVERY Halo to date has had to be updated and things have been fixed. Don't be so quick to give up on Halo after a few months. Instead, take a stand and make your voice known. We have the power. We are their source of revenue. Without us buying their game then they have to close shop. Help them by taking the time to give feedback and ultimately you help yourself.
  14. EVERYONE PLEASE READ!!!!!!!! You need to read a thread, the rules, and know what it is all about before posting. Please invest some time to read this again so that you sound informed when commenting. For those too lazy to scroll through all the following post here's a recap. 1. I DON'T TEST ON FRI NIGHTS! That is done every night for the week before. If you have a good map, then submit it to me by putting it on your file share and sending me a message ON XBOX requesting the map be added to the playlist for Custom Game Night. Please value my time enough to only submit a finished product. Also make sure that there are enough spawns for 16 people, whether or not, it is ideal to have 16 on it. I enjoy making the “unknowns” and “unpublished” people without channels or websites get attention so here’s your chance. 2. I DON"T SEND INVITES OUT! If someone would like to join then THEY can take a few seconds to send me an "INV" message on XBOX to Spades N AZ and I will get them in, hopefully if there's room, the following week. But do your part and be on and accept it when it’s sent. I invite the request first before opening the lobby at 6:00. 3. I DON'T ALLOW NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR! This is supposed to be fun. You don't have to like every map or every player, that's ridiculous to ask. But if you don't like a map then keep it to yourself and send me a private message to "end game". I will end any and all games if only 3 messages are sent. When someone starts complaining then the negativity spreads like cancer and spoils the fun for all. Also the forger might be present and positive criticism helps more than complaining. 4. WE ARE ALL EQUALS DURING CGN! If you come in, egotistical, and think that you are so well known that Halo is lucky to have you, then you’re wrong. Everyone, on custom game night will be treated as equals and respect will be shown accordingly. This being said, there are a lot of famous Halo people who join. They are already bombarded with friend request and fan mail and sometimes just want a night to relax. Please allow them to have fun too. If you happen to establish a friendship with them, and play a few times with them, THEN send them a friend request. 5. THERE IS NO RACISM! I do not allow any attacks on gender, sexual preferences, race, religion, age, skills, ETC. I also will not allow any terminology which would be used as such. 6. DO NOT BE MEAN! If you come in and attack any person in the lobby, young or old, male or female, etc. you will get a warning. I don't want to be a part of anyone getting bullied on XBOX. 7. DO NOT OVERPOWER THE MICS! I get it, your excited, having fun, and want to express it. That's perfectly OK. But, please don't be "that person" who talks just to hear themselves talk. People who ramble about nothing get annoying. Make conversation and establish new friendships but we don't need a play by play narrative of what we are perfectly capable of seeing for ourselves. Also please don't have background noise like t.v.'s, personal phone calls, music, etc. 8. DO NOT TROLL! If there are honor rules established then play by them. I will not allow an entire groups night to be ruined by one player’s lack of respect for rules. 9. DO NOT BE MIA or AFK! I will make times for breaks according to the request of the group. If you need a bathroom break, time to grab a drink, smoke a cig, or time for anything else that takes away from the game then let me know. If several are in agreement, then we will take a break. If not, then leave and request to get back in. 10. CHECK YOUR OWN TIME ZONE! CGN starts at 6:00 MST(Arizona no daylight savings). It has for years. Please don’t spam this thread asking me what time that is for you or send me PM’s. It’s pretty simple. Get on Google or your phone and compare the differences. I just don’t have time to compare New York, Australia, Germany, Harvest, Sweden, Indiana, etc. You get the point. 11. DO NOT ASK FOR PARTY LEAD! Look guys ultimately this is for you. I have been to too many lobby’s where that guy has ruined the night with the statement “I have just one more, you guys will love it”. You laugh because you have all heard it. Then the established lobby all quits and the good times end. 12. BE PATIENT AND UNDERSTANDING! I take the time to document everything from who joins to what maps are enjoyed to make it better for you. Also, I try to play a variety of game types including race, flood, slayer, mini-games, etc. If you don’t particularly care for a certain type then just wait for the next. 13. ALL VOICEMAILS WILL BE IGNORED DURING CGN! I just don’t have the time to listen to them all while trying to keep it running smoothly. If I did then you guys would be in the lobby forever between games. 14. PLEASE DON’T BE IN PARTY BUBBLE! If you are then you can’t hear the rules and make it annoying for all. I have only booted one person since Halo 4 so don't get all paranoid of the Custom Nazi. It usually only requires a warning. I just wanted everyone to have it all posted together. Most important rule is to have fun and allow others to have fun!!!!! All are welcomed to join but d-bags will get booted. Come laugh, cry, trash talk, whimper, bark, whatever, but keep it friendly. I hope to see you all there and will try to include as many as possible so that everyone can have fun. BTW BIG NEWS!We are going to now have two lobby’s running soon plus a third dedicated to the Halo group of youth under 20 years old. This is going to benefit both age groups and make it more enjoyable for all.
  15. I just accepted a new job working with NBA, NFL, and MLB players. Couldn't be happier with the pay or the clientele.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      Pretty awesome sir. A change of pace is always nice. You conned them in the interview with armor codes didn't you!?

