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Everything posted by anieli

  1. Battle rifles should return along with beam rifles And as for the glitches they wont be added in on purpose however you never know you might get lucky. And I love the idea of a custom play list but it would not work. Perhaps a Join random custom game with the option to set filters like greater than 5 players would be more efficient. Also I don't think the team captains idea wold work either And as for the general matchmaking I would like to see these issues dealt with in Halo 4 as i feel they make reach less fun: People taking constant damage, Armour locking and somehow recharging there shield in Armour lock... I tried you can not do it so why can they? Killing each other at the same time... While it may happen occasionally I have lost count of the times a corpse has pummeled me or shot me... (Particularly noticable on grifball when the other player can hit you way before they should have been able to) Bulltrue should mean you do not then die... It defeats the object. Fix bulltrue and remove sword block. Weapons should not re spawn during black screens. If there is ONE rocket launcher on the map then ONE should stay... I Played a game earlier on boardwalk with 3 people with rockets and it just gets silly. Changing hosts for no obvious reason? Game isnt lagging, nobody quits and yet reach still feels the need to change host. Black screens lasting more than 5 minutes Black screens resetting the timer of the game back to 14 mins or whatever Black screens resulting in the game freezing or kicking everybody to the lobby People sticking you and the sound not playing People miss sticking you and the grenade teleporting onto you (Maybey lag but Halo 3 never did it) Being killed by a Frag grenade with 80% shields. Vehicles being catapulted out of the map for no obvious reason? Committing suicide while assassinating someone Projectiles not detonating after a black screen People assassinating cannot be hit in the back for the showstopper. Why? People being shot Point blank with the shotgun for lowered shields... 4 shots in the spartan laser? no 5 Limit the number of evades a banshee can do Make vehicles stronger When the time comes don't be stingy with the community maps. They are perhaps the most fun and are not updated very often. Make the voting system more intuitive. If nobody votes for a map one round don't have it appear the next round of votes. People hiding behind a rock and you cant see there head or gun yet they can shoot you... if you cant see there head or gun they should not be able to kill you. We can haz flamethrower? Bullets shooting through objects like metal walls... This aint call of duty and this should not happen.
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