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Everything posted by Charlemagne

  1. Why are you even posting this?
  2. The Battle Rifle is most certainly weaker than the Light Rifle and DMR, I have no idea what all this rage is about.
  3. For real yo. That's like the only thing that it missing still.
  4. The boltshot should not be a loadout weapon. It is fine to exist but spawning with an instant kill weapon detracts from the fun for other players. I have not yet reduced myself to purchasing it.
  5. The nerfed boltshot is glorious. Its reduced instant kill range was instantly noticed and has made it far less overpowered. Now getting instant killed by it doesn't happen nearly as often, and I can defeat people who attempt to one-shot me more often.
  6. You do not have to read the books to understand the game. The Librarian told you there was a war between humans and forerunners. That's all there is to it. If you can't understand that message, its not the Halo books you need to read. I don't understand why there are so many people complaining about this.
  7. Charlemagne

    Bad Writing

    Reading the books is not a prerequisite from the game. You understand that there was a war between humans and forerunners, and that the forerunner is now your enemy. that is all you need to know for the game. Clearly, you understood that there was a human-forerunenr war, so I don't see the problem. The books merely act as backstory for the interested party. they are certainly not necessary to understand the game, and really have nothing to do with it. although some of the characters from the game appear in the books, these stories have almost no relevance to halo 4. The Halo universe has always been a mysterious place. We have never truly understood introduced concepts until later games. Why is it so bad that the human-forerunner war is mysterious to you? Mystery is what drives this franchise.
  8. The Hammer was with a bunch of other various weapons. I believe the Forerunner Faction collected weapons from the other races as samples of their weaponry. Certainly there was one gravity hammer sitting around somewhere.
  9. Cool easter egg. not really any depth to it though.
  10. The Titanic was a result of inattention This can hardly be compared to Del Rio's or the Master Chief's decisions. Also, disobeying a superior officer does not mean you are ethically wrong.
  11. Regardless of any sense it is necessary for sci-fi to make sense. It doesn't make any sense for anyone in Star Wars to speak English either, but this doesn't detract from the experience.
  12. On number 6, Cortana comes into the physical world all the time as a hologram, how is this any different? Also, why do you need a cliffhanger for Halo 5?
  13. Charlemagne


    There is no way she would ever defect her entire existence is about protecting humanity.
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