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Everything posted by Destroyaaa

  1. Wait first you say 343i confirmed its a mix of Reach and Halo 3 and then you say this is merely your idea? This idea has been tossed around by myself and others for months. Not trying to be a bad guy here but where is the proof that the ranking system is a mix?
  2. Your right, its just not convenient for me haha
  3. I have an issue with how games are released. The game series that I play are Halo, Call of duty (for zombies mostly), Assassin's Creed, GTA, a little Gears of War, and Madden. Excluding Gears of war which I dont even have the 3rd game yet, all of the other games are set to be released from August-December, which presents a problem in terms of purchasing as well as time to play them to the full extent. Madden always comes out in August due to the NFL season starting in September, which obviously makes sense. Halo has always come out in September, now November for Halo 4, fine. Assassins Creed moved their release date to October, which was smart. COD is coming out in November. GTA is rumored to come out in December. Thats $300 I am eventually going to spend on these games. I understand they are trying to compete against each other, but wouldnt it make more sense to release a game at a time like this, where absolutely nothing is going on in the video game world? Its going to take a real long time for me to play these games as much as I'd like.
  4. Destroyaaa


    If this is going to be included, make it an option to see it, rather than always showing it. For example it will say, "Press x to view the killcam" while you are respawning.
  5. Do you think in the future we will be able to create an alternate reality such as dream sharing in Inception or the Matrix? This could be useful as well as a blast to share a dream with some friends and rob a bank or something haha.
  6. I heard rumors of portable microsoft system. Maybe they can make a smaller halo game for that.
  7. I use a flash drive but how can you save things in reach? It still doesnt let me.
  8. It was funny how he described their faces when he said they recognized them. They just dont expect to be recognized haha
  9. This is off topic, but I once met a guy who goes to school 2 minutes away from me and another who lives 5 minutes away, just from being friends with people I know on xbox live who are nowhere near me.
  10. The dark knight is very good, but it is overrated. Inception on the other hand, just started world war 3 for me!!
  11. I wouldnt call that easy hahaha but yes the chances are increased exponentially
  12. 1. Inception 2. The Matrix series 3. The Bourne series 4. The Longest Yard 5. Superbad 6. The Departed 7. Any Given Sunday 8. Avatar 9. Training Day 10. Coach Carter Honorable mentions: The Town, The Hangover, Blood Diamond, National Treasure, Fast and furious series, Inside man, Wall Street, Gangs of New york, Not another teen movie, Funny people, S.W.A.T, Eagle eye, Top 3 are in order
  13. I went to a LAN by my house and played a guy who had one arm. His GT is Teh Bawney, and I have played him in halo 2 as well as halo 3 on xbox live. He has videos on youtube of how he plays. Basically he uses the "spider" technique and uses the side of his body to move the left joystick and the rest of the buttons with his right hand. He is very good.
  14. Funny story so last weekend I was talking to a friend about video games and then something came up about halo and another friend of mine joined in on the conversation, saying he played a bunch of MLG in halo 3, which I did to so we then had a long conversation. He told me a story of how he goes to Delaware every summer and he ran into Elamitewarrior and Strongside in a random pizza shop. He went up to them and they were starstruck about being recognizable faces from the pro circuit. He then went over to their house and LANed for the day.
  15. Yeah maybe I shoulda went a little further with that. I dont mind the DMR just not as a starting weapon. Throw 2 of them on the map and im okay with that. The DMR decreases the size of the map. Sanctuary in halo 2 with BR's vs Reach with DMRs is a completely different game. I kill people just standing in my base with a DMR and as much fun as that is, it shouldnt be that way. It would add a completely new and I think exciting element to MLG. Also add on to my first post, we need a competitive ranking system otherwise noone will even play halo 4, let alone MLG.
  16. Yeah but its going to be redesigned if this is true, so maybe it wont be too bad
  17. 1. Take maps that everyone liked in the past and work off of that formula. ex. Midship was an easy to understand, smaller, fast paced map. ex. The pit was larger, also easy to understand, and required a great deal of teammwork and map control bad example IMO- Zealot. Zealot is a map with difficult call outs, lifts in the middle that seemingly take you wherever you want, and no high ground places to control the map. I just feel like I never know where I am and its a madhouse whenever I play that map. 2. BR... nothing else to say there 3. Look obviously the button combos/double shotting were glitches and as much as those brought extra speed and competitiveness to the game, they cannot be in halo 4. The reason I think halo 2 did better than halo 3 in terms of MLG was because of those glitches as well as the speed of the game. Halo 2 played faster than halo 3, and I'd like to see that back in halo 4. (as they have already said they are doing) Individually you could take over a game in halo 2, halo 3 was much more difficult to do so. 4. No armor abilities to start with or on the map. 5. Bring oddball back! 6. MLG playlist. 7. MLG FFA playlist!!!! I think theyll get it right this game
  18. I voted yes but there needs to be some set rules here. This cannot be in ranked games and should only be in social playlists (if they do organize the playlists like this). Other than that yes it is a good idea.
  19. Communicating with 3 other people is a task imagine trying to organize 7 other players? Sounds like a madhouse but itll be real fun as well
  20. Funny how people were talking about how they should make this, and there it is
  21. I am at work right now so a lot of the sites im trying to confirm this with are blocked, but apparantly black ops 2 is going to feature an 8 player zombies mode, as well as a 4 player classic zombies mode with the original characters. Basically the zombie team was given the engine to support 8 players although it hasnt been specified that it will be used to its capacity. Im getting my info from here http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=21489
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