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  1. so far from what ive seen in this new update, not much actually changes, i have noticed reticle blooms less, which isnt as bad since its only a minor reduction, the only thing that i dont like is the "old style" pistol. i think they should leave the original halo pistol in the aneversary playlist, but dont impliment it into the other gametypes simply because of how the damage is.
  2. I will have to agree with the original post, 343 needs to stop messing with the game. the way i see it, it is being turned back into a mixture of halos 2 & 3. which is simply a bad idea to go back to an old way of playing. it is a NEW game therefore it shouldn't be changed back. the ones who actually like the old way of playing, simply go back to the old games, allow the ones who actually like the new way to enjoy the new game, it is simply stupid to screw up reach for the previous game fans. the way i see it, 343 is gunna go right ahead with the stupid update and change the game completely ruining it for alot of people, what i think is that they need to go create a different set of playlists all together, call them the Title Update for all gametypes, and another spot for the rest where they arnt ruined by bleed, reticle bloom, "old pistol" and all the other dumb changes. The only change that i see that is good from what they are screwing up is on lockdown.
  3. I have to say, do not reduce/remove redicle bloom. it is what made reach the way it is, and as for the bleed through, remove that since again, remove a shield then kill is what fixed the assault rifle/punch combo crap.
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