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A hil

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Everything posted by A hil

  1. also u are able to join my clan if u are intrested and you can join whenever u want but u have to try out to represent us in the tournement
  2. Maximum of 16 clan members enter for each clan. Each clan gets to pick one map they will play their games on if they are the "Home Team". This map must follow these guidelines; takes up much of forge world is a custom made btb map, (or u can choose an already existant map) no spartan lasers(in a class or map) no scorpians no classes with snipers one sniper on the ground for each team with only 4 bullets in it no gauss wart hogs one or no warthogs for each team one life 5 different classes to choose from 10 rounds triple elimination, lose 3 games and your out *FREE TO ENTER, just for FUN no cheating, cheating results in automatic elimination once we get down to the final 4 teams we will seed it based on how well they did in the triple elimination round. the final round will best 2 out of 3 clan battles, 10 rounds each, single elimination. winner ges a congradulatory post on this website, and fame in the halo world. any clan may enter but fist u must meet with me (gamertag: A hil13) to make sure u understand all rules above. i may post new info about this on this page, about any new rules or how many spots are left. this will take place over the courseof the next few months. see u soon!
  3. btw, if youre good at anything at all in halo reach, we will find a way to put u in a good position of authority. also, if u join now, u have a better chance of being a higher rank since we have low membership
  4. you can still join even tho thhe first tryouts are over- and don't worry, i no on the website theres lik5 members but like 10 more just didnt join yet
  5. this new clan for halo reach, TNX is having a small tryout for the clan feb 11 at 5 oclock pm, eastern standard time. you dont have to be good though. my gamertag is A hil13 and my partner is jared starkille. we have mostly members from 14-15 years old. our website is http://tnxhaloclan.webs.com/ make an account on there and send me a message and/or frend request or jared starkille. read the main parts of the website and on saturday is when the first tryouts will begin. there will be more but im not guarentteeing there will be more. so join fast!
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