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Everything posted by McChicken343

  1. I have haunted helmet but its honestly not that special. It looks retarded.
  2. Contrary to what that mystic person said, you have the right to quit, its just looked down upon you.
  3. You wouldn't want to shoot a man while he's floating down? Or shoot his parachute and watch him fall?
  4. In matchmaking let us play as hunters, monitors, even prophets.
  5. So instead of having ranked mmatch for people who care about skill and rank, and social for those who don't, it should entirely be ranked? Good idea. Screw those other people they can go play cod.
  6. That's just you. These are good ideas that can really make halo more fun. Imagine not dying when you fall in water. Have underwatee gun fights and even dive off a cliff. Imagine slowly floating thhrough forgeworld and shooting a man while he floats too. Or shoot his parachute and make him fall
  7. What if 343 is lying to us and there is no H4
  8. I hate when he gives us reveal dates. They're always wrong. Where does he get these tips anyway. He should stop listening to whoever it is
  9. Who me? Who wouldn't want this? This game supposed to be about fun anyway. This sounds fun..
  10. Let us view file shares before a game starts. I hate how I can't do this. Because when the game ends, everyone leaves and I missed their content.
  11. This is most likely true, but its also kinda humorous. The rumor is that the "Holiday 2012" at the end of the teaser trailer meant that's when we'll see an actual gameplay trailer lol.
  12. What I would like in Halo 4 are fun items. Like let us wear cowboy hats, Dr seuss hats, katana, Hayabusa, dead space helmet, jango fett helmet, panda suit, boxing gloves, etc. Let us play as brutes too.
  13. You know what. I hate halo4follower. he always wrong. Don't know why everyone likes him.
  14. Halo 4 needs to have sprint and armor lock. Sprint speed increased to 300% by default because it still takes too long to get anywhere. Master Chief needs to be able to swim. Like if you go into water it gets into swim mode and you can dive underwater and have swimming competitions and battles. There should be a feature where you parachute to the ground if you fall from high place and you can fight in the air while floating down. Be able to spawn and pilot frigate in forge. Remove the ghost and replace it with a hoverbike that goes 10x faster and shoots rapid fire bolts. Give us melee weapons like in TF2, bats and shovels. Swing bat at someone while driving lol! So fun. Oh and add gore. Like, make the chief explode when he gets stuck n make body parts fly.
  15. Hi there I'm a big Halo fan and I can't wait to discuss the epic that is Halo 4 . I really want to strive to make this game good and the most fun on yet! How you doing?
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