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Halo 4 is the biggest disapointment to ever grace the Xbox 360.
VERNLER replied to Baeztoberfest's topic in Halo 4
Yeah I hear ya, but by nature what I'm saying is harsh so if I get banned for having a legitimately harsh opinion of something than so be it. If 343 is going to moderate their forums to that extent than I have no desire whatsoever to be on here lol. It's precisely b/c of the risk of being banned that I make logical, rationally based posts instead of emotional tantrums that will almost always get you banned. You can be harsh in a logical way and imo that shouldn't get you banned. But if they do w/e then lol. -
Halo 4 is the biggest disapointment to ever grace the Xbox 360.
VERNLER replied to Baeztoberfest's topic in Halo 4
I thought I was pretty clear that my post was not intended to start a fight, yet obviously my statements are harsh, I understand that. And I've posted on a million game forums over the last 10 years so just b/c I'm new here on 343, doesn't = me not knowing what the crap I'm doing lol. I think it is an undeniable fact that the credibility/accuracy of a person's opinion of a game is severely lessened if they are bad at it, that's all I was really going for. -
Halo 4 is the biggest disapointment to ever grace the Xbox 360.
VERNLER replied to Baeztoberfest's topic in Halo 4
Baeztoberfest, I completely agree with the title of your post. I have slightly different reasons (I started my own thread) but I agree in essence. I'm sure there are worse games on the 360, but this game is completely and entirely worthless. I'm refering to the multi player b/c Halo has always been about matchmaking. -
Halo 4 is the biggest disapointment to ever grace the Xbox 360.
VERNLER replied to Baeztoberfest's topic in Halo 4
It's not a coincidence that Sierra1117 and Doctorb77 both think well of Halo 4 and were both terrible in Reach. I'm not trying to disparage you both, but I knew you both had negative kd's before I even looked b/c if you are good at Halo and understood it well, you were good in Reach. Both of you hardly played Reach and had negative kd's. Everyone certainly has a right to state their opinion and I'm not trying to disrespect that, but if you were bad at Reach you don't understand how to play Halo well, and consequently don't know how to accurately, objectively assess a Halo game b/c you don't understand how it should and always has worked. For example, if the rules of a major sport were up for change, you wouldn't use the opinion of a bench warmer to form your opinion, you'd ask a pro, b/c they know how the game works b/c they play it well. I'm not a pro and you're not a bench warmer, but the analogy is true nontheless. -
VERNLER started following Tu all playlists , Halo 4 is the biggest disapointment to ever grace the Xbox 360. , I thought reach was the shame of the halo series! and 5 others
Jackanory, what was your k/d in Reach?
From somebody who has played Halo since day 1 and has absolutely loved the game since day 1, been good at it since day 1, this is my take. This will be TLDR but read it anyway =) I absolutely hate the multi player. Way too much like CoD, kill cam (which isn't even close to accurate in H4), nade indicators, perks, custom loadouts, calling in special weapons (ordinances), having to rank up to gain more access to guns, perks, etc. I don't think CoD is a bad game, I just don't enjoy how it plays out. I play Halo b/c I love how it plays compared to CoD. Everyone has the same weapons, weapons spawn at static locations and you have to make sure to control the power weapons, it takes a lot more time to kill someone (and consequently, more skill), you have to hit head shots, you actually have a chance in a 2 v 1 scenario, in this game you die instantly. They took things out of Halo that have always been a part of it, and they added things in that never existed. Weapon spawns have always been a part of Halo. Weapons randomly fall out of the sky in H4? Really? Since when is that cool? Randomness potentially determining the outcome of a game? The other team gets a rocket with 6 rounds in it randomly and you find out the hard way? lol. The fact you can get insane power weapons from your ordinances is ridiculous by yourself. All of a sudden you're getting one shotted across the map by a binary rifle somebody just happened to get 2 seconds ago, really? You don't get scoped out when you get shot so snipers can just sit there and scope in to their hearts content and pick people off, or people just spam their dmr/br. Everyone getting sprint is fine with me, but give us something that tells us when it's used up and when it's ready to go lol. When a teammate dies, there is no indicator as to where he died, you can hardly tell if someone is shooting them or they are shooting someone else. The red X has been a very consistent part of Halo, one of the most common callouts is "one shot on my X", can't do that anymore for whatever reason. They made warthogs sound like freaking dirt bikes, I feel like I'm driving a toy not a beast of a vehicle. Some maps have very little to use to call out or identify. They are so symmetrical or lack any type of unique aspect that you have no way of