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Everything posted by DR4G0NS F1R3

  1. Oh and post your gamer tag if you want me to add you D F1R3
  2. Did I mention that we are 7th in the top 10 halo reach clans?? And I'm sorry to those who I haven't added yet, I don't check 343 as often as I should. D F1R3
  3. This is for the Joker Clan in regards to clan battles and recruiting. We have 122 clanmates and are always looking for more. Most of us are on during the weekends and we are always looking to battle. We usually get together and play custom games or play some BTB.
  4. Personally I would like to see a real military ranking system. It truly doesnt matter to me but hey why not have a real navy ranking system
  5. To add on to my previous post there should be a human ship and a covenant ship, the goal is to take out specific parts of the ship (engines, bridge, shielding, etc. And not only can you fly around and take down enemy ships, you can man the turrets and board the enemy ship.
  6. There should be space battles in matchmaking, similar to Reach's Long Night of Solace mission. That would be insane!!
  7. I forgot to mention what I would like in it. SPACE BATTLES, Forerunners, and map editor.
  8. Personally I think 343 is capable of making halo wars 2 by themselves. I mean they have the data from halo wars.
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