Haha sorry about the truck/jeep thing I didn't really know what it was that you win. I played him and Elamitewarrior in Halo 2 challenge in the same game. (H2Challenge was a FFA playlists bungie put out for I think 2 weeks where the top 8 ranked players would then compete in a final FFA for an xbox 360 and other prizes) We played Rumble Snipers on Burial mounds ( I was very good at team snipers back then because it was so much fun and we had sort of a sniper community that pretty much everyone knew eachother ranked 40+) and I actually came in 3rd, some random guy game in 1st, Elamite in 2nd, and StrongSide in 4th. I used to have all the links to games I wanted to remember, but just for you I went in and fished this one up
He changed his name to Technicity