describing where someone is. And weapon spawns don't exist so you can't use those either, which you have always been able to do in the previous 4 games. The menu interface is completely stupid, if you're the party leader you can't even tell who is in your party, you have to go to another menu to keep track of who is there. When you look at what your friends are playing it won't tell you the playlist they're playing or how long the game has left in it, or the score. You have to back your party out the second a match gets over or your stuck playing the same thing against the same people. For all of this, I do like various aspects of the game. I like how they nerfed the overpowered vehicles from Reach - banshee, gauss hog, scorpion, and wraith. The amount of armor is awesome, I love that. The insane amount of commendations is great, I love that too. I love how they made the forerunners as enemies. The big guys that disintegrate when you kill them is awesome lol. The assassinations are fricking epic. I enjoyed the campaign overall. The cut scene videos are awesome looking, and the landscape is very cool looking as well. Overall, I've never been so pumped for a game and I feel like 343 completely murdered it. Like Mario 2 for NES (which was never intended to be a part of the Mario series) so to is H4, it's simply not Halo, period. And for the record, everyone I played with in Reach, who had a 2.0, 3.0 kd or higher in Reach and H3, agree with me.
For anyone who has any assemblance of skill whatsoever with FPS games or video games in general, it's as much hilarious as it is painful to watch hahaha
In reference to bleed through and the common complaints against my opinion that it needs to be reduced - The people who say they like the bleed through because it solved the double melee problem don't realize that all bleed through did was fix a problem and by doing so making a worse problem. Yes people don't double melee nearly as much but you know what every scrub with an AR does? They shoot you for .2 seconds and melee you, there is no way in hell that you can get off 3 dmr rounds AND a melee in the time it takes for them to fire 5 AR rounds and melee you. It also only takes THREE needles from the needler to make you one shot for a melee. That to me is completely ridiculous, after 5 rounds from the AR, 3 from the needler you're at like what 75% shields? So please tell me how ONE melee can eat through 75% shields and ALL of your health, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I wouldn't have a problem at all for melees killing you when you have low shields, I think that WOULD be a good thing because to me that's more in line with how shields should work, but 75% shields and ALL your health in one melee is just completely ridiculous. I also would like to know what the skill level and overall k'd is of people who like the bleed through, because from every single person who has a decent k'd (i.e. +30k, 2.0, or better) absolutely HATES the bleed through. Nearly every single time I see somebody's ToD as melee, they have an absolutely terrible, or at least negative k/d. Point is - yes bleed through solved the double melee problem to a large extent, however all it did was make melees worse because now it's even easier for scrubs with no DMR skills whatsoever to kill a highly skilled person in 1 second. I absolutely love everything else about the TU but the bleed through is the most garbage idea anyone has ever come up with, period.
Ok the people who say they like the bleed through because it solved the double melee problem don't realize that all bleed through did was fix a problem and by doing so making a worse problem. Yes people don't double melee nearly as much but you know what every scrub with an AR does? They shoot you for .2 seconds and melee you, there is no way in hell that you can get off 3 dmr rounds AND a melee in the time it takes for them to fire 5 AR rounds and melee you. It also only takes THREE needles from the needler to make you one shot for a melee. That to me is completely ridiculous, after 5 rounds from the AR, 3 from the needler you're at like what 75% shields? So please tell me how ONE melee can eat through 75% shields and ALL of your health, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I wouldn't have a problem at all for melees killing you when you have low shields, I think that WOULD be a good thing because to me that's more in line with how shields should work, but 75% shields and ALL your health in one melee is just completely ridiculous. I also would like to know what the skill level and overall k'd is of people who like the bleed through, because from every single person who has a decent k'd (i.e. +30k, 2.0, or better) absolutely HATES the bleed through. Nearly every single time I see somebody's ToD as melee, they have an absolutely terrible, or at least negative k/d. Point is - yes bleed through solved the double melee problem to a large extent, however all it did was make melees worse because now it's even easier for scrubs with no DMR skills whatsoever to kill a highly skilled person in 1 second. I absolutely love everything else about the TU but the bleed through is the most garbage idea anyone has ever come up with, period.