    4. Zelda


      Thats awesome Spades! :D Hippie would be jealous. :P

  16. This is definitely a fun and challenging race track overall. I ran it for custom game night a few weeks back. My only negative feedback is the inconsistent man cannon( not your fault) and the blind reverse cornering that blocks your camera view. Very well done and I hope you get a lot of attention for it because it's well deserved.
  17. My two favorite friends when it comes to Aesthetics are Diabolical D and Timmypanic
  18. Be aware of the world around you each day. If you see a cool building then add it to the idea box. A cool bridge then add it to the idea box. Google cool architecture. I got lucky and don't have to do this because I have a very creative mind. It just comes but this doesn't work for everyone.
  19. I wish that this post was more readily available to all. This is some really good advice that was well said. Take note and apply what Darkstar 072 (Umbra) has said.
  20. I cus like a sailor on Xbox but refrain from doing so during Custom game night or my posts
  21. IKSSE2113 If you can get Hippie to come join in the you can get me to also come help. Let's do this. Send me a message on Xbox not a inv and I will check it in about 30 minutes.
  22. Good one Sarge but I just might be able to pull off a miracle here. Some of the most popular planets in Halo are Requiem, Earth, Reach, Onyx, Sanghelios, Ghilbalb, Charum, Hakkor, and Harvest. The original UNSC solar system was our current one of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto(which is contraversal but I love Pluto) Another UNSC system was the Epsilon Eridani System which was composed of Reach, Tribute, Beta Gabriel, Circumstance, Tantalus, Epsilon Eridani IV, Epsilon Eridanni B, and Epsilon Eridanni C. There was also the Eridanus system which was compossed of 12 planets but most of these were glassed by the Covy's. Then there is also the San Shyuum Empire which consisted of 14 planets including Charum, Hakkor, Ben Nauk, and Faun Hakkor. But let's not forget the Chi ceti system where Chi Ceti IV was located and the planet where the MJOLNIR armor created. And finally the furthest which is the Epslon Indi System which is where you would find Harvest and four other planets. I don't know about the systems that all the Ugly Covy's are from but I know the planets which are as follows: Sanghelios(home of the Elites), Balaho(home of the grunts), Te ( home of the Hunters), Doisac ( home of the jackels). Other planets that Covy's inhabited as a group are Chu'ut, Metisette, SI Pegasis, Decided Heart, Salia, and Hesiod. Finally the only planet I know that Forrunners inhabited was Ghibalb. I think that's 41 with the list of inhabitants of most of them
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