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Everything posted by Redemption1272

  1. your pretty dumb to be actually saying that when everyone knows there is huge framerate issues on halo reach right now. It doesn't really matter how big the world of skyrim is, what matters is how much memory information it actually processes through the Xbox and at the moment the XBOX 360 cannot process the information fast enough during gameplay. Ask yourself this, would you want a more enjoyable game or do you want it to be a single disc and the game to suck. it is a fair trade to double up on the discs, Battlefield 3 did it and the gameplay and graphics are amazing. Understand what you are saying before you say it when you have little knowledge of how the games work.
  2. As for most past ideas I think one of the true problems of forge is, Framerate. I will not joke I believe this was sloppy handy-work, as a game developer this should have been tested for very thoroughly by the bungie team. We all know this and the very heart of MLG has shot down some extremely creative forgers. Me being one of those forgers, spawning is also a HUGE issue. Why in god's name do I see in many gameplay videos people spawning right in front of other people? It is a question that puzzles all forgers to this day. So after much respawning discussion, I believe the easiest solution to the problem is letting respawn zones be affected by player influence. Why? because then respawn zones can be positioned to accomidate line of sight and as such effectively eliminate SPAWN KILLING. Spawning with your enemy looking straight at you has been the most irritating mechanic in multiplayer, and as much as bungie has tried to prevent it, it still happens on a daily basis. I also believe that the judgment system for maps that get on matchmaking is absurd, I have seen literally thousands of maps and a few hundered that still blow my mind in creativity. What we need is real judges, forgers who make maps day in day out and do a fantastic job. As for forge, many pieces definately could use an overhaul, one in particular would be the wall single and the wall double. Those peices do not match any of the textures of the other peices and become an eyesore on the map. 3x1 thins and 5x1 tall and thin are by far one of the most appaulling peices in forge, one of the peices causes framerate while they look like Oreo cookies. Also, the 4x4 and 5x5 textures also need an overhaul. A lot less than the others but they still need one all the same, the peices need to be 4 sided symmetrical to accomidate change in floor direction, so then it would not look as sloppy in its place. For blocks, try to avoid glass and actually aim to make pieces that similar of the new peices in the anniversary map pack. Glass should also not need 18 textures, i mean its just flatout not needed. It does not look decent at all and feels like bungie just tried to add as much as they could. For decorative pieces, I would say these pieces should be pieces that are more framerate heavy and some should be farily large. Round glass 4x4 would be nice and useful, as many people have tried to do this but failed due to framerate. railings should be a piece in the wall, door, window sector. Also eliminate the lights on railings, that way they can be used more. Also, allow better colour inicators on each peice so people can color code a map better for call out purposes. Now, above all else to accomidate halo, double up on the discs. Honest to god if you put multiplayer / forge on a seperate disc, most of your framerate issues will be solved. Or just put forge on a seperate disc, it will most likely solve most problems you have now. I also would reccommend for when saving maps, it would convert the map's objects into a single object so then there will be no framrate because it isn't loading too much information in one display screen. Thats my feedback, I believe most of these requests on this tread are over-zealous and honestly not needed. It would be nice though if we could have maps with all different peices, it is possible without major problems. For the love of god test your game THOROUGHLY! I don't care how long it takes just make it worth my 60$, I know hundreds of people who think halo reach is a terrible game! That population is increasing, so do it right and really think with your head and not your wallet!
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