- 14 replies
- title update TU
- melee nerf
(and 1 more)
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Also, every single playlist and gametype requires you to pay attention to your radar, and with the exception of halo ball, killing players is always possible and important to whether you win or lose. There is no reason this one gametype should allow people to totally ignore their radar, it doesn't make any sense, people play the game to kill and score goals or both. Stop listening to 10 year olds who are bad at the game anyway and if they really got their way, it would only take one melee hit to kill you because they are that bad in general.
Well this is the thing in regards to the "problem" of people disregarding the game. There are a TON of gametypes out there where people do this exact same thing: Invasion, Big Team, Multi Team, Team Objective, Grifball. I realize there isn't really a way to regulate or somehow not allow people to abuse these playlists as the majority of every high rank play these playlists to boost k/d, or ***** commendations. As far as people complaining that it ruins the game type, the fact that you can't assassinate or beat down makes it completely impossible to not allow someone from hitting the ball whether you want to kill them quickly as a defensive or offensive move. I have played hockey for the sake of winning the game without any regard for how much I die and really only trying to score. However, since kids can completely ignore anybody behind them, they can just run around hitting the ball constantly. You have to get hit at least 3 times square on with the hammer to die, most times a lot more than that because your hammer swings cancel each others out to a degree. The games go on forever because no one can score because people can go around just hammering away at the ball without any concern for being killed quickly unless all 4 teammates concentrate on one person which is nearly impossible to do for a lot of reasons. I'm pretty sure I've addressed any alleged "problems" with having assassinations in hockey, nobody wants to play it anymore because it takes forever and you can't kill anyone. Put assassinations back in please, it will make it better and people will actually play it again. p.s. I'm assuming 343 has the power and capability of changing the gametype back to its original play style even though Bungie was the one who changed it originally?
Would you pay for DLC that added new ranks, armor and armor effects?
VERNLER replied to PIGZILLA71's topic in Halo Reach
As an inheritor I personally would love new ranks, new armor and new armor effects, but I would like a couple new GOOD MM maps if I'm going to pay for it. -
The statement "timing your melee to block the sword takes skill" is complete garbage. All you have to do is melee at any point during the sword lunge and it will block it every time. I've seen kids with -10k KDs block my sword lunges every time. It doesn't take skill whatsoever. It also puts the person with the sword at a disadvantage because they then become one shot so all the person has to do is headshot them and that's it. Also if there is anyone else around they can just melee the sword person after their teammate blocks it and the sword person is dead instantly. It was totally the best decision to take out sword block, it was the most annoying thing on the planet. There are far more skillful ways to avoid getting killed with the sword than by "timing" *sarcastic* your melee. Be smart with your radar, well placed grenades, accurate DMR, and just plain controlling it by yourself or with your team. All these take far more skill and strategy than sword blocking, any scrub with a negative 4 digit KD can melee block the sword.
Would love a TU Team Slayer playlist, I can't stand playing without the TU in slayer. I used to play TS all the time, but now since most playlists are TU, I will nvr play slayer w/o the TU.
It would be cool if melees and assassinations were put back into hockey. It makes the game a lot more fun. For people who complain it ruins the game, killing is a part of every game regardless of the objective. You have to pay attention to your radar in every game type. Why should you not allow assassinations just b/c little cry baby try hards want to hit the golf ball into the goal and not pay attention to anything else? What other game type does this? Answer - none. I actually find it incredibly more annoying to get constantly ARed from across the map than I do getting assassinated a lot. Just b/c little kids complain about getting assassinated doesn't mean you should give in to them. I guarantee you, you would see a vast increase in players in the AS playlist if you could assassinate in hockey. It's just more fun, who doesn't like animating people? Who doesn't like ninja'ing people? When hockey lost assassinations and beat downs, action sack went to complete crap because that was the most fun gametype. Reinstate it please, it's more fun with assassinations.