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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I had a question concerning the length of a ban I currently have on. Me and my partner set up a full game so no one else could join, him and his 3 guests and me with my three guests. In these matches, we went for earning some of the more annoying achievements for online that would have been luck/over time based. I'm not surprised by this ban. I remember I believe Bungie not having too much of a problem with this as long as no one who legit was trying to play was being bothered, but with switching companies, I didn't know the new standing on the rule. My question is this: After maybe a day or so, my partner's ban on credits lifted, allowing him to play and gain like normal. Several days have passed and mine still remains, yet we were together doing this the whole time and both doing the same actions. I'm not aware of ever getting any bans or warnings or anything before in Reach, since I generally never quit and this is the 1st time in here that I've boosted (online, offline did campaign boosting, but no hacking of any sorts). So why an extra amount of time on my ban? Thanks for your time. GT:ShadowKnight4 Partners GT (just in case of any verification needed): I AM WAR 3485
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